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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Try the Handwriting Without Tears, 3rd grade. (Cursive) Get the Teacher's and the Students, and order some paper, too :)
  2. Well, the ones from Mercurious are great!! You can do a huge order with friends and save $$$... (The beexwax crayons like Stockmar or Lycra?? are great. Nothing like Crayola... just totally different :))
  3. Oh my gosh... I forgot the too salty cheese!!:) We didn't get it too often... but when my dad was in Law School I remember my mom was able to get some :)
  4. Hey Jean:) As soon as I saw that you posted I started self doubting! "Oh my, perhaps I didn't reference the right Denise"... I'm always afraid I'm gonna mix up posters!!! Thank Goodness you were just bumping for her to see!! :) Thanks!! :)
  5. It's almost her BD though!! :) And it's a great story!! Hope she/you're writing these all down for your son :) Happy... Almost Birthday!! :)
  6. So, Denisemomof4, I realized after you posted this about the problems... I still wanted you to see it... so now I'm popping it up!! :)
  7. My daughter did LCI in 3rd... (and my older girls were 6th and 9th) She was fine :) She did LCI and then LCII and then Henle in 5th... and did it in 6th and 7th, too because of what we switched to.... If she had continued and been interested, she could have been into Henle II in 7th... Regretfully no one around her... but my parents and me... encouraged her. :(
  8. That's freakin' hilariously sad!! :( This sets up all kinds of problems, although I can see that then scholarships and such can be adjusted.... (but aren't they already?)
  9. Funny to see it translated into Latin! :) Usually you're looking at translations from Latin.. :)
  10. Of course you'll write out what the preferences about vet care... etc. will be. Especially important, perhaps, when you're dealing with other animals. I had even thought about how it would affect insurance and such.... :)
  11. Nothing over, just a "band type" thing on my stomach. I would buy the belly bands, but at the time I didn't know about them. I just put a blanket on my stomach...
  12. I think that asking the parents what appeals to them about the school.... Get the serious expectations down... like on paper. Then figure out if you can do them with your child, too :) If you don't have it on paper... you can't "look accomplished"... at least as much.
  13. Oh wow :( So sorry :( It doesn't feel right to lose someone you love! :(
  14. Hmmmm.... at this point I'd rather meet SWB any day!! :) Course... I really think it'd be neat to meet her.... and Obama....not so much. Part of who I want to meet is based on if I like/respect them. You should have seen me talking with Pudewa :)
  15. Wow!! I have been thinking of tutoring using the Susan Barton system. (It uses the OG phonograms, I do believe :)) I was thinking that to start I could maybe do $25 or so an hour. :) Maybe that would be a good deal for families? :) I do well with teaching.... if I had finished college instead of headed to nanny, I was going to teach :) :)
  16. Awwww :) So sweet. I hope my children have memories as good of me... as you do of your mom!!! Sorry for the pain that just doesn't leave :(
  17. BTW, there have been shows where the washer was swabbed and the nastiness was beyond nasty ;)
  18. Nope... I use my sanitation cycle and wash separately. I don't want bath towels... and what's drying my dishes/hands to mix :(
  19. That stinks! I'm surprised they wouldn't give you some sort of discount. You don't want to "shoot your own self in the foot" but do you have any purchasing choices? Like getting your $$$ back and shopping elsewhere? I'd be a little worried about them helping if something goes wrong with it... :(
  20. There's someone in our homeschool group that does a filing system. She folds them in the drawers not up... but like paper that you would "hang"....
  21. I need one too!! I'm watching this thread! Then I have a side thing to have my dog run with me :)
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