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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I was lucky if I got a shirt on :) I'd look at those belly covers that just cover your... belly:) For me I was more of a "don't look at my belly fat" person than an "I don't want you to see my br**st person".... I think it's perfectly normal and wonderful that br**sts are made for feeding young humans :) And... I want to impress on my boys (and girls) that it's normal... to be expected... and not hidden for a Mama to feed their baby without feeling shame. To me it's part of having a baby. ;)
  2. :( So sorry :( That's just a good reminder! Glad you found out :(
  3. With all those mistakes... I'm thinking pics of what you want would be good! I'm sorry... I'd be ticked if I were you. "Trimmed" does not equal "Shaved"!!!!! :(
  4. Total= $45.00 I think that's pretty close :) I buy all organic, so I'm skewed a bit. I tried to think about what I see but don't buy :)
  5. :( So sorry for his family and friends & you!! :(
  6. I'd purchase Babycomp if I had it to do over.... Because I didn't.... I used a million and a half ovulation sticks. I started the day after I had my period and continued..... Babycomp would have been a heck of a lot less crazy!!
  7. Like I said before... I'm excited either way!! Either for your family that you get to move back... or for me because you have to stay :) Hope you get to move, but I'll enjoy getting to know you more if you don't!! :)
  8. I'm so sorry :( Gently... I'd like to suggest that you look at your health. I feel like when you have your health, you have options. I have options that I can think of... but don't know what you want. (Just hugs?) :) With my mom having cancer and it's not going to be cured, all of my perspective has changed. My mom and dad are the perfect couple. They have everything that you could want. (Family who adores them, money to be comfortable, and a strong love of God and who He is) Insurance that has covered chemo and treatments for the last year.... and $$$$ to eat organically and vitamins up the whadzoola.... and yet cancer will take her, probably. So, it's one of those... Do something with your kids, give yourself a break, drink a good cup of coffee... and Thank God for your health!! (I hope that's not something you just didn't mention, if there are problems there:() I do understand being overwhelmed... I understand wanting to get yourself out of the quick sand where it feels like your drowning. I hope you take this post in the right way... Sincerely :)
  9. OK, I say this lightly. You have 3 other children that are easier? So I have the range, too. I have to say that my son is my most cheerful loving child. BUT, I did NOT realize how incredibly crazy he was driving me. I'd love to suggest that you try meds. If you take him to school, you may very well be advised to give him meds. I look at it this way, it truly takes every bit of concentration for a child who is having troubles to concentrate on "being good" and with meds, it makes it possible. The change in my child has been like a mini miracle. YES, I could ALWAYS handle being with him. BUT, that doesn't mean we got things done that we needed to get done. It doesn't mean that ANYONE else could get him to cooperate. I feel horrible about what I tried to get him to do, that was truly beyond where he was. I mean, we did a classical co-op where he was expected to listen, and he was often in trouble. I can't even imagine how hard it was for him to be cooperative, when his brain was racing over all the material! Since being on the meds, he's the same beautiful child as before, but he can concentrate!! He can follow instructions! He doesn't annoy other children (as much :)) He can enjoy learning!! So, here's the thing. There are side effects possible. We haven't had any. BUT, there are side effects to their self esteem when they are the "black sheep" child because it's so hard for them to be good. I went to a Pediatric Dr that is known in our area as being "the best". I didn't want to have a prescription shoved in my direction. I wanted to have him tested... have a Dr that would want to see him often... adjust the strength. Give insight to more than just "Open his mouth and drop in meds" I would suggest giving him a trial and just see if it changes him at all. Here's the thing; you have to give it to him and then see him in some of the same situations as before... and watch the difference. For me, it was baseball, kempo, and doing his math book. In each situation, he was not even the same child. He had a smile... did it... and felt like HE could be in control of his body, instead of being controlled by something else. So sorry :( It's not a bad mama thing.... it's a "missing link" of his brain. :( Also, I am taking a break this coming year. (I think) I'm going to throw out everything he doesn't like except for Latin and Chores. I'm going to set up some things on the table each morning.. (or late at night) We're turning off electronics during the school day... and I'm ordering Special Coffee for myself. We're also going to do Field Trips that are educational... but fun!! I'm not going to worry about anything else... Relationship, Cooperation techniques, Latin, Field Trips & Chores :) It's only 4th grade... I can get to the rest after a break!! ;) (I withhold the right to change my mind :)) Hugs!!!
  10. Wow... I could swear I remember this!! (I think I actually do) How scary.... and how relieved you must have felt and still feel. Truly you were blessed to be able to keep your sweet boy!!
  11. :( Nice that you feel close :) That's really special :)
  12. My son is gone for his 9th birthday :( I'm by myself except my step daughter (17yrs old) is coming starting tomorrow... for 2 wks. (We have her 2 wks on and 2 wks off...) I sorted Legos tonight.... and also ate some Dark Peanut Butter cups from Trader Joe's... I'm a bit sad that my son is gone for his bd... :( But... hope he has an awesome time!! :)
  13. First, what a sweetie to do this for her. I see it getting expensive. Do you have some friends to chip in? I can think of all sorts of things I'd love to give her, but most people have a budget :) Towels & washcloths Hand Soap Shampoo Mac & Cheese Ramen Noodles Yup for some disposables like One*Mom suggested Frozen Lasagna Some cereal and milk Bottled Water Love... little notes of encouragement Perhaps offer rides if that works for you...
  14. What an awful situation for you and your g-kids. And.... while you just wanna smack your daughter "upside the head" (whatever that expression means) it's that thing about your kids are your kids.... for better or worse :( I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with the problems from all of this. I have to say that maybe your g-son will be protected from further harm(while in utero)!! Prayers that you get all your g-babies and can also win the lottery. I'd need a full time nanny!! :) Glad you're able to "step up to the plate" even though it's not the most carefree life you could have!!! Your g-kids will be thankful, too!!!
  15. I'm happy to say "The Pledge". I appreciate living in America... and I want my children to appreciate it as well. We started saying it at the co-op we did last year. I'm glad and it makes me feel patriotic. I want my kids to remember the price that has been paid... and is being paid!!
  16. Congrats!! Probably better for family relationships that there was no loan. Doesn't sound like your sis would be grateful and may not have taken the loan seriously.... For you, Congrats!! I'd be sending her a serious thank you and some great pictures of the family.... (And maybe some evidence of how you spent the $$$ well!! :)) Gifters usually like to see that you spend the money with thought instead of without. Congrats again!! :)
  17. Wow, that's hard. Did you time out the child? I would talk to the parents and explain that for a few weeks you're willing to time-out their child, if they'd like. Otherwise you need to have child stay with adults. It's not fair to the other children in the nursery. (or you) If you can get helpers, I'd have them stay right on top of the child. (teens can sometimes do this well) It may also help to do some organized "preschool" type activities. If you have to have the parents keep their children, remember that's not your fault!! Sometimes it's just that parents need to be responsible for their own children!! :( Not everyone can do SS all the time... Just my opinion :)
  18. Well, I had my water broken which made me start having some contractions. Things to remember? Standing really helps!! It makes you 30% or so more effaced. My midwife did the spreading of me with her hands stretching out ... in a "side to side vertical" and "side to side horizontal" way. It hurt pretty bad. BUT, I didn't tear at all. The first baby I had was 9lbs 2oz.... tore in and outside. The second baby was 10lbs and 3oz (and 23 1/4 inches long) I didn't tear AT ALL :) I know it was because of the stretching and also having his head come out while I was standing.... (then I got put on the floor....) Anyway... I also enjoyed having beach rocks that were warmed in a crockpot with oil being put on me and rubbed.... My legs had issues... Eeeeekkkkk!!!! Good Luck!!! :)
  19. So, my son is in 4th this coming Sept. I am just wanting a place to drop him off and let me veg :) I'm sure some of you understand. I want Art, Science experiments, nature walks, activities like that... oh yes, and PE. I've thought of dropping him at school :) My husband suggested that we do a year of "nothing" instead of school. This is my 1st year of not being in charge of a co-op, and I have pressures outside of my immediate family :( So, I went to a Homeschool Conference yesterday that is pretty "unschool" friendly. The only thing that I can see would get behind is Latin. I have planned on him doing Latin this year. (Like starting any second ;)) In Math he's learned up through percents; he has ratios to learn and that's all. I'm wondering... What would happen if I told him that he could do anything besides electronics during school time. Would he become interested in all things outdoorsy? Maybe read what's on the shelves? I have a TON of books... games... etc. The man (speaking at the conference I attended) yesterday was saying that leaving games on the kitchen table was a great way to let them choose to learn. He gave some other suggestions, too. Talked about kids having choices and becoming interested in learning. (Really?? Could that happen??) Who's done something like this?? Except for the language that I was wanting to learn with him, can you really see other subjects getting behind at 9 yrs old? Gently :) give me some feedback pls, if you'd like! :bigear: Thanks!!
  20. Sorry :( I'm suppose to be taking my exams for the class I'm taking. I think I picked the wrong first class to get back in the swing of college!! :)
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