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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would buy something like this NO bark Birdhouse There are also devices that you hold in your hand and press when they bark. My mom has one and it's worked on all three houses around her. Up to you whether you say, "No" and press the button... or just press it. It kinda makes the dog's ears ring a bit, but works. And, my mom had 5 dogs jumping at the fence until she did this... Peace in her back yard again, which she deserves :) (The hand held ones are under $20.00) PS.... happier neighbors than you complaining about the dogs... and it can remain our secret how you did it :)
  2. Congrats!!! I had that same thing, it sounds like... in my leg. Right leg, I think!!!! I was SO freakin' sore!! I spent all my money that I was suppose to use on massage on chiropractic work. I would seriously suggest that you get a massage and see if it would work.... or one chiro appt and then a massage. I had contractions in that leg... kinda... each time I had a normal contraction :( It took a couple of weeks for it to go away... My mom just gave me some Organic Arnica Salve by Sacred Earth.... I would suggest something like that... It's incredible!!! Kinda like a sports salve, but better!!! Congrats!! :)
  3. I'd suggest finding a group that is into baby wearing and trying them all on. I love my Ergo, but there are baby carriers that are for toddlers.... One starts with a "P" but escapes me at this point :)
  4. The dolls were made cheaper for a while but I think they're up to standard, again :)
  5. Ours is nice. I got it when my daughter was younger... She's 14 yrs now :)
  6. I want a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, if I ever get another dog. I love our dog, but he sheds all over and I wouldn't choose a dog as large next time. I truly believe that you have to think of all the vacuuming you're willing (or not) to do. Also, a good training place to spend time at!! Half the problems that people give their dogs away for could be solved with basic training. :(
  7. Incredibly sad :( I just remember that peace will not come until Jesus comes back. Right now, I'm in an incredibly sad valley in my own life, and I understand more why Saints for ages have said, "Come Lord Jesus"... It doesn't mean that I don't want our world to be peaceful or that I don't think we could be more peaceful than we are.... But realistically people can be very evil.... :( And we don't all want a "common good" :(
  8. You would buy the CC timeline right off of the site. I don't know how they are selling the song, though. There are motions already loaded on Youtube... but the cards would have to be purchased if you want all that info. Also, there isn't anyone singing the song yet. The VP cards never had an official song, so you have to know someone in the underground world to get one of those :)
  9. My mom made Lentil Loaf when I was young... and Onion Loaf... Can you hear me still screaming, "YUCK!!!!"? :)
  10. Oh yes, say some word while you're out right when they start peeing. (they'll figure it out soon) I say, "Go pee-pee" and my dog knows to go even if he didn't actually "want" to... It's great for when we're starting a trip or something.
  11. Well, my thoughts would be: Two (metal) crates, (no blankets or anything like that till they're pass chewing stage... that can end up inside of them) Two trainers, Lessons signed up for straight away. The type of training matters. I suggest that you go to someone who is trained.... and that trains dogs who compete. I've found that they aren't more expensive... just more experienced. You'll need to have the different handlers for each dog. Have a leash that you have on the dogs at all times until they are potty trained. On the leash or in the crate is what I'd do. Lots and lots of walks, but check with the trainer for how long to play. I know you don't want to over do it. Food. This is important. I do raw food, but a lot of people aren't comfortable with that. In my opinion, you absolutely need NO grain food. You want puppies to grow steadily and without corn or soy or any other grain, actually :) Grass = Cows Meat = Carnivores :) You don't want your puppy growing with Cow food :) Names that sound different :) Oh yes, and remember the training :) You want to start as soon as they let you, and perhaps they'll give you some great tips between now and then :)
  12. Hey Everyone, So, I must be bored today!! If you were going to memorize a Timeline, and you pretty much know the VP Timeline, do you find the CC (new) timeline to be so excellent that you'd memorize a new one? I have a song for the VP (CC Old one), so the song isn't the thing that makes the deal. Looking at the events listed... are they so much better? What makes it worth the time... :) PS, we aren't and won't be in a CC community. PS, Memory is easy here... and if you're a History Buff who's debated this... I'd love to hear that, too! :) (Also, $$$ isn't the issue here, either. It's the "which one is better or is it just preference?)
  13. Seriously, I'm wondering if those who "know" your people at church realize that churches.... and SPOUSES are the ones who most abuse. Seriously!! I know SO many girls (and there are boys) who were abused by their DADS (and some step dads) and ELDERS in the church. Said in the nicest way I can... If you think you KNOW someone and that means they won't do anything to your child, you need to think about the verse: Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Oh, so here are the people.... My friend in college by the elder at the church her dad pastored. My cousin by her step-dad, my best friend from childhood... her husband to her daughter (bio dad to bio daughter) (and this had been generational.... his father to his sister... him to his sister) These are just off the top of my head... I always want 2 adults or almost adults with my children.
  14. Has anyone learned what they're making? That'd be interesting... Didn't see it in the thread yet... (maybe it's there...)
  15. Also, it seems Memory Masters try to (start) learning the 2nd half of the material during Christmas, at least.
  16. I wanted to go over the words with my son before it was introduced for two reasons. First, because my son remembers things the 1st way they are introduced. (or he THINKS they are introduced) SO for example, if he misunderstands a word... too bad.... pretty much it's set forever. Second, because information is stored in a different part if it's "said" versus sung. I wanted it stored before the songs. I think it's perfectly reasonable to explain the sentences before, and then learn it to songs and actions while there... After a 3 year cycle, many kids will know it. Little siblings will have known it because of their older siblings...
  17. Wow, ours is $15 a day plus the $5 to play with them... and it's not twice as expensive for 2 dogs, if they share a huge kennel :( Sounds like yours are really expensive.... Not trying to dissuade you, but there are such a range of kennels. The first one that I was going to use... I almost cried when I thought that would be my only choice... then I found this one :)
  18. God loved Job! "By His stripes we are healed" doesn't mean we won't be sick or die of cancer... Prayer is commanded and ultimately is understanding that WE are not God... He is God and things turn out the way that HE allows them to.....
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