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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. So sorry :( Have to say that when they all go to the same school, at least your life is easier. There is no way I'd be driving to so many schools, especially if it was other people's choice... ;(
  2. Jean, I see you as thin and tall :) I'm sure that she didn't mean it rudely, she's trying to get to 50 posts, and perhaps asking if some are "just like her". :grouphug:
  3. http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com/ Not sure if you've just started doing searches on google. Also, I found co-ops through calling churches and asking if co-ops used their facilities :)
  4. That's hilarious!! BTW, I don't mind folding laundry.. it's the putting it away that stinks!!
  5. My daughter, in 7th grade, was one of the ones in her class that knew how to pick out a noun. Seriously, she said she was the only one... perhaps there were others?? (She could have diagrammed a sentence! Yay! I did something right :)) ;
  6. Just a thought... I like a "pinch collar" better because it doesn't cover their nose and mouth. (oh.. maybe yours wouldn't be over their mouth, but rather over his body??) A pinch collar and a smart dog, means no pulling (and so no real pinching:)) I'm getting one of the Pinch collars that have a buckle, next, so easier on my fingers :)
  7. I'm thinking that the barking thing is like one of those "bird houses" that makes an unpleasant noise that only the dog can hear?? I'd purchase one and hang it on my back fence and see if it works.. My mom got one and it did work on the two dogs.... on both sides of her house. A small amount of money for "taking care" of the problem yourselves... :)
  8. Very sad... I would think that judges would have better uses of their time.
  9. Hey Y'all!! So, I'm wondering if others have started to receive individual emails yet :D I'm so curious when we'll get more Info... the email just made me so excited.... and well... patience isn't a virtue I've totally conquered yet :tongue_smilie: Curious to when states are finding out about next summer :bigear:
  10. Wish you were out here!! I have a 7 year old... and a great SOTW co-op (and more) that we're doing.... :D
  11. I did that, too!! Course, I was 6 years old.... but I still remember it. I believe that I had invited Usherika. What an experience that school was... ;(
  12. I don't know about the rage in Springers.... the one we adopted (male) just had the submissive peeing problem ;(
  13. So funny!! I don't keep socks paired well enough to order them.... but... they look great!! ;)
  14. :) When I started being homeschooled in 6th grade, my mom bought math flashcards and drilled me at least 2x a day for 2 weeks... Presto!! I learned them :)
  15. Usually you're not suppose to introduce animals that come in your yard... out to the "country" as you can take some diseases out for the "wild ones" to deal with. Don't know about rabbits though... ;)
  16. Funny, thinking today about being and introvert or extravert and how it works with friendships. I am sometimes an extrovert, but don't enjoy parties where everyone is just chatting each other up... And my "friends" are usually acquaintances, and so when I switch say... homeschool groups or churches... I realize how I don't have friends.... Makes me wonder what I'm getting out for... maybe I should pay more attention to my house, home, family... and bills ;) PS, I cringe every time I think about Christmas parties or having dinner with my husband's co-workers... UGH!!
  17. Actually, I believe that sometimes you CAN sue a school for ... something... but I don't remember what it's called. That's one of the reasons homeschool groups have to be careful about calling their services tutoring, because they don't want to fall under the "school" laws of teaching. Really sorry!! Good for her that she can catch up, but bad for the students that can't!
  18. I would say CLE would be above the rest... Rod and Staff is something that can be used independently... :) Then math could be independent... (maybe something like Math-U-See...??) I think you could an independent program together... with sources other than what you mentioned... :)
  19. That sounds nice, to!! Could be a really nice spot!! And not too expensive ;)
  20. In our house, the olders would probably be up later working on schoolwork. I think it's hard for lots of teens to wake up early...... Just a thought. Could the older do his work in their room, during the day, and flip to the big room... during nap time? (and quiet time for the others?) Here's a thought that might work... Could you get a little trailer?? We purchased ours for only $500. That could be an extra quiet space. Since you have 5 acres... you could put it in a spot out of direct view?? Just brainstorming :) We have a weird house plan... and are use to thinking of other ways to work rooms...too... ;)
  21. We take ours pretty much everywhere... and just are extra careful that he doesn't get lost... because.. of course... it's extra hard in a new place. I've heard people say to take pictures of the dog, just in case. We put a blanket in his kennel, and I wish I had purchased a more narrow kennel for the car... We take bully sticks... and a few tennis balls and ball thrower... but generally just being with us makes him happy and tired.. :)
  22. Sorry ;( Prayers for the babies and protection....
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