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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. HS in New Jersey would make the decision for me :) Then... you're free to cross over, but not have to hs there. For me, that'd be the end of the discussion.... :)
  2. I use to think that we didn't get invited because of the fact that we only had my husband's children 1/2 time, mine and ours (2 kids) the rest of the time. Perhaps we didn't put on enough things to help us not smell? Did we laugh too loud? But, I look at my parents and they are kind, loveable people. My dad taught Sunday School that became so large they had to move classrooms. But, out of 3 years of teaching, they were invited over once. My mom asked for help one time, and only one person offered to help. And yes, they asked people in the church directory, one couple a week... down the list. I think that's how they got their one invite... My mom also hosted a tea, and ladies came over and seemed like they had a lovely time. But, no one has hosted another one... I'm starting a new co-op and I'm kinda thinking "Could it be, perhaps they'll be some friendships that I could kindle, if I'd make the effort?" Out of my last group, I had quite a few people that I was friendly with; one that I actually did things with, but once the group was over.... well.... there's just no getting together. We've been here about 10 years, and I just kinda was thinking that we're in an area that is too settled. Mind you, I have plenty of acquaintances, just not a lot of real friends. :( It's the whole... try, try again :) And... know you're not alone :(
  3. Liberty Joy :) Really, because Liberty is a bit of a fad name right now, I'd choose a middle she could go with, if she doesn't care for Liberty. :)
  4. After going back, because there's a new one here, all I could say is "Where's the organic?" I wish there was more organic :( The scottie dogs are good (licorice) even if you don't like licorice, for some reason the little dog... Yum :) I kinda wish we got a Whole Foods Market instead... but I do like TJ :)
  5. Remember to TSP it with the Jasco? TSP... before you paint... it'll go on better. (and then let it dry) and then also... we always tint the primer so it does and easier time of covering dark colors :)
  6. Oh! So are we... I'm doing a large co-op with SOTW and then MFW on some of the other days. Wish you were in Oregon :) It'd be fun to have a couple other people.... at least doing the same thing!
  7. With your choices, I'd choose MFW and do Shurley Grammar with both girls, and Singapore is great. (I'd pick grammar in the middle, and do it with both... maybe the 2nd or 3rd grade?) Start with the "Slow path" maybe a couple weeks ahead... and then slowly add the other subjects. The MFW is nice because you can do most of the subjects, together. Perfect! Easy does it... especially the first year ;)
  8. Ok :) Who is she and how did she get in your house? She rents a room or something? Good Luck!
  9. If anyone in Oregon, close to Salem purchases this, I'd love to hold a copy!! ;)
  10. My friend uses the Olive Nose Spray and said that pretty much it's immediate relief. You can purchase it with the "Prime option" if you have that and get it in two days, or it seems like it's available at most health food stores. Everyone else might like Neti-pots, but I used it once and tried to do it correctly, and ended up getting the liquid in my ears, which was the most painful thing! :(
  11. I have taken mine with me before, it's standard coffee maker size. I love it for hot water... coffee... ice tea... etc. It's totally worth the space it takes up in the van :) I have an order from Amazon for Organic coffee in K-Cups. I also have a cool cup you can refill that's not from them. It's red in color, but I forget the name. It's easier to fill than the true K-cup re-useable and... works better, too :)
  12. Will you just be staying home? Or doing Field Trips? I have a boy on Fridays that I watch, and he's about the same age as my son. My olders were suppose to be babysitting as a job, but that's not so much how it's turned out. So, I would do it for free at this point, because him coming is the highlight of the week for my son. She paid $12 for 5 hrs. Seriously, when I was a teen, I made more. For noon-9, it's $20. She's working because they need the money, and we basically use the money for fun stuff.... BTW, she sends the best Thai food, and my husband eats the leftovers, as she usually sends enough for 3 people :) I might ask for a kitty for "fun stuff" and mention that it's just used as needed, but I wouldn't want to get into having to keep receipts or anything. You could use it for Science Museums... etc. I would mention that my schedule would remain the same, they'd be coming along to whatever I'm doing. Alternatively, you could ask her to watch your kids one of her days off, and have a break. That would be my first choice ;)
  13. Does she want to? I would if my daughter wanted to, and we talked through any issues that could arise with the parents... (not allowing the girls to walk along downtown... or whatever you might not like...)
  14. I always thought that writing with your left hand would be great for writing Hebrew!! ;)
  15. I guess I'm not much help, you said "bad, bad, bad" is that because you can't sleep with him hooked on? For my son, he seriously at around the clock. He had an incredible appetite and at TONS.... Make sure he's getting the last of the milk on one side... so he's getting the filling milk. I needed sleep a few nights and made rice milk bottles, because I didn't want him to have formula. My husband would roll over, feed the bottle and go back to sleep. It helped to have a few good nights, when I only woke up if I was full. Just a thought...
  16. Hopefully he's saving for child support, because this won't end up working out :( Say it isn't so about $50,000... that's more than any normal wedding I've heard about. I spent about $3500. and would think twice that if I had a bigger wedding would be on the "outside" of the amount I'd spend... WOW!!!
  17. Lady here, in her house, had her baby die with a midwife attending. Different midwife, same town, had a baby die because the midwife didn't call a DR. Baby would have been totally able to be saved, had the DR been called. Dr was there within 3 minutes from calling, I think? Midwife was trying to save baby, had the airtube down the wrong spot... over and over the mistakes went on. She was "retired" after that and is now doing a different job in a center. Midwives are great, but now gods. They can work with nature, but if you want intervention, they need to be able to call if it's not looking good.
  18. Using 3rd grade Handwriting Without Tears; just a thought :) It worked perfectly for my son, and since kids revert back to the first way they're taught, hoping that it'll keep throughout his life, versus printing when he's older. :)
  19. Congrats!! Are you saying Lora Lie? (like.. don't lie to me :)) Just noticed that your son is a month away from mine.. and then you have 3 more littles!! Wow...... :)
  20. You know, don't you believe that you "have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved"? There are MANY different opinions about Christianity.... but for a Protestant who is concerned as a friend, about your soul, if you can talk in their (our :)) language and explain that though you have a different way... you do believe that Jesus saved you...from your sin...and that you believe in eternal life with him...this helps to dispel the thought that you are believing in only works for salvation. (among all the other beliefs that some have about Catholics) Funny, though some Protestants believe in works, and some believe the part about "Body and Blood of Christ" almost like Catholics... Catholics are the only ones picked on... that I know about!! If you understand what <some> Protestants believe, you can explain what you believe. There are Catholics that believe that taking the Eucharist each Sunday makes it so they're saved. While we have a different slant on the exact way communion works, you can explain what you believe... explain that you are a Christian who is a Catholic...and just explain that you aren't going to agree with a Protestant slant... and aren't interested in converting. My MIL is Catholic, my husband was raised Catholic... and I have friends who if asked.. "Are you a Christian" by someone will answer "Yes" versus "I'm a Catholic"... (They might say "Yes, I'm a Catholic":)) I'm sure there are some in every denomination who would answer "Yes" when they aren't. Christian just means "Christ Follower"... and that's what I want to keep my eye on.
  21. Seriously, if DH wouldn't allow a babysitter, than he'd be offering to give me breaks. Wait! I get babysitters and breaks... and grandparents... and older siblings. (and I have only one little who's 8...) BUT, I wouldn't be with my child 24/7. We both like each other... and others. :) I'd think about how many hours you'd be away if you had them in school. (about 32 or so a week.. or more) and then how much it'd cost for them to do all the activities and other things there... (and teacher's gifts...etc.) Perhaps form a small babysitting co-op. Send them to summer camp. VBS if you have one you'd like. Something. Or, do what I've done. Check the calendar, ask Dad to have a "Dad's wknd" and then go have fun! ;)
  22. We should all meet at Exodus Books... those of us in the Portland area at least... Perhaps that's the start of a new thread... And, the other bookstore was Kingfisher's... which turned over the business or something like that to Heidi St John... with co-op thing... :)
  23. Just a thought for getting through... A "white noise" machine inside the room and a fan outside the room blowing on the door. Soft music that isn't distracting? Ideas like that.... And I guess I'd try to make sure that there weren't trees touching my house... would that help?? And I guess a drought means no soaking thinks that might burn... UGH.... For us... it's the times when the Guns are shot up in the air!! I love the 4th, and think everyone should enjoy it at a proper fireworks show! My son's BD is the 3rd, and we had him thinking for years that the fireworks show on the 3rd here, was a BD party :)
  24. Congrats!! Did you move up title wise? I've wondered when I move up again, but too lazy to look :)
  25. Why not look and see; do the "agreeable" parts together. Fun and almost free due to not having "dues" to pay upward... I would do it as a protestant.... I would perhaps not do the Timeline and would have to look at the Church history perspective... but we would have enough to agree on to do it together :)
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