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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would side sleep him, but that's just me. I didn't have too much of a trouble with it, as my son could roll over at 2 WEEKS!! No joke! So, regardless of how I put him into sleep, if he wasn't in the little prop things, he'd roll...
  2. Wow, exciting. My son's best friend is from Thailand... His name is Ping Ping :) Good Luck on the Language and writing it! Eeeeeckkkk it's hard! They value education there.... a lot!!!
  3. I keep my dog with me almost all the time. Most people would say that I spoil my pup. I take him to be boarded when we can't take him with us. Seriously, it's awesome! He has his own spot to be with inside/outside access and I pay $5.00 extra each day to have him played with. He actually loves it and comes home exhausted! :) I have him bathed/groomed right before I pick him up. Perfect! :)
  4. Hmmmm :) Well, I might feel bad about NEEDING to defend myself, and being sorry that the person made bad/evil choices, but I'd feel GOOD that I saved a life... the one that didn't want to die :) I'm a Pacifist, as long as no one is trying to kill me or my kids or an innocent person :)
  5. I think you could say that you're pulling her and will try kindergarten next year. I'd try kindergarten next year... at home :) That's it! :) I don't see what state you're in so....
  6. I would think that it's possible to burn cds from the music that you download off the CC Connected. At least it use to be :) If you want them to learn all the songs, then keep a copy of them in your car and house. Seriously, it shouldn't take more than about 20 minutes a day, and at 7yrs old, my child wouldn't be doing Memory Masters (unless your community really freaks about it) Some kids can do it, for mine I didn't want our time spent that way. :)
  7. I'd be tempted to sign up my kids for just the days of jury duty. How many homeschoolers doing that would it take for the Public Schools to call the courthouse?
  8. Yes, perhaps the school should have them selling on the street corners with Cardboard Box lids that say, "Will sell junk for a trip to Washington DC" :) I remember having students work for $$$; I'm not sure why it's "not allowed"... Maybe because of Insurance? With liability the way it is, I'd almost rather throw $5.00 their way and be done with it. :( (Off to write the checks for Bunco tickets. I'm not willing to ask others to come play Bunco and pay per ticket...)
  9. Hey There, So I'm getting my new iPhone and went browsing for an app to use when we pick up prescriptions and pay for Drs Appts. I'm wondering which ones you all use. I'm also open to other great apps... Can't wait. This is my first iPhone!! I hate taxes and dealing with reimbursements so anything to help with those... :) (or anything else cool :)) especially financially related :)
  10. I don't know Kelly, perhaps you could just take the fundraiser paper, hand them yours (one for each of your kids) and then mull it over asking them what they'd like from your fundraiser :)) I have a very nice spot to fundraise from that has excellent products!! :) I think you'd end up winning. As far as charter, I know you're joking (right??) but Paisley or one like that is what you'd want. $$$ for your neutral material with basically only calls. ($500 per school age child, but not for HS, that would have to be something else... and they pay for lessons, too... ) And... I know the principal :) There is one other like that here. Can't remember the name.
  11. You're hilarious. I'm sure if you saved a person's life, it'd be good. Think of the others that person would potentially kill, too. :(
  12. Wait, why don't you have a right to feel this way? In my opinion, in more than one spot in the Bible, you could defend what you think you'd do :) The law (government) gives you the right to protect yourself or others being harmed. I see NO spot in scripture that says you must allow yourself or others to be murdered. :(
  13. I found a blog a while back where 4 moms came together, split up the kids and taught each morning. Then they had lunch and all went home. :) Anyone know which one I'm talking about? Or have another great one? :)
  14. I totally understand that's your belief, but a child is going to be killed and you could prevent it? I think the Mama bear instincts would have to come in. I mean, a policemen/woman has no more right to shoot someone killing my (whomever) than I do... :(
  15. I was brought up in Texas; perhaps it shades my thinking :) My dad believes in swift protection of others or himself. You mess with my kiddos, my relatives.... defenseless... "Prepare to Die"... :(
  16. Incredibly happy for your whole family!! Now to deal with the migraines... Prayers for wisdom! :)
  17. Wow, nice to read some of these :) Laughing Lioness, as you probably realize, I've always loved looking at what you're doing! I'd love you to have a school for others :) I was homeschooled, I have older girls who are in Public School. My youngest is 9yrs old and I feel old and ragged, often! His reason for being homeschooled and having NO interest in being in a building with teachers and play/school mates is simple. When asked why he doesn't want to go to school and be with others, he's said, "Because they tell you what to do all day" He has no desire to walk someone else's path. I am... forever... probably homeschooling. I continually lust for him to be in school, while knowing it most likely can't happen, because it would squish him. He has promised that he will most likely go away to college, because he wants to study Robotics and doesn't think I'll do a good job at that. I like reading these posts because it reminds me that there are others homeschooling, too. And that personal time/careers and Master Teachers can wait... even if I want it/them now!
  18. Hey Bill... Do you have a link for your tortilla press??
  19. Oh.. bacon in beans... bacon in green beans!! Bacon in steamed cabbage.. :)
  20. Bacon wrapped dates. Crumbled bacon to pull out of the freezer and use with salads.. Bacon wrapped weiners.... Bacon in spinach salad...(with mandarin oranges) Pinterest would have some good ideas :) Bacon, bacon, bacon!! :) I bet someone around you would trade bacon for some other meat :) If I ate pork, I'd jump at the chance to get "good bacon"!! :)
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