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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. :iagree: I can go with this one. I absolutely believe that people are special, and "made in God's image"
  2. After I had toted my daughter to ballet for 3 years... the ballet instructor said that 8 or so is a good age to start. We did Royal Academy of Dance, and the instructor let out that she started ballet at 12. SO, 9 or 10... if they really want to do it.. isn't too late. :) My husband is doing baseball for my son who is almost 8, but seriously, this is the first year it isn't just beyond crazy to watch.... He's finally hitting the ball. :)
  3. So, without tv, I feel completely out of it... How are things going?? How bad is it?? So sorry :(
  4. We did fresh pumpkin, and it separated. I don't know what happened, but it was kinda like "pumpkin custard" pie. It was good though :) I don't care for clove in my pumpkin pies... so messing with recipes can give you one you like. Personally, I prefer Pumpkin Bread... like banana bread... Starbucks has one that I like... but homemade is better. It's really good with those big sugar crystals sprinkled on top... oh yes... with nuts :)
  5. That could be funny.... or not :( Hope it works out well!! :)
  6. Very nice pics! Seems like she was ready to enjoy her night :) Congrats to you, too!!
  7. Wow.... looks really good :) They use Saxon and Right Start?? I wonder if they let the kids do whichever one seems to "suit" them best?? I hope you love it there!! ;)
  8. Ohhhhhh .... I love carrot cake with plump raisins, pecans, and pineapple!! With beautiful cream cheese frosting :) YUM!!
  9. I guess we're really lucky; ours are on Sat. 9-1 I'll be more thankful! :)
  10. I would say "shoot the tv" but I don't have a gun. (And I'd be the one to clean up the mess!!:))
  11. My son is multiplying and such, but I think that with math, starting a bit later on the paper writing part is not so bad. I mean... he's only 7 (will be 8 in a few weeks) I always have assumed that we'll continue through summers... (as I'm sure you might, too :)) and this way we'll be on schedule... later :) Plus, summers are good for all the games that I haven't done so far.... I love Singapore, and the numbers don't mean anything except at some point, we'll have to start picking up speed, right? I'm in it for the long haul... so.... I'd rather him play outside a bit more before realizing that he has 12 yrs or so... of school left... (college and such :))
  12. I'm wondering what you thought. Always on the look-out for history... :bigear:
  13. I do believe that if you spend a bit of time each day, "blobbing" maps... versus tracing... that it works. You just put out a map that you can "model" after.... and after going through the first parts... (how to fold the paper...etc... and some "Map grammar")... you just go :) Put some classical music on... and relax... as you realize that you have years to learn the geography. I really think at that age you have to remember that it's to be a "bonding" experience... just learning bits until one day you have the whole world memorized. By Jr High your kids will be able to sketch the whole world by memory... with most of the spots labeled... :) Good Luck!!
  14. Here are my plans for my "will be 8 yr old." Bible: Memoria Press' Lesson plans with the Children's Bible Latin and/or Hebrew, we've started both History: SOTW @ Co-op Classical History Studies with Famous Men of Series and MP Reading: Reading the closest book.... Spelling: Undecided, still looking to see what others suggest Grammar: Shurley English Grade 2 or 3 Science: God's Design for Science Math: Singapore 2B/3A Plus books with a "math focus" Art: At co-op with Atlier or Artistic Pursuits Geography: Draw Write Now Book 7 Read-a-Louds at night :) Didn't seem like I had much planned till I typed it out :)
  15. With a kindle, can you cut and paste? I think that would be so great to see what you'd like to do and then just cut and paste it over to whatever you do your lesson plans in... ;)
  16. If we had a whole curriculum built on Greek and Roman gods, we'd be set. My 7.5 yr old just loves myths...
  17. Hey There! Many threads about this, including those using "Classical Conversations". As far as the drawing methods. Draw Write Now, Book 7 is pretty much the same as what I read in The Core. I think the two books go nicely together.
  18. That's awesome! It's good to hear your success... I'm not sure what I'll do for HS with my son, yet. Could you use Omni without doing the "reformed" perspective? I looked at it and still can't completely wrap my brain around it :)
  19. Has anyone used Handwriting Without Tears, Cursive Handwriting - Contracted Edition? My son is 7 and I'd like another cursive book before moving into Grade 4. The Grade 3 has worked well. I'm wondering what the difference in "contracted edition" is... I really like HWT but... it's frustrating to have such a limited supply of cursive books to practice with. :( Thanks!
  20. Hi There, I'm trying to decide what to get for a purifier. So far, we've been getting Kangen Water from a man who isn't really even trying to sell Kangens anymore. I also know about http://www.vollara.com/ which I'm interested in... Also http://www.berkeyfilters.com/berkeytech.htm is something I'm looking at... Anyone have anything to say about these? I wish I had enough knowledge about the water process... to know which is better. BTW, we want NO flouride in our water, and for some reason our area still adds flouride to the water... :D
  21. Hi Heather, I don't have an answer for your question, but I did want to chime in and say that I'd love to have a spot for all those who are "leaders" in co-ops to chat about different ideas ;) If you're interested in that... pm me... We're doing a co-op, but it's for all ages... SOTW for the younger years, The All American History for junior high, and MFW for Highschool. ;)
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