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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. That is beyond hilarious!!!! I've gotta remember that one, if we ever have anyone say anything about hs our son :D
  2. I just wanted to tell you, that your posts hurt my head! :D It makes me wonder if my poor child will be educated, not just adequately, but to the level of a student that is "Classically Educated".:) I believe that to be fair, some of you should open up boarding schools. :lol: I know he will be as good with me as in public schools, because I have an incredible determination to provide an education, but when I read your posts, I realize that my head can't even wrap around what I want his education to be. So, if you open a school, and are accepting students from America, let me know :) I have one cute almost 8 year old to send your way :)
  3. Very Cool, I hope my son can do the same type thing in a few years!
  4. Very cool! My son is 7.5 but I'm already thinking of what I can provide for him to learn with! )
  5. Hey There, We are doing a Co-op for children 2.5-highschool. We're doing a Preschool version for under 6 and at 6 we're starting SOTW. We are doing SOTW 1-4... through the years, Science, a free hand geography program with Book 7 of Draw Write Now, Music, Art, Poetry, and skits on a rotating basis... Lunch, free time, and an elective which will rotate. We will be highly organized, and as far as people coming or not, with warning or not, that's fine. I did put in the enrollment that after 2 weeks of no contact, that they are considered "withdrawn" with no refunds. There is a bit of a cost, enough to make it something that people will "feel" without being so much... (basically facility, insurance, supplies) We are doing longer times so that for example, we'll listen to the cd from SOTW, the students all will purchase their own Student Pages.. and do a project... Then kinda the same for the rest of the subjects.. We are SOOO excited and will strive to keep the momentum up with different "parent pump ups" as possible. I'm also wanting to bring Classical Educators and other speakers with academic goals to town.. I'd love to talk to anyone about co-ops, but especially those involved with Directing/Leading them. PM me for my email :) :)
  6. I forgot to mention: Fresh Mozzarella (like out of the whey at the deli) Fresh sandwiches with cheese, tomatoes, vinegar... salt & pepper on fresh bread. Friday night dinners from the Jewish delis. One of my favorites "mushroom barley"... (mushrooms with barley pasta?? with dressing) Seriously incredible Challah.... well, all the places I lived in NJ. Real Pizza. Just incredible food.... Great plays in the city... (if you're close enough??) And we traveled to Philly... Great... incredible... fun... times ;)
  7. I'd actually choose Handwriting Without Tears, because then you can teach him how to properly form the letters, and the ps can show him their "special way" and he can choose to make his more fancy if he chooses, and keep it legible with HWT if he doesn't. :)
  8. Too bad I couldn't have finished their stay, and my kids would have re-read the book. I don't care for the books, too much, but my kids and their dad... love it. I would have loved to have their time! :)
  9. I actually loved New Jersey, and living right by New York is awesome; course where in NJ matters. It's by incredible places to visit!! :)
  10. Wow, it is "unfair" to list so much "candy" !!! :) Off to check it out! ;)
  11. I could swear that the people I've been around say "black". I actually don't understand "African American" unless they are kinda.... directly from Africa. Although... my husband could kinda be called "African American".... as he was born in Africa and then was brought back to America. And what if a person who is White from Africa is here; are they "African American"? I mean... they are... but.... that would put the "wrong picture" in your mind... kinda like if I said my husband is/was and then you saw him. I know that people, between themselves, an call names that "outsiders" are not permitted to, but I have been & would be distressed to hear anyone called a n*gger. To me, that is just trying to be unkind and mean. :(
  12. And, for those in Oregon, we have great sources for organic beef and bison/buffalo... so "when I get my freezer" then I want to get organic meat. It's not too expensive when you buy it in larger quantities... :)
  13. I'm a "Cursive First" Mama with Handwriting Without Tears, and I want only cursive. Printing is easy to learn later. I think it's good for them. Heck, maybe schools should just have computers for the kids. ;) At least if they were all just on computers, they could do it for less $$$ and they could just have "monitors" instead of teachers.
  14. I think that what we should try to do is eat.... food in it's most natural state. SO, organic, unprocessed, food... and flour should be freshly milled.... As close to that as one can get. Of course, everyone dies, but I'd rather not die early because of poor healthy choices. So, I'm not a purist, but I'm trying to be healthy. :)
  15. I can see this happening if you use an online school, or something that is "through" an online program. (Veritas Press... any secular one) and IF your ex is responsible. Course, before I did this, I would look at private school.
  16. Maybe completely gross to you, but you can carry disposable cups with you. It's super easy to just place the cup in between and have them "go" course.... this is when they need to tinkle :) There are the Baby Bjorn Seats that are like their potty seat. Or folding potty seats Good luck :)
  17. Wish that there was a central spot for Co-op leaders to chat and discuss:D Is there one and I just don't know it?? :bigear:
  18. Who told me that they live right by VP and wish they did a co-op? Please pm me ;) Yup, I know someone said they wish VP did a co-op... and they live right by VP... and now I can't find them :(
  19. Yup!! That's what I did. I actually tried another cursive first... HORRIBLE!! (for us) so... I ordered 3rd grade Handwriting Without Tears, with the Teacher's book. Easy... peasy!!! I can't say enough good things about it. And, just printing sheets off would not be the same. The Teacher's book is great, and had him holding his pencil correctly in less than 5 minutes. I then told him that was how he needs to hold his pencil... gave him stickers... and well... it was just SOOO perfect. It's not beautiful, but you can read it!! And, he can add "style" later. I'm just so happy to have legible. :)
  20. Teach cursive first; it's better anyway and children never have a hard time learning print letters if they want to... Everyone knows that it's most likely for students to go back to how they first learn.
  21. Really sorry!! Really sorry for your kids... really sorry for you.... just really sorry. May you feel God's love and peace. So sorry :(
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