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About mommywise

  • Birthday April 9

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  1. Hi, I have a 1st grader who is not much interested in reading and want to get some ideas how to motivate her and teach her how to read. She gets bored easily when we read (doesn't want to finish the book, even small books with pictures) but would rather draw/craft/dance all day :). Did you have any reluctant learner? What helped you? Should I use some flash card method I'm reading about? Thanks in advance.
  2. Subbing... Great information! Thank you. One of the dh's job is in Ft. Meade. Is it too far away to commute from the nearest town in VA? I read that MD has more laid back, rural town feel than Northern VA which is more city-like and busy. Is it true to anyone? I also partially unschool/ loose homeschool so there are not many "proof" or workbooks involved for Portfolio or progress. How do you all keep up with this? If I choose to go with religious reason, what paper work do I need to have? What umbrella schools in VA or MD do you know and recommend? TIA
  3. Does each county in VA (or any State ) has different homeschooling policies and laws?
  4. My ds and dd is 3 weeks apart in birthdays. Last year we did a joint party but it was a little awkward for folks who only knew ds or dd to blend in although most friends who came knew both. This year ds is turning 10, dd turning 6. DD wants a girly party with make up and nail polishes (because she has been to one :( ) and I oppose kids playing with make ups. I've been telling her that there might not be a party this year but she is still expecting and counting the days. I'm thinking of inviting just a few friends to the beach (not mentioning of the birthday, but invite them as a playdate) and maybe I can just bring cupcakes. Does anyone think this is a good idea? I just don't want her to blame me for not throwing a party for her like I did with ds when she gets old(er).
  5. Do you homeschool, using Portfolio option or other (umbrella schools, etc)? With dh's job possibilities, I'm researching which state has friendly laws. I got TX down but wanted to learn more about the above 3 States. Some folks mentioned that it is a breeze and easy or laws have changed past a few years and it is much easier now. I just checked HSLDA website for each laws but they don't sound easy to me. Need to record 4.5 hours daily lessons, submit paperwork monthly, evaluation needs to be approved by superintendent annually, required testing done by superintendent, etc. Do you do all this? Is there a less constricted way? I just want honest opinion how you homeschool in these States that make the homeschooling easy. Thank you.
  6. HI, I wanted to get some ideas and wanted to ask if anyone skip birthday party for their children and do something else/special? With my oldest, I've been throwing b.day parties every year, not big one but a party. Since last year, I've been feeling that I wanted to do something different in place of parties but haven't figured out yet what to do. Now that kids are getting older, especially my dd, she is expecting her birthday parties and presents. Does anyone do skip the party and do something special, small just with the family? TIA
  7. Thank you OP for this question as I'm researching about San Antonio as well. OP, do you mind telling me where you are now? You said humid, is it FL? I'm in FL and I wonder how different their hot weathers are in the summer FL vs. TX.
  8. ETA2- So far I like TX and maybe MD or CO. However, TX (San Antonio)- how's the weather? I heard they can get very hot in the summer like here in FL but not humid? How's the weather in CO or MD? I prefer warm weather than cold weather/freezing, snow but if I have to live it, I guess I will. How's winter like in CO or MD? We also like to have a house with a big yard and some farm animals. Would this be possible in MD or CO near Denver and Mt. Meade? We also like to do camping, visiting parks and some occasional beach time but I noticed San Antonio doesn't have many lakes (at least from the Google map).
  9. Hi, My dh is applying for a job that has opening in these States (except FL where we are now) and I was wondering if any of you can tell from experience where, what States are most homeschool friendly. From brief research, I read that TX seems to be very homeschool friendly. Which State would you live for your children's' education and for a family's well-being? (meaning lots of things to do and not high cost of living expenses). We only lived in FL since our kids were born so a move out of State will be a big deal for us. If you know any of these parts of the country, where would you recommend? The majority of our families are in FL. Thank you. ETA- cities are Denver, San Antonio, Ft. Meade area, Oahu (Honolulu), Augusta in GA. I like the location of TX since it is in the middle of the U.S. for possible trips to the west or east but don't know much about the area. ETA2- So far I like TX and maybe MD or CO. However, TX (San Antonio)- how's the weather? I heard they can get very hot in the summer like here in FL but not humid? How's the weather in CO or MD? I prefer warm weather than cold weather/freezing, snow but if I have to live it, I guess I will. How's winter like in CO or MD? We also like to have a house with a big yard and some farm animals. Would this be possible in MD or CO near Denver and Mt. Meade?
  10. Wow this is a timely question and thank you op and all who replied. I learned a lot about Oahu and Hawaii. Our family might be moving to Oahu for dh's job also so I am researching about the life and homeschooling in Hawaii. Tammy, your photos are amazing and thank you for sharing. So far, the most concern I get is Bug! We do have roaches here but I can't stand flying roaches and centipede. Any effective tips to share? Also I read people's complaint about getting a mysterious bug bites during the night. Has any of you experience it? Where is the good area for housing especially if you want to rent a single family home and not condo/apt? I don't know if DoD employee can get a base housing but it would be nice because it looks like the houses are not as close as others off base. I was reading HSDLA's link for hawaii and noticed that-#4. Does this mean you can evaluate your own child without having a teacher's certification??---------- Standardized Tests: At the end of each school year an “annual report of child’s progress†must be submitted to local principal. This report may comprise one of the following: 1. a score on “a nationally-normed standardized achievement test which demonstrates grade level achievement appropriate to a child’s age;†2. “progress on a nationally-normed standardized test that is equivalent to one grade level per calendar year;†3. a written evaluation by a teacher certified in Hawaii; or 4. a written evaluation by the parent (grades, tests, assignments or results of statewide testing program may be submitted) which demonstrates progress. Rules, § 8-12-18 Also with the below- do I need to submit this when submitting the letter of intent? ------- Parents must keep “a record of the planned curriculum†which must include the commencement date and ending date of the program, number of hours per week of instruction, subjects to be covered, method used to determine mastery of materials and subjects in the curriculum, and a list of textbooks or other instructional materials. This list shall be in standard bibliographical format. Generally, the author, title, publisher and date of publication should be indicated. Rules, § 8-12-15. The rules in homeschooling in Hawaii seems more strict and complicated than here in FL. I hope I am wrong on this :confused: I'm sorry to add questions to this thread but I thought both op and I can learn from these as well. OP, when are you guys moving?
  11. Mrs Mungo, thank you. When I hear "test" I think of a child going to a place (school) and test with other kids while a teacher is watching, traditional school setting. So you can test at home? What subject do they need to test other than English and math? What happens if the score is too low or didn't pass the bar, are you able to re-test? Other grade where you don't need to test, do people do portfolio option? I read it somewhere that when I send in letter of intention, I need to provide curriculum info. What if I don't want to use a boxed curriculum but assortment of books? Do I need to provide curriculum info for every subjects or just main subject like math, English, writing?
  12. HI, We are a family of 5 living in FL currently but my dh might get a job in Oahu as a DoD employee. I've been reading about Oahu and Hawaii and homeschooling and many suggested to come over here to ask question regarding homeschooling in HI. My questions- 1. I'm currently in FL (small city), do I need to terminate the intent here and register there as a homeschooler? If I am under a umbrella school here, do I still need to register as a new homeschooler in HI? 2. How is the homeschool law there, is it lenient or strict? I read that you need to test a child at 3,5,8,10 grade. Has it changed? Is there any other way in place of the test? My 4th grader was never been tested other than online short assessment run by curriculum companies or online math games. 3. Is there any umbrella school you can register and skip the test requirement? We are loosely homeschooling and kind of unschooling with guidance so not many workbooks involved. 4. How active is the homeschool group there? Field trips, play groups, etc? I think living there for a few years will give our kids the new experience and learn about the new surroundings. I hope I don't have to give up to move there because of the restricted homeschool law. Thanks in advance.
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