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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I believe that the Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) as originally written is the only Word of God, and is truth without any mixture of error. I as a non-Catholic see it straight away, and though I agree with this, I chose to include other signs of Christian faith, rather than this... when I wrote our SOF. Depends on what you're trying to do, when you write a SOF. I did write that we would be discussing this from a certain point, at co-op, but didn't exclude Catholics from the group. (Who wants to sign this, if they don't believe it?) And, since I believe Catholics can be Christians like others... then I didn't want to exclude them. I actually have it so that anyone can join us, but only those who can agree with the SOF... and those who want to sign it... are leaders.
  2. BTW, thanks Chucki, for taking the best of what I meant; you were exactly right! I tried to say it well the first time... hopefully I clarified in a better way. Don't worry; I won't teach writing at co-op. Just an FYI, I specifically wrote our SOF so that Catholics (and EOs) could sign in good faith. (without going against Catholic beliefs) :)
  3. Ewww. sorry... could be misunderstood, easily, what I meant. It doesn't mean that I think Catholics can't have a relationship. I could name other denominations that are thought of as "church on sunday" but not "relationship" with God. I think that Catholics can certainly have relationships with God and go more than "just cultural" church attending. I guess that for me, I have seen friends who are Catholic, and have a deep love for God... who He is... what he has done for them.... and then I have seen Catholics who don't. I have known Catholics who only do Mass... send their kids to catechism class.... and go through the motions, but don't live out their faith. I nannied for a Catholic family... and that's exactly how they were. I knew them well. I wouldn't judge if they were "Christian" or not, just that their life didn't have a "different look" than the world's. Does that make sense? (And, yes, don't think that I don't know other people.. in other "denominations" that are the same. (for purpose of this, pls understand that I'm using denomination, while understanding that the Catholic Church would not actually call itself a denomination....) Summary: So, pls don't think that by commenting about this I'm saying that you as a Catholic don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just commenting about the different Catholics that I know or have known. :)
  4. My friend's daughter got them from a friend who had just been vaxxed. We got them from her, little biddy got them from big sis. Yup, it's over a month...
  5. How about going to another type of service on Wed? A bible study at... is it called BSF? If he's open at all, you could kinda try to compromise on Lutheran? But that's a pretty big jump for a Catholic :( I wouldn't break up a family over it, and I totally believe that Catholics can be Christian.... (like any denomination has Christians) Have you explained that you want to see a relationship with Jesus, during the week? (Is that an issue?) Anyway, I would proceed with love and caution and see if you can get some mediator type help along the way.
  6. I've bought and sold, ask for personal pp.. ship right away, and send something saying that it is sent (and I mean it!:)) But, if you looked at the feedback I have... as I just did... I only have 2 people that have posted about me. Guess like I don't look like a good risk, but I can see the PO from my house... and have always done a good job... and people have always sent packages to me :) (Well, there was one time, but the person made everything up and I love her :)) Just like a "Christmas in July" post :)
  7. We're starting MFW: Adventures in My Father's World and would like to know if anyone has done this for just a couple days a week. What I want to do most, is the history and science. We'll have Mondays and Wednesdays. On the other days, I'll catch up with Memory Work, (English jingles...etc...) and then next year the plan is to go... and also add LFC A. Anyway, anyone done this... but more concentrated than a 4 or 5 day schedule? Thanks!!
  8. My thought is that if she "Scissored" him, it'll grow back fine; if she shaved him.... totally different story :(
  9. Maybe you need to ask her if she'd like to live closer, so you can both learn what you don't? Or, if she had an education that didn't teach her 6th grade material, why would you want your kids to have the same? Or, gosh mom, that's too bad!!! We could Skype with you when we get to that part!! We could all play Jeopardy!!
  10. Chx pox vaccines origin was from aborted fetuses... I feel much better about the natural way of immunizing :) (And it's perfectly fine if someone wants to tell me the scientific accurate way of saying what I said about the origin :))
  11. Just if you like screaming kids!! I don't think that really helps much... but... you are contagious for a certain amount of days after breaking out. (I think it may be 10)
  12. Yup, you're right... it's all about the virus. I'd see ya anyway, but we are SOOOO done with chx pox. Oatmeal baths were horrible for us, keeping slathered with different oils was great. Especially when healing, you want to keep slathered. AND, if it turns into a respiratory thing, you want a simple antiviral. (Nathan improved in maybe 1 day or something... as soon as he got on it.) He was so horrible looking that the Dr said it was a good thing he was a boy. (You know... boys wouldn't care about having scars all over their face...) Anyway, you know how it ended up... No visible scars..
  13. If you like Math and are willing to dig in, I'd do Singapore. I like the books by Liping Ma that explains "asian math"... and the bar method is a bit to learn... but it's great... and if you keep on you can go on to NEM after 6B. Test them first, so placement will be right. There are a couple different paths with Singapore, so you decide if you want a lot of metrics... or not. Probably for you, I would say the one used in Cali would be perfect.. someone else will comment about that. For us, I've liked lots of metrics, because I'm trying to teach it like it's no big deal. (For me it is, but for him... it won't be...) :)
  14. Singapore, hands down. No problem if she's not extra good with math; it'll still work!! ;)
  15. BTW, you won't know for another 21 days from the last day she's contagious, whether the others are contagious... or not :) Caley had them 21 days after she was exposed and Nathan 21 days after that. :)
  16. Yup, chx pox :) Looks like it to me! How many visitors do you want?? You need to expose 'em soon :)
  17. Gosh, I feel like it's not right to rake such a good set of history volumes. Free Speech and such, but.... I just wanna give a shout out and say ... again... that I love how much my kids love this history!! Lots to choose from... and the best elementary history that I've seen. And, Jim Weiss, although he's not able to "story tell" like on some of his other cds... is someone we can all pleasantly listen to... from the littles to the olders. :)
  18. I'm needing to save $$$$ :) Artistic Pursuits x 3 and more ;) Anyone have coupons? Thanks
  19. I would make it a habit to brush teeth and try before he goes to bed, but Amazon has Seventh Generation has a shipment plan that you can subscribe to... My son is 8 and it's just starting to work... that he can get up and go. Course, he sometimes tries to pee in the corner... (he's asleep) so when he does get up... we hop up and help him to the restroom....
  20. Hey There, I'm wondering if anyone takes or gives Spanish classes, once a week. We have a co-op, and I've seen Latin once a week... that works...., But Spanish? What have you seen work? Thanks!! (PS, If you use a curriculum, or can suggest one... pls do! :)) Edited to add :)Thanks for the books for primary; the ones I'm now concerned about are the olders :)
  21. The cds are incredible. We like the first ones, as well as the Weiss ones. :)
  22. That's crazy sad! :( And, it's his lively hood... won't be able to get "organic" for years ;(
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