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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I had some nice lined pants made of poly; too bad I'm still a size too big for them ;)
  2. Wow... angel's wings for sure... and looks like you were sharing, too!! ;) (with the motorcycle guy!) Wishing you much success!!!! ;)
  3. :iagree: No one would want to pay the 3% or whatever of the purchase price to a realtor... ;( (Of course, home inspection and a real estate attorney would be a given for me...
  4. Or other great Latin Classes.... The student has made it through Unit 5 of Henle. :)
  5. She's just trying to look better for her first "real job" interview :) My husband's wife took some of hers for a trip to Sweden with her two kids. Perhaps it was a "study" of some sort, right?? :)
  6. Tulsa was one of the two spots my parents liked best, out of all the ones we have lived in... (which is lots!!) I remember it as a good spot :)
  7. What, academically, are you going to be doing at co-op? For us, it will be the "meat" of our week for History, Geography, Science, Art, and (foreign) language. So, it's worth it:) For my almost 8 year old, it would be... anyway... probably... (worth it) For hs aged students, it needs to either be a GREAT addition to what you're doing... (Like Science with labs) or... filling a great desire... like... say Art. (And serious art by then :)) A whole day, for just sampling subjects... may not be worth it by then. For us, our curriculum is basically... "Open and Go" which is what we wanted. SO, we chose SOTW with cd, activity book, and student pages for history. (and we'll do one project each time.) So, teacher prep is minimal. I've already seen what parents who have to spend hours putting together curriculum...look like :) I wanted to keep it simple, but make the subject matter. :)
  8. I have lost about 10 lbs. I am eating, and need to do it again today, pretty well. I have made salads, sometimes in flat bread wraps (whole wheat) with a huge amount of salad... small amount of this raspberry vinagrette and an egg either in or on the side. (Boiled) I at this 2x a day for 2 weeks with nothing "extra and fun" and saw a dip in weight... Now, I get in kicks of eating better... and do it for a few days... I allow myself one "treat" a day if I want... A square, or maybe 2 of dark chocolate. A few chips with a meal. I try to not go over the "1 small treat" and so far... it's going ok. I'm also thinking that when we go to "cold drinks"... maybe I can do iced tea without cream (yuck with milk, right??) instead of hot with cream. (I've been doing no sugar, so....more cream:)) I start trying to wear tighter clothes so I remember that I'm losing... not gaining. My next step is to stop just "thinking" about walking, and actually start to walk!! ;) My dog and son would like this too :) Good Luck!!
  9. So, from my days there... I have no idea if Casa Bonita is still going. I hear it reopened... but for lunch... as a kid... it was the best. (Games and a carousel) We loved it!!! And Chrystal's Pizza or something like that... next to it... but I think that's not there anymore. Gotta eat, right?? ;)
  10. Hi There!! Welcome to Oregon :) I can't be of more help, because "commuting" around here... has been about 30-90 minutes each way for my husband :( This is the closest he's worked in 10 years, and so our 30-45 minutes seems short.. compared :) (And he likes the job! Bonus!!) Depending on what side he's working... I like Wilsonville and also Canby :)
  11. Crazy!! Did you have kids that could have dropped it out?? That's really weird.. but... yup... glad you got it all back!! ;)
  12. This is too bad :( I said that I loved animals.... I don't know if I could have washed my little kitty.... 2x a day forever as he was getting his paws in poop every day... UGH... or cleaning up after my dog when he barfs his food back up... (yuck!!!) .... or well... my older kitty is pretty perfect, but she did have a couple of accidents... ON MY BEDSPREAD! ;( Yuckkkk.... So, I'm glad I didn't get turned down, cuz I put that I loved animals... :(
  13. Sorry... crazy.... more government intrusion :( Hope it turns/turned out right :)
  14. Thanks!! Just looking to see what it stands for... :)
  15. I have to say, that in our Sienna, the middle back seat is only good for a car seat. It's up to high on their neck. Perhaps they adjusted that? Otherwise, the back is easiest for 3 car seats, the middle row.. (and middle seat of that) is great for the baby seat in the "love baby" position or whatever that's called... (adjusted up a bit) :)
  16. IF you could, I'd get a 2 bedroom, one bedroom yours, one the girls, and if you're really lucky... a cool "fort type" contraction for your 6 year old. At least ours would be fine with this... :)
  17. Oh gosh.... really sorry :( Dealing with death is really just.. horrible. It's awful to try to explain, too. ;( So sorry :(
  18. Do car school on the way to appts. SOTW on cd.... Shurley Jingles if you want those learned... etc.... :) Sounds like a lot of appts and such, give yourself time off if possible. Sounds like you're doing a lot!!!
  19. We live in a small spot, 15 miles from any public transportation. I'm trying to make one tank of gas... last for a month. It's not easy though. It's $85 to fill up the tank... and probably 2x a month. Gas prices are one reason, I can't seem to say "yes" to my husband buying a gas guzzling truck. He has a CRX right now, and I can't imagine how much more gas he'd go through... He drives 40 minutes or so each way. Of course, he's a big boy and will buy as he chooses... but I don't think I'll give him a hearty "go ahead" when it means his gas $$$ will be 4x as much. Course, Boys want trucks! ;)
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