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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm wondering if this is available as an "online program." Can you tell me more about it? Thanks!!
  2. Hey There, I'm looking for any curriculums that use SOTW as their spine, or at least with them. We LOVE SOTW and so we will use it; we're thinking of anything else to use with it. :bigear:
  3. It'd be hard for me to buy the VP cards when they are only going to be used 1-2 more years, before CC has it's own... according to what's being said. (One more year for sure, then the next... it's a choice for directors.... and then the next... CC's timeline cards) Course, that's not anything that I have official documentation for, just saying. I would also have a hard time purchasing the current guide, isn't there another one in 1 year? Also, if doing Essentials, the new guide is prettier. Just my thoughts.
  4. Hi There, We're doing our park day; great day to meet people and sign-up for the co-op. We're doing a Co-op with SOTW for younger kids.... (history) and All American Jr High, and MFW for HS... and then more curricula for other subjects, too. (Covering core subjects, minus math :)) Feel free to PM me for directions, etc... We also have Field Trips planned for the summer & school year! Yay!!
  5. I want Nana and Papa ;) I think it sounds sweet :) I call my dad "pops" sometimes cuz... you know.. it's a term of endearment :) :)
  6. Yup, super want a link, I do!! :) I just love looking at what's out there! :)
  7. Seriously? Gotta be joking, right? Both of them need to "go back home"....
  8. Maybe at 14? She will turn 13 in August. So next year, she would be almost 14 when she goes out. And yes, I'm just as concerned with her being with a wild cousin, unsupervised, as doing childcare. Probably more concerned about that part. Hoping that as they get older, being home doesn't include getting in alcohol and boys :( Her bio dad and I don't have even close to the same standards. :(
  9. My mom grew up in Migrant housing, with her Migrant Father and Mother. All were poor, hard working, honest, more than one generation here, people. They worked, the lived, they loved. My parents worked hard for what they have, and have a nice lifestyle. No one has given them a "hand-up" and all they have done is by hard work for long hours, with much schooling and loans to pay back. I'm proud of both of them! They weren't too good for whatever they had to do to get to their goal. It included dirt floors for my mom growing up, and for my dad...he grew up with his dad being a mechanic and having a shop. Hard.Work. Little... really. little.... gov't assistance. :)
  10. Yup... asking about the ages :) Actually, she'll be almost 13. (13 about 1.5 months after) I know they're gonna do videos and wii type stuff all day :) The cousin is just... well... an only child who is beyond spoiled and she is about a year older. She's more advanced, and has had many boyfriends. (At 14!) Not sure how much of a "boyfriend" they are, but more advanced than my 12 almost 13 yr old. I did babysit at 13, but looking back, I did some stupid things. Kids at 13 just don't have it all together. I think it's a stupid plan, besides being totally unwise. I also think that to have your 13 yr old babysit on her "mandated" parenting time is stupid. I did ask her how she felt; she likes the "no dad" during the day to "give her a break" from him. Urgh!
  11. Seriously, I just found out that my daughter has been asked by her bio-dad to watch her brother and sister for an entire week out of her almost 2 week vacation out to MI. I haven't ever even left her a whole day of babysitting her with her almost 8 year old brother. On top of that, her cousin, who both her bio-dad and she..say is crazy..., is coming over "several" days. His daughter, his time, I suppose is one way to look at this. I am pretty pissed that she's been asked to babysit for the week during the day. (And with a wild cousin...) Crazy?
  12. My parents, their children (2), my children (2), my brother's child (1), my steps (2) = Total of 9. I'm hoping for a few grandkids. I actually don't have to have a ton, although I've told my kids I expect between 3 and 4 a piece :) I do know that the more you have, the different it becomes. And, of course, it depends on if they live near or far. :)
  13. Hey There, I was excited to hear of talk here about the MFW HS, but.... it still makes it sound like others want this in a co-op setting, because... well... if they were doing MFW at co-op... you'd continue, right?? This sounds pretty much like what we're doing, and that's why I think MFW will be good in the co-op situation. Lots of learning at home and then discussion and learning at class :) So... I'm not surprised that you're jumping at the opportunity to participate in a group situation :) Is this a pay for the group, or volunteer type program? And... do you have a link? I love to look around :)
  14. But then, remember the studies where families are told their children are gifted, and it helps to raise the bar and helps towards overall achievement :) So, "she's incredibly intelligent!".... So is her sis :) Now, enjoy the ride :)
  15. I stayed for weekends babysitting before I could drive. (I started driving at exactly 16) I was fine... the kids stayed up late... slept in late... were pretty naughty... but it worked ;)
  16. Original Languages would be my choice... if I could read them :)
  17. I'd seriously reschedule. No way... no how would I take her. My brother's friend had her daughter taken by CPS because she took her in when she fell on a shampoo bottle... Does it look like it's healing correctly? (if it's "cut" apart, is it naturally growing "whole" again?) Anyway, no Drs for my child if that had happened!!! I have more than one friend... who has had CPS problems because of Drs... (and no, not because of any parent inflicted bruises...) My (other) friend who had the Drs talking about what to do... didn't EVERY spank her kids... or <of course> smack their faces. The little one bruises really easily and had slept on her hand and it had a VERY small light bruise... Totally fit the kids hand... but... the first Dr (her regular Dr was off... took the child in for a sick visit) had alerted other Drs to "talk" about it... UGH... Anyway, Drs can be VERY suspicious because of all the nasty stuff they see... :(
  18. My mom had two, and I had two... and if it wasn't for our situation.. I'd have more if I could have... (my husband had 2, so I have 2 steps)
  19. You get the allergy Benadryl fast tabs... At least that's what I got. When I needed "emergency" ones for her to pack... and I couldn't get the fast tabs... I got liquid gel caps... I showed her that I could bite through and get to the meds... and while they taste horrible... it'd be what she needed.. (And, actually, 2 at a time.) Vermont Nut Free Chocolates has "m&m's" called Skippers...(I think that's the name..) All the chocolate we've had from there has been wonderful!
  20. Well, unless you're under law that requires it, it's an elective surgery. I believe that it's more serious than most realize, and would only have it if I were of Jewish descent. Can't believe people routinely cut off a portion of their child without weighing the choice.... There are many different things to think about... ;)
  21. My guess is that some respect your decision and some mumble with their husbands and other friends that it's crazy. Still comes back to your kids.... and your rules... I'm guessing that you're just not getting flack from those who love you more... than they are surprised that your girls can't spend the night. Everyone can disagree... but in our circle... it was weird that my daughter's friends basically all had a "no spending the night" policy... while my older daughters.... their friends could. My daughter's first "whew... I like ps" was when she realized that she could have what she considers "normal" friends who are allowed to breath and spend the night. Just tossin' out the idea... that maybe... as your girls get older... this may change. My friend from college days was molested by a deacon at the church her father preached at... during her time at church. Seriously, it can happen anytime... and that's what you have to be careful about... in my opinion. Good thing about parenting... you can have any opinion... and it's your kids... and their feelings about it... that you have to consider.
  22. This might be making an incorrect assumption that everything happens to the child while they sleep.... That's not when most molestation/rape occurs... if I'm right about what I think I've read..
  23. Yup, I ask about guns... It's also one of our biggies here. Won't get into an argument on here about it... But my husband and kids are good shots.... But guns at the house are on the... well... if you wanna break in my house... sure... we have a loaded gun. If your kid is spending the night.. I'll tell you the truth :)
  24. While a regular ps will do that here, I can't imagine that a charter will. (Because of such low funding:()
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