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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think standing on the pew or chair is fine. If you're worried, have him take his shoes off, or bring a carpet square to stand on... Otherwise, he's standing behind a bunch of backs!! Church is joyful!! Let him share in the joy :)
  2. Wow, that's incredible. Good driving instincts for a 17yr old :)
  3. How sad :( Don't know anything about piggies :( There have been lots of threads on here... and in other parts they're called cavies, too, so you could search for that :)
  4. So sorry!! That's scary! Does she have someone with her? :(
  5. Basically University Model schools are a hybrid of Home & Private Schools. The children go longer the older they get.... It costs money. My friend had hers attend the Denton one, which is how I heard of them. Many University Model schools use Classical Education The link at the bottom has a list of all the Texas ones. It's a huge list, so I'd think that there would be one around where you live. :) http://www.dentoncalvary.org/ http://www.naums.net/ http://naums.net/images/NAUMSSchoolDirectory.pdf
  6. Wow, this sounds very cool!! Can I have a link? I know that there are UM schools in TX. You can start at the one in Denton and go exploring from there. UM schools start with younger grades being in "school" for a bit and work up to more as they get older :)
  7. Put some Karo Syrup in it... seriously :) The evaporated with karo syrup is what I'd do till I got to town... :)
  8. The one with the greatest motor is the one I have.. can't remember... the pro?? And I see that they have one that will fit under cabinets, which was the only reason I kinda wished it was the "Blendtec" since it's squattier... Anyway, it's awesome!! We don't use it all the time, but we use it enough. I think it has a 7yr warranty :)
  9. Wow! That's exciting! Glad for you and your kiddos... Treats tomorrow!! :)
  10. We asked about allergies. Good to mark name tags and a mark on the sign for the door or something... And how you handle it partially depends on allergy or preference...
  11. Dang! You've at least raised a witty son!! :) Glad he's ok! :)
  12. Oh! I never learned the "w" part... I learned the "y" part :) I also knew about the "baby" being "short i" sound originally :) I love spelling rules :)
  13. Hey Kelly :) No problem, I had thought of it and then felt bad that Tim might feel bad, but then when I saw your post... :) As far as doing all the CC work, it'd be easy to do it at home. You just have to do one week... each week :).... It's all separated out in the book. The current one is what I'd want... for less chance of mistakes, etc. :) I wouldn't do their geography, and I like Shurley English for English... Ok.. so I'm a "tweaker" :)
  14. I really think it's a huge favor to your son to learn early. (before the job) He should say something like, "I work hard and I do my best. I work for $8.00 an hour to give room for a tip if you feel like I earn it. I also like to know if you have an comments about my work that I could improve on or if you particularly like something I do so I can make sure to do it again, next time. People's Court has so many times of oral contracts or failure to get contracts. Learn early... :)
  15. I understand :) Usually I think the teacher should be talked with first :) BUT, all I was thinking is that you don't want them to start talking about you to the Priest without you letting him know what was going on. Good for you... for taking the time to cool off, first!! :)
  16. That's really beyond crazy and I'm not sure how I'd handle it. Probably contact the local priest with a notepad in hand that you have a matter you'll need to ask the teacher about... Ask the teacher and then tell the Priest the whole story. I'd be ticked!!! :(
  17. Wow, that sounds extended!! I'd be wanting his parents to move to Australia, or think about moving there... or something. I remember your posts.... sounds like maybe he's thinking it's time to move home :(
  18. I wouldn't, but that's just me. If I could, and I lived within driving distance of some friends, I might do some trips :)
  19. I think you'll be happier with an unseen hem. Just be sure to get it measured well and have her try it on, first :) I think with the type of fabric that it will have, that will work best :) Good Luck! :)
  20. Hey Kelly :) Would you maybe be interested in seeing if there's any Memory Work that would be fun to do together? Nathan would like to do some Chemistry Experiments with someone. (simple :)) I have no serious curriculum in mind, but I'd be interested in doing some fun things... Just a thought :) Seriously, on the other stuff... I'll be happy if Nathan learns as much as your oldest two!! :) The others... will probably be just as educated! :)
  21. Tons of vitamin C tomorrow? I took Emergen C whatever that stuff was and really kicked most of the cold in 2 days.... Depending on who you'll be around....
  22. You know, parenting is not for sissies, but often at least... kids appreciate you later in life. I'm not sure that step kids do :( We'll see, right??
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