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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. It is incredible :) It's cute when my son says, "Is it an 18, 27 or 36mg day?" What I really want is the patch for him... we'll see.... Right now our insurance doesn't cover it...
  2. I think it's crazy... it's not that God was never suppose to be acknowledged in schools... State wasn't going to be running the Church. I actually asked what Chanukah was when I was young (in PS) and told not to worry about it, that I'd never come in contact with it. :( Funny! I lived with a Jewish family as a young adult.... and then there is just cultural knowledge :) Guess it wasn't in the lesson plan :(
  3. Wow, hmmmm.... I think of myself as conservative :( My one daughter does cheer and the other does dance. I guess I think our view as a society here, is skewed :(
  4. Christ Follower, but to be someone I consider a Christian, it would be one who believes in the inspired Word of God.
  5. I like the going back through the situation and having THEM explain what they could have done. Seriously, hurting someone else is the only thing that I spank my son for. I really don't care if it makes sense to others or not, he knows that if he doesn't control his temper and hits someone, he gets spanked. If I had to do it over and over, I'd consider something else. For him, it's only happened once in months. I really work with him about being kind. He's really just a sweetie. :) I have him on meds so he has a chance and it's made a HUGE difference and he's on a very small amount, compared to what he could be on... He can now go to Kempo and pay attention for 1.5 hrs..... it's great!! :)
  6. Hey Beth (bethben:)) Would you want to share the order you put them in? I've mulled over what I think might be worth it to learn. Seriously, I can pop them in my car and he can learn them with no problem... Just don't know what I think about their worthiness and accuracy :) Are you doing the new Timeline??
  7. I've seen them used for stands for lights. (The books were held up on the wall horizontally) Maybe as book ends? (Like with them painted with something?) First of all I'd see if any are actually worth money.
  8. Hmmmm.... I'd say go to someone who is specialized in the ADHD area. Ask parents/teachers in your area. Here, I found someone who has a great reputation. We're on meds, and it's wonderful. As our Dr said, "It allows the wonderful person you know is in there... to shine." I've always been happy with him, but exhausted. When I finally admitted that he might need meds, it was sad... BUT, it's so much more fair to him!! He has total ability to obey, look like he's paying attention... etc. :)
  9. Having kids is tough. You can't believe those pretty little faces can pronounce some of the ugly things they say :( If you don't want to spank, running.... jumping jacks... all sorts of exercise can work well. (Having her do pushups.... ect. Although I suppose you could, too :)) And just trying not to react when they're such little twits :( A wise couple I know said that disciplining their daughter became easier when they not only saw her as their daughter, but also their sister in Christ. My daughter is 14yrs old... Good times and Not.... it's hard!!
  10. Did you get antibiotics? If any of you get pertussis, go straight away for antibiotics. It makes getting better so quick!! Hugs on the rest... I have no idea what I'd do :(
  11. This is your 8yr old, right? :) I'm going to go off the crazy end and tell you to back off ;) Enjoy just working with real life experience for a while. Then when you're taken the pressure off, see if they are in his little head :) I went through and flashed cards for my son and saw which ones were "top of the mind" known. I don't drill him, right now, but we will do games in the car sometimes. He gives me questions and I do the same. Once it's fun, it's easier to get in there :) I still don't "drill" him as most do, but it seems like it's working...
  12. We kinda socialize with our neighbors, but haven't had any over for a long time. I either am really stupid and eat more bad food, when my stomach hurts. OR, I have some mint something :) Well, next week will hopefully be good. The last few days I found out that I accidentally stayed signed up for something that was $50 a month, didn't do something right with my taxes... and to finish up tonight I had to make my dog throw up, because I found something chewed up that had silica gel in it... in the bath tub. Lovely! :( I didn't see any in his vomit, so hopefully he didn't actually eat any :( Hope this week is better than the last few days. :(
  13. Do you have the option of homeschooling him for one year? I would tutor him for a year and really catch him up, if academically he could handle it. Either that, or perhaps he could be tutored by a homeschooling family who would work with him? I see you're in Oklahoma, so the laws are generous there. Then I'd stick him back in at grade level, if that's where he's at ;)
  14. Nathan's or Hebrew Nationals or Trader Joes.... or Applegate or whatever one that is... :0
  15. Here's an example of then I be ok with paddling.... But since they're in the court system, I don't think it's allowed...
  16. Wow, I'm just appalled that she said ok, actually. If she didn't let the other student cheat, then why did she say, "ok".... she should have fought it. I'm actually ok with some forms of paddling. I'm not sure for what, it'd have to be horrible.... but I would also be ok with some sort of caning for adults, too. That would be things like rape etc... Just my 2 cents. I would NEVER say ok to my child being paddled. I don't really believe in spanking as the norm, anymore. :(
  17. Sponge Bob! We hated Sponge Bob before we found out that our son loved it! Then we listened to it over... and over... and over!!! My husband and the girls had him memorized. Anything is better than screaming :) (So, whatever he likes!!!)
  18. Well, I'd take some sea salt and glass of water if you can. For some reason, sea salt almost always makes my headache disappear. (Gets your electrolytes right, I think....) Anyway, worth it.... It's a "big pinch" and then water....
  19. My mom uses Arnica Salve and lent some to me.... It was wonderful!! I can't find the tube this second, but I'd recommend a good Arnica Salve :)
  20. Well, my true feeling is raw food with suitable (uncooked) bones is best for pups! Absolutely NO cooked bones, as they are the ones that cause problems... Salmon oil which can be given on a plate (small amt, comes with a measure spoon) and you can add some vitamins to that. Then you just choose meat that's good. I actually throw out a quarter or half a chicken (sometimes whole) for my 65lbs dog. He just eats all he wants, sometimes the whole thing... sometimes not. You can feed any organs but liver as meat. I do not serve pork. (I don't believe uncooked pork is good for them and actually don't eat pork at all) I let my dog have the leftover yogurt.... and just know what works for him. If he feels sick, I give a bit of banana... etc. There are huge books about it and it's really an easy "wing it" type thing when you know what NOT to give. (NO raisins or grapes, try for no onions/garlic although some people give some... but the raisin thing can kill them...)
  21. Ok, so how about some tried and true recipes... :)
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