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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Too bad you're not Cat!! We'd love you, but we NEED your 10 year old boy :) Course... the 8 and 6 year olds would be great, too... We seem to have more of the 6's though. Funny how classes fill out ;) Oh well, perhaps you'll help start one someday :)
  2. Yup, Crate Training, Leash with you (yup, around house) exercise. As far as toys, antlers are wonderful!! So is raw meat... with bones (check into the proper ones....and absolutely no cooked) I think that raw feeding... actually helps to naturally diminish their need to "chew" on other things.(And is less expensive than quality food) Bully sticks... are great... Some of these can be ordered bulk... and much better than shoes being chewed up.. :)
  3. But here's the deal, he could do as he chooses, because He is God. But, I do believe she was chosen to be Jesus' mother, and yet she had sin... but He was born without. God is not with the limitations that are placed on humanity. He is the Creator.
  4. He descended into hell. (is actually part of the newer one, I believe :)) And here's an interesting thought, "Do you not believe he will judge?" What do YOU believe the Bible says about Judgment? Do you not believe there is or will be a divide? Is there no end difference in the ones who follow Christ and do not?
  5. So, I'm confused, and just a bit curious. Do you say, believe in the Apostle's Creed? (1st AC for clarification) I'm wondering if you're changing what you believe about Theology? (Meaning the The study of the nature of God and religious belief) And... btw.... I have friends who are Charismatic Catholics :)
  6. That's awesome! It's incredible how little babies can be when born, and still thrive!! ;)
  7. The first is peonounced Lor -e-lie... If it was to be pronounced with "lee/leigh" at the end, the spelling would need to be changed, so people would know.... Charlotte is becoming pretty common in circles I've been around.... :)
  8. Bummer, I didn't ever hear about that story :confused::glare::bigear: Mostly though, as long as I'm sending only sympathies and not cash... I'm fine with it. If I was sending cash, I'd do it through a community group or Church so they could check out the story... (And, I'd look up the church/group info... so I know it's a church/community group)
  9. I love both readers of the SOTW books :) But, just as a thought... Jim Weiss has other stories he reads, some you can find at the library... and even those who don't like his SOTW readings... sometimes like his other stories.. We love them! :)
  10. So, just wondering... looking back you don't think they should have had you all on the way to the hospital? See, I like births that are more natural, too. And yet, at a certain point, I want medical intervention. Where the line is, is perhaps hard to know... but I think it's there. :(
  11. No, sorry, didn't explain well. My midwife, within a year of when I had my son.... had a baby die because of risks she took. She made multiple mistakes... one.. after another.... Sad... and was totally needless.
  12. SOOOOO excited for you!!!!! Happy News, indeed!!
  13. That's freaky weird; are your neighbors weird enough to do that??
  14. Well, as someone who had a midwife, who made a mistake with the same ending... (in a hospital, mind you) I can see that there should be some liability. There's a balance. You have a baby inside, it needs to come out. Although, I know some believe that it's the mom's choice... and well... (especially) with abortion legal... perhaps it is. It's confusing. Some people would rather let "nature take it's course" than have a c-section. So... was it the midwife's "fault" or the couple for asking for a "risky" delivery?? A combination?? This might be an interesting thread. (BTW, the midwife I had.. is still practicing... still see her round... doesn't deliver anymore... but works in the midwifery clinic.)
  15. Funny :) That's what our co-op is going to do. There's no practical way to go through SOTW once a week and be done in a 30 week co-op. So, we have to hurry through and skip things, or... well.. take it the way we've planned. I wanted to "help" people see choices that they could use... to go with us... Since some won't want to do SOTW the rest of the week since we'll be doing it so well at Co-op :) We are SOOOO excited!!! And, I'm just trying to cover all the bases. So, especially Cat since you mentioned it, how are you doing it in 6 years? Are you just using SOTW, or using other spines with it?? Ideas are what I'm looking for :bigear:
  16. Wow! Very nice; what a blessing to your church! (and to us and others who watch it :)) Thanks!
  17. Oh Gosh... so sad!! :( So sorry for your husband... you... and the man's family :(
  18. The names I have are around 35 to 27.... (And the first one is a bit of a twist to how I spelled it...)
  19. Hi There, Anyone wanna list 6 year history cycle curriculums? Thanks!
  20. Prayers!! Let us know when it's better!! Glad you can tell us what's happening.
  21. Interesting to me.... Any thoughts? Vaccines and Brain Damage in Dogs
  22. I'm a Republican, who is happy with little meat, and I try to eat unprocessed foods... and organic :)
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