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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. For about the same price as disposable, you can do diaper service...... Just a thought. Then you can usually just use your covers... but maybe get them from the service, too.
  2. Hey There :) This is perhaps similar... with songs, too!! :) Have you seen Dana Dirksen's material? ;) The songs are pleasant, there are words for them available. You can do downloads, although shipping may be worth it, depending... and it's from Catechism_For_Young_People which I have in .pdf.... and can't be obtained :) Just thought I'd throw this out since it's such a nice combination of song and hard copy :) Here's the first chunk... just thought I'd throw it out there.. :) And there are a sampling of songs on the site... CateChism god 1. Who is god? god is the only living and true god. He is the all-glorious, almighty, all-knowing sovereign Creator and Lord of the whole universe. God is perfect, and holy, infinite, eternal, and unchanging. (1 Kings 8:27; Psalm 90:2; 139:7-10; Isaiah 6:3; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Malachi 3:6; 1 Timothy 1:17; James 1:17) 2. Who made god? Nobody made God. (Psalm 90:2) 3. has god ever had a beginning? No, God has always been. (Psalms 90:2, 4. Will god ever die? No, God lives forever. (Psalm 90:2) 5. are there more gods than one? No, there is only one true God. (Isaiah 45:6, 18, 21-22; 1 Timothy 2:5) 6. in how many persons does this one god exist? god exists in three persons. (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14) 7. Who are the three persons of god? The three persons of god are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) 8. Where is god? God is everywhere. (2 Chronicles 2:6; Psalm 139:7-12; Proverbs 15:3) 9. Can you see god? No, God is a Spirit and does not have a body like man; but even though I cannot see God, He always sees me. (Jeremiah 23:23-24; John 1:18; John 4:24) 10. does god know all things? Yes, nothing can be hidden from god. (Job 34:21; Ezekiel 11:1) 11. Can god do all things? Yes, God can do all His holy will. (Matt. 19:26)
  3. I don't really think it matters about the rust. When you just burn it to smitherings and then you just kinda wash it out with some steel wool. It'll be fine.... The worse thing that I guess could happen... is that you'd repaint it ;)
  4. http://cerave.com/ Cerave is what my daughter's Dermatologist recommended. It has no smell that I can smell.... and it's very good. They have creams... and lotions... lots of choices. :)
  5. Probably won't help, but there are waterproof casts available for some breaks. Otherwise, we used garbage sacks and duct tape... It's hard!! And my son was only 8yrs old and one arm broken :(
  6. Are they cast iron without enamel? What I'm asking is... are they coated? If not, I think you can still stick them in a fire and everything will fall off... even the paint.
  7. So sorry, for me it was better after... I knew that I had done what I could, and hopefully this makes you feel better.... I would have done it sooner, if I could have known.... (this was our cat that we had chosen as a kitten) Sorry again!! :(
  8. LadyComp is a non invasive method with 99% accuracy, from their site. I've known someone who used it and it only failed when they decided to go ahead even though it said "not to".... The one for not ever having a baby is less than the one that tells you both ways. Basically it's a brain... and stores info :)
  9. If he'll play sports... that's a consideration. I'd do accelerated classes, unless he's set on finishing college early. OR, unless you're thinking he'll do CC classes early in highschool... or there's a reason to hurry. Just a thought :)
  10. Very Cool.... For 4th grade here the kids make a wagon to go around the school yard trying to "replicate" the Oregon Trail. The first year our first daughter did her own wagon. We very quickly realized that it's a "parent project" and my husband helped our other kids. :)
  11. I'd like to try to make some, but as a note, Cascadian Farm ones are on sale as of right now, at Fred Meyer's :) They have 12 grams of sugar for the chocolate chip ones. :)
  12. I was thinking of calling someone like... hmmmm.... the place at city hall that has the "rules". All I know is one of our neighbors got visited by the police when their dogs were loud.... Too bad they aren't the worse ones... and I can't get the police to visit our other neighbors... :(
  13. We did short division... It's easier and works out the same, I think... I showed him "long" and then we did "short". For some it works out well to show them what you are actually doing. I'll try for an example. Ok, so we have 121 divided by 5. That's like 121 race cars to divide fairly into 5 groups. Hmmmm... How will we do that? Ok, well, that means you have 1-100, 2-10's, & 1-1. How should we figure that out? Hmmmm..... well, lets do this with pennies.... and then you represent all of the groups... and then you continue... We do a lot of this in real life. I mean... if you just explain it all on paper, then you can show them WHY it makes sense and go from there...
  14. Baby Dust to you!! :) Happy for you :) Good Luck :)
  15. I am amazed!! Rejoice!!! :) So happy for you all! :)
  16. I totally believe in the 6 day creation. I understand that it's hard to understand, but of course things can be created in a way that they are not "just born" whether man or animal. Here's the thing, if I can't believe the earth could be created in a way The Creator chose, why would I believe the born of a virgin, died on a cross, rose again, coming back... as well as performed miracles part.... I mean, from my mind, most of this is beyond imagination! Creation is the start... but all of it is incredible!! :)
  17. Oh wow, I've never heard of having a "raw delivery" type thing. I have to beg from farmer to meat market for my stuff.... :)
  18. Not this... ask your insurance if she's legally responsible. AND, I wouldn't take her word that she called her insurance. She drove, she's responsible. See what the law is in your state.
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