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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi There :) If my student has done Henle Latin through Unit 5.... What are my online choices? or DVD? And if I want it to be worth 2 credits? So far, they've done Classical Pronunciation. Thanks! Carrie :)
  2. Before you do this... you might wanna make sure what you're getting yourself into... I'd make sure it didn't end up in juvie..... Sorry for you... I wouldn't worry as much about taking from you and your husband.... I would worry much more about the store part... and other people... I would have him go back and work... doing... picking up around the store.... anything they'll let you do on their premises... Otherwise, make him work a while at home.. and give him money to take back to the store... :grouphug:
  3. They'd stay... in my van/car?? Maybe tix for what is important?? OR... in your purse?? :)
  4. Hi There, I can't find the Youtube... She designed a way that's not as scary for the cattle to be led ... to slaughter... Can anyone think of her name?? Thanks!!
  5. Get a Mac with the educator discount... and buy the Applecare ;) I wuv my MacBook Pro... 13" .... With an REI case... :) Yay!!
  6. I think that the one chapter in the book "The Core" by Leigh Bortins, or Draw Write Now, Book 7 are great to get you going. How long do you have? ;)
  7. We're praying for you too!! Prayers for health.. and peace :)
  8. Nah... don't eat it... it cleans the impurities from the whole animal... :( And... especially if you don't even like it :)
  9. It's kinda like if my husband still offered me milk. It's an expensive gift, and you had offered something you'd love. My husband got caught up in the moment at an auction one year, I had excused myself for a moment. He spent about $225.00 when he had asked what I wanted. It's the year I stopped drinking espresso's out, and wanted a Starbuck's espresso machine. I was pretty upset.... and so.. I just went out and bought one. I still refer to it as my Mother's Day present... and I used what I could out of his $225.00 present (gift certificates that had expired...etc.) So.. he got to spend and I got my gift ;)
  10. How about "Hi Dad" when she sees him next? That would be well.. more than he deserves... but out in the open!! :)
  11. I think just letting the bio-dad know that she'll be letting them know she's their bio-sister and would like a relationship with them... next time she sees them is fair. I have to tell you... this is said... but to not have my daughter's bio dad's influence would have some nice things.... OF course... rejection is not good either!! :( Sorry you all are dealing with this... :(
  12. Unless you're like Little House on the Prairie, and put them in your cellar ;) I always thought a cellar would be fun :)
  13. Just my personal opinion, and I don't have a highly gifted in reading child, but I would concentrate on just reading a lot and providing kid appropriate things for him. I probably wouldn't offer books on purpose, but I'm not saying that I would make him not read. I think there are reasons with eyesight, that I wouldn't want him reading too much... at such a young age. Congrats, though! It's one of the main concerns that families homeschooling have... even if they know it will probably happen, "Will he learn to READ if I homeschool?:))
  14. I would pick the larger house... :) Seems like it'll be a small enough season outside, that you can walk each day... outside... to get exercise... but for us, during the cold... it's hard to get my kids out to play... SO, that means we're cramped inside. The garage would be used for play type things... :)
  15. Pinch collars are made for widdle (little :)) dogs, too. The "pinch" parts are "smaller and lighter" :) It was great for our dog, because he just won't pull against it!!
  16. Hey There, I'm trying to put together a list of Speakers who are from this general area. (Oregon/Washington) I'm specifically thinking the closer to Portland the better. (Education Speakers, that is :)) Ideas?? Thanks!!
  17. Maybe this is the difference? :) It's a loan for us ... It's how hard he WILL work for it :) I think if he gets it ...I'll smile and go charge new flooring for the house ... I look at our floors.... wood... and we were going to get new ones when we ripped up the nasty carpet... 8 years ago ;) It's all about priorities... and I know he wants his truck :) I've got a really cool looking Visa just dying to buy me this really cool flooring I found :) :)
  18. Oops, somehow didn't quote you... My search showed a gun... And.... let's see... talk about all sorts of other things.. I'm thinking products for Auntie Flo... but no idea where it's from Would that be it?
  19. What'cha think you'd say? Truck for pleasure... to go camping... etc... BTW, we have one broken car we have to sell for scrap, one CRX that is going to just putter die... and then he'll be stuck driving the Truck... (about 30 minutes or so each way) I have a Van.... But, we had 4 kids when we purchased it... they were little enough to have to be in the back when I bought it... My thought was that it'd be best to purchase a car that would be big enough for the 5 of us who live at home, decent gas mileage, with air conditioning... so he'd be comfy driving to work. (BTW, if he gets a job farther away, for some weird reason... he could be looking at over an hrs drive. Course, he loves his job right now... so hopefully he'll have it forever :)) And, he's a great provider.. great dad... Just with gas prices... it seems a luxury to buy a truck... :bigear::bigear:
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