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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I had heard that the man who promoted Head Start recanted his advocacy for the program... years later. If that is Mr Shriver, I can't find anything to hear the information that I had assumed to be true... Perhaps someone here knows? I think that for a child in a normal situation, it's crazy to have them at school, before formal education is needed... For a child in a bad situation, perhaps anything outside of their family life is good. BUT, is that for the general public? Hopefully not. If the parents can't provide an adequate environment, then perhaps THEY need educated.... I find it fine to recant a position publicly; don't we have the right to change?
  2. I'm gonna check back on this :) We, so far, have a laundry monster. BTW, I had my first problem ever with laundry just now.. red something made the whole load of hots... pink... Including my husband's socks!!! Oops....
  3. I think I saw some on Amazon... or somewhere.. of Special Needs cursive... I'd like more cursive practice... for my (non special needs) third grader.. before going to 4th grade... and so I'm trying to find HWTs books that may work. Thanks!!!!
  4. I would SOOO give up a garage, if that's a possibility. Is it? Also, as far as the tv, you can get speakers to go right by the person.. instead of blaring from the tv... just a thought... Tell us what you have... and we can try to help you brainstorm some more :)
  5. Also, sometimes if you have a "Good Citizen Award" that you can get if the dog can do some basic commands... places that may not usually take the dog... will allow the dog to come.. :)
  6. Well, this year, I'm just overwhelmed at how wonderful it is to have my mom! She's undergoing chemo right now, and it's been tough to balance not giving her germs... and the reality that I don't know if she'll make it. (Like, if she's germ free... but I'm not with her... how is that good?) Of course, at this point, I'm praying for long term health for her... Presents seem pretty pointless... We're eating over there tomorrow.. but she'll have a mask on... So.. this Mother's Day... is all about my mom :) How much we take parents for granted... until something happens that makes you come to a screeching halt... and scared that something will take them early! So... lovin' on my Mama this Mother's Day!! :)
  7. I'm actually going to be doing Shurley English with my 8 year old.. some... I have the 7th grade book and jingles... and I'm using the jingles from that... because as I understand it... they are the expanded jingles and I only want to learn them once.... (and he does find with memorizing) We do some actions with the jingles, too... And then... you can use whatever Shurley grammar book you want to... :)
  8. Wanna Potchie? Course, some would understand... but no one around here... :)
  9. Well, Here's the deal... to spank them properly, or to have them do chores, you basically have to do the same thing.. Wait until they are willing to obey. And, if you spank them... then you still have to have them do physical work (use energy) to actually get them over the hill of being willing to obey. Here's what I mean: Ok, you're getting a spank (or spanked) Bend over... (and then you spank) OR are you wrestling the kid down? (That's not a spank that will work, in my opinion) OR: You're going to carry that load of bricks, over to the other side. "Start now." And then you expect them to start. You can explain to them before, that they will move the whole stack (or whatever you tell them) If they get it moved by (whatever a fair amount of time is...) then they're done. If they don't... (and it almost has to be a "to the minute deal") then great! Otherwise, there's another chore. And, it's fine if you make it up a chore. To let you know how long a child may be into delaying... It took my daughter about 10 hrs or so... (can't remember exactly; felt like a week) before she would do what my husband said to do. You have to be willing to wait it out... until they will do as you asked. (without getting angry and shouting) It's not that I believe you can't spank for willful disobedience, but it has to change the actions of the child... and the attitude... and just a spanking... in my opinion... isn't going to do the job. SO, either way, I think you have to be willing to have the "currency" be something that will help actually start "melting" their little heart. At first, when I saw this, I thought that it must be your 8 year old... Good news that it's your 5 year old. You can do this! Remember... It's... "remain calm" and then think "What would I do if I were (insert someone you think of as very firm)" For me, it was my daughter's ballet teacher.... Our house is not perfect by any stretch... BUT, you have more hope than I do... because she's younger when you're realizing that she's naturally stronger than you are. (perhaps strength and will) I am a "nice" person, a "people pleaser" and my daughter is just not. She's nice when she wants to be, and will be a great woman someday. BUT, you have to think of it being ok to be "mean".... When I feel "mean" is when my daughter responds best. When I think of what will make her get back in line... and double that... that's when she will.... NOTHING is won by giving in to her... NOTHING helps when I'm trying to "be nice"... it doesn't carry any weight, or make her have any respect for me. My mom said it best, you have to think of it from her perspective. What does SHE need, to feel like she should be nice and cooperative... (instead of what would make YOU be nice) I have a feeling that you may be more like me... personality wise... and remember.. we are not parenting ourselves... we are parenting a totally unique little person..... and to reap happiness later... you have to be a sergeant now. (But, be a loving mom, as situations allow... like the 2 hrs a week I was talking about) Basically the way Love and Logic tells you to do it is this: Mama wants to spend some time just with you. How about every Saturday, we pick something like... going to the park, or other examples... from 9am-11am. When I tell you it's time... you can come... if you choose not to come.. that's fine... But it's our special time... At 11am... I'll be doing chores... (In other words, if she comes at 9:30... while you started doing laundry... that's fine.. then you have an hour and a half... at 11am you would still be done.... That way, it doesn't end up as another manipulation opportunity....) You can also have a budget... "We have $10 a month to spend each month.... we can do some free and some things that take $$$) Sometimes it takes being a "tough cookie" yourself to make life pleasant.... :) Hugs!! It's hard... but worth it to dig in now.... Teenagers can be blessings... but not as much if you're still establishing a relationship that should be established when they're young... :)
  10. Is that the only room that she can be in?? Is there a spot that you could "rethink" into hers somewhere else?? Does she bring any money that could be used to redo the garage?? Or to redo the vent for the air?? I think you should try to think "outside the box" for the longterm happiness. It'll work out :)
  11. Hmmm... I don't know, but from experience I'd say to get her on your side right away. In a year or so, you won't be able to "make her" do much. Perhaps tell her what to do, and then sit there with her until it's done... then charge her for your time? (Ok, that took you 15 minutes; you can do the (fill in the chore) or give me $5 out of your bank).... Don't ground her to her room (if you do that) ground her "from her room" if you use anything like that.... Have her use her energy.... This is something that will work if you can do it with a strong willed child... Have her do the chores that I was suggesting (in a matter of fact way....) or double the time if she waits till after Daddy gets home.... (If he'll stand behind you) "You can do the chore now, or double time if you wait till after Daddy's home" If you don't have chores, my friend has her kids run laps around the house... "That's 5 laps... go..." With kids who have these tendencies, I really believe that physical work is one of the things missing from their "daily diet"..... Also, without connecting the two, reading Love and Logic... and instituting the suggested "2 hrs" of time... according to their suggestions... (so it's not another battle...) is a good suggestion. If you put off dealing with it... it's worse... it doesn't get better ... :(
  12. Hi.... Be sure to have the Cancer Center... place call your insurance, too. They've been super helpful calling my mom's insurance and having things approved... So... perhaps... Breast Cancer is one of the cancers that you have an incredible chance of recovering from.... I believe that you will be here many happy years!!
  13. How far is Albany? I know a good spot there... and also... in Salem... we were VERY happy with our dog being boarded at a spot there.... You need a Bordetella Vaccine, which is just a vaccine that is given through the nose... (at least at our vets) At the place in Salem, we just payed $3.00 extra to have him played with each day... He actually enjoyed it.. :)
  14. I'm curious if the radiation is lower dose with it being twice daily. I've studied way up (as you know) about chemo, but not particularly about the radiation. We are loving Cancer Treatment Center of America I can't remember where you live. I do know that I would look to European studies over American. It seems like European Studies are just way ahead of us. If you can't find some studies, I would be happy to help search it out... Sorry about this.... really sorry.....
  15. I don't really think that VP does the signs... BUT, what's stopping you from doing the signs in VP order. I agree about the Scholars program and keeping them in VP order. As a side note, I've heard it rumored that CC is changing to their own Timeline cards for the 2012/2012 years... Not sure if that's true... but it's what I heard. :)
  16. Art Reed is still here, and his name doesn't read banned... rosenon99 is the one who got banned...
  17. Lorelei is Hawaiian, too... and can be pronounces "Lor e Lay" ..... :) (At least according to the name site I looked up...)
  18. I'd be calling the carpet cleaners... So as to not mess it up more... Good Luck!!!
  19. We're doing MFW in our co-op for HS. I think the thing about any writing program, is that it's good to have more than one. IEW is a good writing program, but using it for 2 years and then moving on to another program, would be my idea of a good "writing program." :)
  20. Ohhhh.... I'm so sorry;( The sadness of babies is just .. tragic..... I watched Rabbit Hole last night and cried the hole movie... (even though it's not real...) Many of the things they say in it would really be "true to life" about missing children... Really sorry :(
  21. I think I've seen it before, but now looking for it... I can't find their History Plan.... Do you happen to have a direct link? Thanks :) http://www.stjeromes.org/documents_school/The_Educational_Plan_of_St._Jerome_Classical_School.pdf
  22. Salem Oregon Co-op: Info Meeting Coming up on May 9th at 11am... Let me know if you're interested :)
  23. Hey there, Has anyone used the Artistic Pursuits Curriculum? We're thinking of using this in a co-op setting. Thoughts??
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