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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. But you have children with your husband, right? So you'd deprive them of a family that lives together, because of past... and unknown children? I'm thinking that surely you'd reconsider if that happened :(
  2. Roadhouse Grill Tri-Tip ;) It's incredible... then Sweet Potato Fries and some dessert!! :)
  3. Have you gone on a long walk at the park? I'd take her on a long walk with a bottle of water and little bowl in case she gets hot. She should be able to walk for quite a while... (2 or 3 miles) Not on hot pavement, of course.... Just a thought :) Remember your bags.... When she starts you can say, "Go pee-pee" or whatever. It's nice to have your dog know that you want them to try :) I can say "Go pee-pee" before I leave my pup at home and like knowing that he won't urgently need to go while I'm gone. Also, usually when a dog gets nervous or runs, it makes them have to "go".... so walking for a couple of miles should take care of everything.... :)
  4. I'm betting that the meal isn't worth the $$$. I would prefer to purchase food for the freezer or something. Can you take your own lunch? I mean.... even a burrito from Baja Fresh is around $6.75. (And I like those better than any food I had on campus.)
  5. Hilarious!! Your cat doesn't seem worried! Is this a "wild" snake?
  6. I will be.... 51yrs old!! Wow.... but 20 isn't what I'm waiting for... I'm thinking when he's 14 yrs old it'll be much easier... and 18 yrs old will be easier still!! When he's making even more life decisions at 20-24... those years might even be harder!!!
  7. :( So scary!! Hoping everything just works out easy for all of you!!
  8. Oh fun!! Glad he liked it. If he wants... some people send in pics which are uploaded to the site... (Pics of the child and knife) :)
  9. How hard a life to be then lost by drowning :( Very sad.... He sounds like he had much to offer the world! :(
  10. That's great!! :) Happy she's safely back with you!
  11. It's because many people, even educated lovely ones, don't believe that a 3 year old can shoot one. Yup, it's been on the news many times, but it still just doesn't register. I TOTALLY believe that everyone should be able to own one, except for serious criminals. (and they'll have one anyway, if they want) BUT, I want everything locked up when kids are around. I've had more than one fight with people about this. :( I say that killing someone or being killed is too much of a consequence for a little one. Can you imagine the guilt that child will have for the rest of their life?? :(
  12. My son sells He wanted to design a knife that was fully functional. It has a locking mechanism and everything. It's pretty cool!! :) He's sold a ton; they're offered through CRKT and some catalogues. If anyone wants some KleckerKnives.com is where to go :)
  13. How was your weekend? Ok, I'm usually ready for settling down after the wknd. This wknd is no different. Anything special going on tomorrow? Nope, my step daughter starts her next rotation with her mom. We are back to summer activities. (She goes back and forth every two weeks; we live in the same town.) I need to get cleaning house more if what we did last week is going to hold on. I also dream of making money... but Monday starts and nothing really materializes... (I have enough art supplies I always think about the fact that I could advertise to do a "Mom's Day Out" or something...) Today's totally random question: I like the Monkeys, but my son is enough like one that I don't need a real one! :)
  14. I don't vaccinate and wouldn't do tetanus for most things, but lawn mowers do mow over feces and that and rusty blades and such carry enough of a slight risk that I would do it. It's one of the least "potentially" problematic shots. Do know that if you only want a tetanus booster, you have to be careful about that... ;)
  15. My 3 Loves: Constitution and Bill of Rights including Freedom of Religion, My family lives here in a beautiful state, Diverse things to see and experience :)
  16. Seriously, I can't stand the two dogs across the street. I can count on them to wake me any morning I'm trying to sleep. Their owners go out on the porch whenever they wake up and just let their dogs bark. I wanna shoot those little rats.... UGH.... Soft furry creatures should be loved on.... but not bark :) When they get started, it's really hard to get them to shut up!! It seems like they can't do warning barks, but rather a continuous string of yapping/barking. I'd think about encouraging it, especially if your Police respond to calls. I called morning after morning and our police never got them :( IF they did, it's a potential HUGE fine... (like over $1000.)
  17. If you want beautiful country come to Oregon... just make sure you want an incredibly over the top liberal spot to live. Course... if you want a little more liberal and you can find a spot... Cali is more liberal and has a ton more sun. (especially depending on what part you live in...) Personally, I would probably rather going back to TX but hate the way you can melt there... Also, not as much green :)
  18. How sad:( I didn't know cows could die from fighting... Hope that somehow she comes out of it... but if not:( then I hope that it isn't harder than it has to be :(
  19. I just bought the 4 books that are 4 books in 1 at Costco... I'm so excited!! I didn't want to spend so much on each books.... so $7.99 or so for 4 books was a great deal!!
  20. Exactly my problem!!! (Well, in addition to all my other problems!! :))
  21. Also, I thought I'd mention, if he's under say... the table or something, don't reach your hand under to "grab/get" him.... Make sure he has a crate. If he's not chewing, you can put a blanket or something in with him. (and proper chew toys) Make sure your kids know NOT to go in or stick their arms in... If you can put it in a room with you... but off to the side... I think that's best. Some people put their food in the crate.... Good Luck!! :)
  22. I can make over a dozen... Hmmmm.... I think maybe 10 minutes or so.. and then ice them :) Then peel. I usually look at the first one before I dump all of them :)
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