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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. We're using it at our co-op. It looks perfect for keeping as it... or beefing up :) I'm excited, as it was written specifically for co-op and homeschooling classes ;)
  2. I'd love suggestions like the "Who was...." series :)
  3. If I was going to do one "style" then I'd do CLE instead of ACE. What do your kids think?? I'd rather do Sonlight, or MFW which is written directly to the student in Highschool :) Just a thought :) But, Bob Jones would be my favorite, out of your choices ;)
  4. Antsy Pants... are a training pant, with all the holding of a diaper :)
  5. OH... I'm so sorry :( Being a teen is hard enough... add in different things... and it's even harder... Prayers...
  6. I'm really big on freshly ground whole wheat, but.... beer in the batter really helps ;) They are the favorite ones that my mom has made, and they were much lighter ;)
  7. Do either of you have a cell phone you can add navigation to? Mine is $10.00 a month and it's actually better than my regular GPS.... Also, i would pay for half the gas, but the whole vehicle thing is... well.. her responsibility. :)
  8. Are they organic? That matters... (even if not certified... but you feed them organic) We also want chicken's eggs that are not fed soy and corn. We are paying $3 a dozen right now, but earlier ... the same... were $5.00 a dozen. I compare good eggs to the difference between steak and hamburger :)
  9. Quite honestly, I was in your same position :) My son's bd is July, and I put him as a "registered 1st grader" but kept him with his peer group. As time goes on, we'll decide how we move academically. Of course, he schools at whatever level he's at... but he'll test a year behind what his "grade" based on age will be... ;)
  10. Just a thought... it makes them keep longer, when they are just left with the blossom on... which is why they usually are left.. if they need a long... fresh... life :) Our egg people "lightly wash" our eggs... so they look ok, but hopefully the layer of protection isn't taken off... too much. :)
  11. I've heard that Ecce Romani lines up closest with the National Latin Exam... (is that what it's called??) :)
  12. Try the Sarah and David one :) It's really not expensive, considering, and it's fun. My son learned all of the aleph bet in maybe 3 days?
  13. I actually have no problem with my 7 year old peeing in the back yard... as long as there's no adult looking on. He WON'T do it though. I always pull over the van... and he has to REALLY have to go to be willing to pee out the door. I see it as little different than camping ;)
  14. Hey There, We're in Oregon and we're going to be doing a Co-op using this. I think it's the "perfect" curriculum for a group. We're rounding it out wit some Science and Foreign language. (Spanish or Latin, probably) As soon as the search function is working again, you can take a look at it. You might be able to read the posts, if you do a good search for WTM and AHL :) :)
  15. Hey Mindy, If she's on the side closest to Salem :) We'd love to have her at our new co-op; there's also a CC program over there in Albany :) Of course, each has it's positives.... Ours is cost of materials.... and I'm pretty sure you know how CC runs... :)
  16. The http://sarahdavid.com/ is a nice beginning. They also have a cd to go with it; there is a short clip with the Hebrew that is a fun way to learn the different songs. (This is put on by the Sarah & David Company)I purchased the Homeschool pack, minus the Sat morning prayer book and one other the same price, and subbed in the Teacher's Manual. Of course, I don't mind the Jewish influence, it's pretty appropriate the way that it's there. :) :)
  17. Hey There, I'd love to hear what others read for good "living math" type books, for their elementary or secondary aged students. Please, everyone contribute :) And, though I have a son... of course, I would want books for both genders.... My oldest daughters would have loved good math stories ;) As I read "that other post" I saw the suggestion about the book "What's Your Angle Pythagoras?" that Bill had read.... and wanted a list of the (other) books you love for your son. I have Greg Tang's and a few others. My 8 year old loves math, and though I haven't done "formal" math with him each day... we talk about math quite a bit. I'd love all your suggestions :) :bigear: Thanks!!
  18. This is one reason I would wish for my children to not hang out with other kids unsupervised. The one girl said she knew them "a couple of days" and.... remember that post about good or evil. I think we all have the possibility... Sin makes it so we follow through with some things we think of... This act is evil in the purest sense. :( I am so sorry for the parents of the boy... and even the parents of the kids who did this. :(
  19. I'd try a decent pinch of sea salt with good water. I haven't had a serious headache since I did that..... I had to do it for a few days... I did it in the morning and at night... and now just do it maybe once a week. (Like when I have a "feeling" that it's not a headache... but just needing to be more hydrated) Allergies are bad, too... :(
  20. I remember when you got her!! Glad that you're having fun with your purrfect kitty :)
  21. SOOOO cute!! At least you can love and laugh when he's not around :) Can you make him do a sit/wait before he eats? Also, we did leash on all the time... for the first while. Easier to not let it happen, than to correct after... :) :)
  22. I am using it ;) I just wanted to attend either in person or online... training by a group that is actually familiar with the concepts. I've read the Liping Ma books and such... just want to be in a class ;) :)
  23. There are things like "quick pay"... ask your bank. I had a system like "paypal" for my account, where people could put money in straight to my account, without being part of "our bank"... It's doable. :)
  24. Hey There, I'm trying to figure out what training I want; what's "best", "real"...etc. My son is 7, but I'm interested in this, as the program seems to be a good fit for him... and we have years left to go :) Ideas?? Thanks!! (I'm thinking of online, in person..etc)
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