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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think that I'd try to swing the price. I'd also be tempted to see if there could be say a ..... 6 for the price of 4 kinda deal. Many people are willing to work deals for eager... good parents. I'd offer to help in class & prep.
  2. Antsy pants are awesome. You can purchase them for diapers and trainers... They're built just like disposables, and you can unsnap the sides..
  3. I have to say, at almost that age.... I had always hated Sponge Bob, but during our trip it was almost on a loop.... Sponge Bob Square Pants.... over and over and over :) Pinterest has some lovely ideas for "preschool" type activities, too... Have a great trip!! :)
  4. Meds are hard to try, but my son has become able to appropriately behave in group activities and at home. Here's the thing.... I didn't even realize what I could have at home, until I gave him meds. The difference is incredible. He doesn't have the sensory issues... but the ADHD meds for us make a huge difference..
  5. Wow, so sorry for you :( I know some about this. My cousin had lyme disease very badly. That was before they did the long antibiotic treatment. He's had the treatment where you do the pure oxygen treatments... can't remember what they're called... Prayers for your family!!
  6. Is that the only class with that charge? Is there another fee, too? (lab fee?)
  7. How about Sage Academy :) I think that looks really good. Also sounds good without sounding silly.... not associated with your name or whatever. If you do "School" I think more of "Sage Elementary" or whatever... which would be an issue eventually :) I do like the thought of a "middle name" for your academy. Just can't think of one. Personally, I think "wandering" or "roving" sounds kinda made up... Just my opinion. :) As a side note... our schools are Robert Frost and Mark Twain... and when you look them up... especially Robert Frost would be perfect for a Home School. He was hs and he petitioned to hs his kids... He didn't think that a bldg was a good place to learn :) (Einstein Academy anyone? :))
  8. Jealous :) That's where my daughter was... and she went on to Henle. She'd be reading classics in Latin if she had continued.... If you need the break... great, but gosh I wish my daughter had continued :)
  9. Awwww :( How sad... but you're right.... he's not in pain, so that's good!! Hope you get there safe and sound and can comfort your family... and be comforted!! I always wonder about Heaven and wonder how the greeting people will be. At least we can imagine your g-parents together again, right??!! :)
  10. Well, my pup eats anything he can jump up and grab, "Thief" should be his name!! He comes and sits on the front porch when he gets out because the kids leave the gate open. Some insurance companies won't allow a GS... Our boarding fees are only about $100. a week.... They eat a ton... their visits to the vet are expensive.... UGH... "I'm never getting another one", is what I say!! We'll have to see :) (BTW did I mention dog hair??!!)
  11. Well, it's kinda crazy to me, but my mom grew up her whole life... until highschool, without a flushing toilet. It was outhouse and well... any boys can help by just peeing out when they can... :)
  12. Ok, so I'm trying Kale Chips for my family. I've heard people who love and who hate the chips talk about them :) Our CSA is bringing tons of Kale and also Choi... not like Bok Choy. Hmmmm.... And also Chard. I also made a Creamed Chard the other day over pasta which wasn't bad. I served the sauteed Chard over to the side of the pasta.... interesting :)
  13. I love pinto beans with butter :) That's how I grew up eating it... Pintos and butter!! ;) Also, I love Pintos with ...you guess it... butter and fried potatoes. My uncle just cuts them up in stubby 1 inch pieces... or so. Just enough to make sure that they're crispy. I think you could toss with oil, make only one layer on a cookie sheet.... and crisp up in the oven, too. :) YUM!! :) He's from Arkansas :) It's healthy, right? :)
  14. I buy organic Annie's Mac & Cheese. The only "other" brand that tastes like Kraft Mac & Cheese, but better!! :) And organic :) Sometimes I can get it on sale, and then I guess I could delay my shipments :)
  15. Well, probably not what you want to hear, but meds are miracles for us. It's not because I couldn't handle him; not because he couldn't learn. He's very smart and he's always been a sweetheart. What I found was that socially he was annoying to others. He couldn't concentrate. He was maybe one of the best kids in Kempo as far as memorization of the moves and ability, but he couldn't look like he was paying attention. He was going to start getting the label of the "bad kid" because of this. (His impulses are now pretty much totally controlled, too) Now.... he is a sweetheart who's head isn't spinning in a million directions and he's more at peace with the world... as the world is with him :)
  16. Wow, did she have an older owner? She looks like some exercise will do her good and I'm hoping she's awesome with kids!! :) Hope you get her if you decide you really want her :)
  17. Wow, that's very hard :( So sad :( Just seems like no reason, right? :(
  18. Sorry :( It really hurts when you lose someone who you thought was a friend :(
  19. Sad, I posted it to my FB so my kids can see it, just to remind them :(
  20. Usually you're given a choice price wise. Sharing beds when you're a teen boy is different than girls. I understand :( I would suggest sleeping bags when doing these trips, which makes it different, somehow. Sleeping on the couch that you pull out may be an option, too. It's a "heads up" when you're planning next time. It's a pain to pay for something without understanding how it'd go. I've never heard of twin beds in hotel rooms though :( (Unless you're staying in dorms...)
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