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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. That's for nighttime babysitting, right? I've heard of some college age students charging that (which I think is crazy, btw) Here it's not more than $600 for full time younger care. I wouldn't expect more than that for older ;( Maybe I need to start doing childcare :)
  2. Yup, it's seeing what their growth pattern is.... How long you've lived there and the credit report? Probably because they're seeing if you are ok for credit to pay for the braces. Most people don't pay thousands at a time... they want to make payments :)
  3. Wow!! What fun! I'd love to go.... long drive, though. I've been itching to travel to NY :) (I nannied over there while I was in my early 20's) :)
  4. I was wondering... what would have happened if this was a debit card??? It could have caused serious financial issues :(
  5. Wow, 3 WTM kitties that need to get better ;) Hoping the best for all of them :)
  6. What a good friend you are!! Offering her someone to talk with besides you is the obvious choice that is good!! Then, being there as her husband and she go through some hellish discussions, is next. BUT, I'm not sure how much I'd want to talk about it... more like offer tea :(
  7. What a good friend you are!! Offering her someone to talk with besides you is the obvious choice that is good!! Then, being there as her husband and she go through some hellish discussions, is next. BUT, I'm not sure how much I'd want to talk about it... more like offer tea :(
  8. Ice Tea and Chocolate?? I mean.... has to be something Chocolate... and I'm guessing something cold, too!! :)
  9. I haven't been... I talked to them and I think my son will enjoy the "classes" for his age. It's seriously cheap. For $25 if I hate it, I'll take off and go to OMSI :) BUT, they have some really great topics.... I'm looking for lunch dates :) There are some people over here that I think may go... (and some of them I haven't met yet) I'm sure there's someplace that would work for lunch. Either take or buy ;) I think I can get something I like more than just a sandwich. (But I don't know what's quick around there and didn't see how long we have ) I'm gonna hopefully do the Math session for #5 with Nathan :) YAY :)
  10. I would pack all jeans and then tops. I wouldn't let this be a kid decision, since you know it's gonna get in the way of their relationship, I'd take it upon me to fix it at home. (Make the choices a "no-war" issue) I'd also pack a dress for a special occasion thing. If you know that's gonna be an issue, I'd let her know ahead of time that dressing appropriately for the company you keep is important. She's 8 and seriously at that age she needs to get to wear what she wants while respecting her family enough to not dress in a way that's going to make them feel embarrassed. I mean... we all know that the kid who wears the polka dot shirt with the striped pants may be a designer when they grow up, but there is "just going with the flow" sometimes :) (And yup, I'd buy enough socks for them all to be the same if that's a problem, too)
  11. I like them ;)I would go with Matthew for the middle... Mathiass is too crazy for me. :) Sophia is popular, but that means that even though kids slightly older will be Sophia... probably by the time your daughter is born... people will have waned off using it ;)
  12. Wow, I can see benefits to both ways :) I think that with diligent parents, this could be great!! (Or really good teacher videos) Then the students could go discuss the subject... which is what I would LOVE my kids to do!! This way I could watch with them, too, to see some of what's taught :)
  13. I'd be taking that to the police..... Are you?? Hope it doesn't get recorded over.....
  14. How Sweet :) Hope you have a great "next season" in life :) (Although I did see that you're still parenting your other child :))
  15. We find spiders all the time. Glad I'm not freaked out because I'd have panic attacks all the day :)
  16. Wow!! Very cool.... I wish I had the energy to do gardens and such!! :)
  17. Honestly, one of my kids was like this. I'd suggest not spanking and using consequences. Little kids are SUPER smart!! You can "create" consequences to help them learn. If I had it to do over again... I'd act more like I did when I was a nanny :) I was extremely consistent, didn't spank & had REALLY good kids. (they weren't for their parents) 2 yr old was throwing a tantrum at the mall... fine, I picked up cookies for older and me... "Looks like children who behave get treats".... Bummer.... sorry you threw a fit.... Time out each time they didn't listen.... Not getting mad... (except VERY occasionally :)) And though I timed out the kids (and that was when the little one was really little, to seem "fair" to the older one) I also talked about how to behave. Practice, Practice, Practice. Little kids are NOT too little to practice listening. Not coming at the park?? Over and over practice about coming.... Throwing a fit on the way.... time out when you get there, while everyone else is playing. (And not starting to play till the screaming stops) etc.... That's why I think that spanking is really NOT good... Unless you believe that you should spank each time they misbehave, and then you're still gonna have to have a consequence to go along with it.... (So, when they throw a fit... no tv today/this am whatever... is still ok...) It's harder to consistently consequence kids... than to spank.... Just a thought :) (And yes... I did spank my kids... and now regret it :()
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