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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Peanuts and Soy are related. It's good to stay away from soy if allergic to peanuts.... Just research it, I'm sure some disagree.... :)
  2. You could just use Classical Conversations' material and just not be official.... You can also choose to tweak some of it, if you choose.... Just another choice...
  3. I put hard dog food with some water into the kong. I used 3 of the large ones. I fed my dog twice a day with these. (Oh yes, freeze in the freezer) Each kong gave me 15 minutes of him being busy. I can't do peanut butter as we have allergies in our house to it. Each are $20 for the black ones, if I remember correctly. Antlers are incredible. We got HUGE ones at the knife show... (that were untreated) We did a trade for them, otherwise they probably would have been $25 a piece at least! Just getting them tired really helps... And feeding raw is the best for chewing... but that's another thread ;)
  4. I will say that though I decided it wasn't what I wanted to support, it's not the same as a puppy store to me... or the person who hoses off the dogs in their kennels. The person I know who agreed to their dog being a "guardian" dog loved it immensely.... stayed right in their home like a beloved pet... So that part, the caring of the animal is different. I would also hope (check into) how they keep up with the genetics issue. I would actually ask for a chat with the vet, at least... or at least the receptionist.
  5. And if you're going crazy cuz your little girl is screaming with itching, and you're out near nothing but a country store... remember that Crisco rubbed all over will make her settle. It's great for moisturizing :) After a bath you pat dry and slather it on their body... then they sit in a soft sheet and watch Strawberry Shortcake while it soaks in... Hmmmm.... now my baby is almost 14!!!! Also... remember that if your kids are allergic to peanuts that they shouldn't have soy. (And, if your child has skin issues don't give them high allergen foods until tested...)
  6. I have heard the term "guardian" more than once over here. Maybe it's a West Coast term? I looked into doing the guardian arrangement. I was also wanting a Labradoodle. I found a place in the same town, and the people were nice enough. The also had dogs returned that you could adopt. Hmmm... the reasons I didn't do it. The fee if they say... got hit by a car was around $2500? They wanted multiple litters of puppies as long as they could be bred. ( I think ours was 3 litters?) They gave the choice of having the mom and pups stay with you... or having the mom live at their house during that time. The puppies were quite expensive... Over $2000. I looked at hip problems...etc... and decided that purposely breeding two large dogs may not be smart. I then started looking at Wheaten Terriers. Same great "low shed" (called "no shed") I could purchase from a person who showed their dogs and had a very low number of litters. They also had you write part of the cost straight to the company that tests Wheatens... The finished price was $1800 or less. BTW, labradoodles don't shed if they take after the poodle side... just a bit of info I found out. I actually ended up thinking the Aussiedoodles were quite cute!!
  7. I'd go grain free. If you can pick one of the proteins he hasn't had, that would be best to start with. I'd pick one of the ones with fish.... since those are less common :)
  8. I would also bet that your younger kids would pick it up quickly if you chose to encourage it. I've heard that games with kids are a great way to have them learn/relearn a language. I'd suggest having a grandparent type person to mentor them.... Maybe your other kids can learn some, too :)
  9. You should send them to me :) Seriously, I couldn't throw legos away. I love them and pick them up whenever I see them. My son is 9yrs... I say that in a couple years he'll still be playing with them and the extra legos will be useful! :)
  10. I'd go with Breeder A, as a free person for travel is worth a ton. I'd have that part in writing.... (and is that for the life of the dog??) I'd think about if you are ok with her opinions... I mean, she'll be in your lives... it's kinda "her dog" for what... at least 4 years?? She may be opinionated about things... Think that part through. Fun!! :)
  11. That's a cool idea :) I forget what part of OR you're in..... Good luck... I'm not good at Science ideas.... :(
  12. Gosh, I'm really sorry for you! I was mad enough when someone broke in my husband's car. I do have a 70lb dog with a good bark. Wondering if I could justify getting another big dog for security purposes :) Hmmmm... maybe that's not a bad idea!!! :)
  13. For my dog, tummy problems were helped by bananas... Different reason.. I couldn't figure out his issue... he was eating my kitchen (used) paper towels!! Anyway, bananas always worked... :) (PS, I've heard canned pumpkin, too)
  14. If you're gonna do hemp seeds, you need to grind them fresh, so they'll be used by your body :) Just a reminder.. :)
  15. Since our house is so different, I'll comment on how I was raised. My dad had no specific chair. My mom would always be seated before my dad. We would always be expected to give our seats before asked to older people. My dad always opens the door for elders and women, still. (as is comfortable) My poor husband has to move the laundry to have a seat.... (which is fine, almost, with me because he's usually in his office....) I think that everything has been changed today, for most families. Part of this is due to multiple tvs/electronics & cable.... So many choices to watch. Kids and parents generally split up..... Hmmmmm..... ;(
  16. Go back and leave your number and name with the garage. Make sure to get the person's name that you leave it with. (Or call) It'd be best if you could prove it, so there's no way it could be considered "hit and run" I have a friend who's daughter had the police show up because she left without leaving her info.
  17. I will be.... 49yrs old :) Happy dance for me, as long as we're all healthy and well :) I'm hoping for a good job by then as well as maybe being a Nana :) I'm excited for the next 9 years, as long as I don't get short sited about what is or may be happening in between. I've got 4 kids/stepkids, so I feel like I have a good chance of around 10 grandkids :) I have to admit that I want a relationship like my mom has with my children, so I don't hope for 100 gkids... just enough to spoil and love on :)
  18. Well, I have to say I agree. To adopt a child, fine... to "adopt" a dog... no. Really, I take wonderful care of my dog. Maybe less walks than he wants, but he has an overall wonderful life.... I've thought of adopting another pup but I don't really want to go through home visits...ect. I have a fenced yard, but there was a bit of "in between time" when we had to get it back up. We walked him for about 2.5hrs a day just to make sure he didn't have house accidents. I took him to a closed field to fetch the ball and run. (For the first couple months or so he was never off the leash) I actually think that walking him all that time was why he is SUCH a good dog :) I had four kids living at home and he never got out. (He has since... but that's because we have the fence and sometimes it gets left open.) He's such a wonderful dog that when he does get out, he comes and sits on the front porch... I'm pretty sure that if I ever get another dog I'll purchase from someone who shows dogs.... I'm thinking of a wheaten terrier :) or some sweet dog...
  19. My husband would say you've gotta be from Minnesota.... Would he be right? :)
  20. That's called.... "house sitting" :( Not pet sitting..... So sorry...
  21. Sheepskin I used mine every day for over 2 years... I kept them when done cuz I just love them :) Eucalan to wash it with; I'd send some too cuz it's a bit hard to find. One bottle should last for the life of the lambie, since it only takes a bit. It has lanolin in it, so that's good for the skin. You have to know whether they'll be freaked about lambskin or not. There are also shorn and unshorn. Shorn is considered the safest....... In my opinion, you'd have to smoosh a babies face in it, for them to suffocate...
  22. Have to say, I think that if you're doing Highschool... it's easier to give them a year or so to ramp up to Public School... for 9th.... (not in terms of how hard it is... rather just get going as far as independence :)) Also, Public School is where my daughter is... it's not what I wanted, but our relationship is much better. Good Luck!! :)
  23. Just a couple of comments. I think that the KJV is a lovely translation. Most important is to use one of the accepted.... KJV.... NKJV... American Standard... ect. "Jehovah" isn't really what would be said... Oops! (It's Yawweh) Unless you're reading in the original languages... I wouldn't call any of the ones that actually try to translate word for word.. bad. I wouldn't use "The Message" or even the "NIV" when there are other choices. Just a thought :) I don't think that a defense can really be made that the KJV is the only one. If you tried to read the original KJV, it's not really that possible.... :)
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