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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think that the Henna from the something Mountains company?? Might work. They have a special one for grey hair... and the white is probably a light grey? Anyway, it's a two step process... not too expensive... and takes a couple of hours... ;)
  2. I don't know exactly what you mean by "keeping/leaving out"... but we're keeping families united in learning together, and leaving out supporting a company that dictates what we do. I wasn't re-signed to be a director, because I put my middle daughter back in school. I had issues with things for the entire time, though, and was asked by my husband and parents to consider that we had enough brains and energy in the group to put our own program together. I like local; it's how I like church and how I like groups. When things get too big, they get too political for my tastes. This is a local group, with local decision making. We are supporting our own needs and desires... and with all the money we're saving(and not sending up)... I wanna hear people like SWB, Chris Perrin, the Lowes.... etc... :) We like it done "Our way" kinda like commercial, huh? :)
  3. I didn't mean to do it for something at large; I meant for personal use. It's for a student that is dyslexic. And, the scanner is a ScanSnap S1500M which can do maybe 1/3-1/2 a ream of paper at once. You set the paper in the back and presto... out it comes ;)
  4. Any ideas on this? If I scan in the book, convert to pdf... and have it read? Or... ideas?? The textbook is not available on anything I've seen. So, I'm thinking, cut the binding, stick it in my auto scanner, and then use some program to read it. Ideas?? Thanks!!
  5. I think Memoria Press has a guide to go with one of the myths? or maybe Greenleaf Press? ;)
  6. I'd let him go; I'd try to see a couple dads/moms that are chaperoning and kinda have them "mom/dad" him while they're gone. I believe he'd be fine, and have a blast! :)
  7. If you want things to pay for ;) you can do massage, acupuncture and chiro with dogs... I've heard they really work. Also, food choices like "raw" even if you do prepackaged... are suppose to help. :)
  8. I'd do the 10th in AHL, too, with independent math. If you can figure out the legal part :) Could you all afford to hire a tutor to be there just over 50% of the time? (Would that make the legal part work?) Or, perhaps find out if there's a teacher that would work with you? :) (BTW, in our co-op we have 9th-11th starting with AHL. I believe that's how MFW shows it...) Perhaps there is an outside class for Spanish? BTW, you're into Science Labs.... maybe one of the other moms can pick that up for you? You have a serious co-op going on.. :) Just make sure the other parents can help :)
  9. I'm interested what state you're in... and if they quit or were "not allowed to direct"..... That may help point you to if you'd like to be involved....
  10. That's just precious and awesome! So happy for both of you! ;)
  11. Well, depends on the family and also the older kids in the family. Mine had a FB account at 6; he played some games (FarmTown) and said hi to some cousins. Didn't cause a problem, here. Did I let him accept friends I don't know? Or have conversations with people? Nope :)
  12. If you wanted your kids to memorize either a set of history sentences (hopefully ancient to modern) or a timeline ... either just a set of events or events with dates, or events with a "tidbit" of information.... What would YOU use. Even better, if you actually follow through and have put this into action. We're looking for between 100 and 200 tidbits of info about events. Trying to organize hoe we'll do it, and whether we want to put it together ourselves, or pattern after an established company. Thanks!
  13. I wouldn't worry, if they are current ones. If they are older, you want to make sure of all kids of safety concerns... up to and including hanging.... if they someone get under the matttress??? Anyway, just check the general safety concerns part..
  14. We have.... the one that is the professional.... is the best. My mom got a coupon for one... so a bit off... (don't know if they were suppose to let her use the coupon, but they did :))
  15. My chiro, from Canada, says the only good butchers must be from Canada. He wanted to bring someone over that knows how to cut up a cow. :) Now, lard, ugh... just can't do it. :) Spectrum is what I use...
  16. Except for religious reasons, I don't understand why one would circ a boy. (or girl...eeek) And, while I wouldn't outlaw it, I've told people my opinion..... If I were going to circ, it'd be a very small amount :)
  17. Funny, I have asked my Catholic friends why they call themselves "Catholics" as opposed to Christians, or Catholic Christians... When you ask someone who is Baptist, if they are Christians, they don't say "I'm Catholic" :) As far as Amish, I'm thinking that not too many of them are on this forum :)
  18. Christian, trying for a Worldview as I understand the Bible to mandate for our family, but don't need Bible verses on grammar or history books :)
  19. Nope, wouldn't do CC anymore :) I am actually not doing MFW with my own son, until Highschool :) Then I'll do AHL. To do CC, I'd have to find a Challenge Tutor that I really liked... and get over what I don't care for about CC... before I could have my kids in Challenge, again :)
  20. Hi Everyone! We are doing a co-op and going through AHL for the Highschoolers. We're wondering how much time we need to schedule for the day that they go through the material. If you've done this with your own family... or with a group... Please let me know! Thanks!!
  21. I heard that one of the CC's around here did a whole summer of moms getting together and going through the Challenge course, during the summer. That way they felt prepared for the year. (That's in the PDX area...) Sounds like a good idea if you're gonna do it, and you can also see if/that the tutor is prepared. :)
  22. Cancer Center Treatment Centers of America What I would be looking for more than even just this spot, is a place that does metronomic chemotherapy. (It's chemo given in smaller amounts, more often) My mom has done really well with this, and it just kinda "smashes" the cancer cells before they get the chance to regrow... and instead of giving so much chemo at one time.. which kills more good with the bad... Anyway, my couple of thoughts... Also, my mom cut out all sugars from her diet, except for to chemo day... (Mondays for 24 hrs) There are great books out there, too, if she's interested... Sorry :(
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