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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd look into Faith Seminary and College The site is being worked on today... but that's the site. Of course, full disclosure... my dad is a Prof there... but the online program works well ;) And... I don't get any $$$ off this :)
  2. Which, of course it's a rule...you're there each week and they are listed on the VP site, as well. Of course, that's the rule with the Foundations guide, too, but all of that is listed each week.... and also on the Online community... as well as all over... online... So.... of course everyone will want to purchase it. I've heard that there is a new Foundations Guide coming out the next year, too. (2012??)
  3. Ewwww...sorry :( I don't have experience though... Hugs...
  4. Funny, because I kinda agree both ways :) I consider every parent a homeschooler... bad or good job. Think of it, I'm acknowledging that outside of school is more important that "in" and every parent is responsible for where their child is educationally speaking. If more people thought this way, perhaps they would homeschool till say... kindergarten, then 1st, then 2nd... then on up. AND, when their child couldn't read in 5th, they could blame themselves and not a teacher that changes each year. :) (I do know what you mean, though :))
  5. Funny :) Wow!!! This is going to tick a lot of people.... Imagine... your $100 plus all the money it takes (and time) to laminate... and then you're suppose to do it again? Funny... a lot of things that are "one time purchases" are...well... not really a one time purchase, unless you think "Yes, purchase this once, and then they'll be something to purchase, again"...
  6. You might read Love and Logic for teens. Seriously, even though it cuts into other time, suggest the 2 hr time with her... doing whatever is on the "ok" list that she likes. If you have enough $$$ it could be breakfast and a walk... etc.. There are boundaries for this.. you schedule it like a real meeting.... and don't bow out except for true emergencies... It's worth a shot. It's a hard time of life, seriously. You sometimes have to take a fresh breath of air, remove the "bad sheep" title... and remember that this is the part where you try to do damage control. She will come back, you will have a relationship that is good when she's older. BUT, you really have to not have too many hurts now... for that to be easier. :)
  7. My mom put the starch in the wash... and my dad's shirts looked really nice and crisp. Much nicer than the spray starch. :)
  8. Y'all are funny, and someday I should start doing my husband's wash nicely. For now, I just wash it, and if he wants it ironed, he irons. Someday, I'd love to be the one who has dinner ready at 6:18pm each night, and has his things hung up with nice creases. That would be love to him, too :) (my mom use to use the starch in the washer, kind :)) And Amway, haven't done that for a long time, but I did like their laundry soap and stain remover ;)
  9. Just a thought. I had been having headaches for a while each morning it seems... I tried a new one. A decent sized pinch of sea salt (try the brand "real salt") and a glass of water. I tried it... and it has worked each time, except for once. This has been over 2 months. I actually took it preventively at night and then with my headache in the mornings... for about 3 or 4 days. Every once in a while I wake up with a bit of a headache, and grab for salt and water. I have also been drinking kangen (purified) water, but I think it would work either way. LMK how it goes, if you try it :) Mornings are much easier without headaches...
  10. If it's for a prom or something like that... there are places around here that donate. If you want a dress, check out someplace like Seventh Day Adventist Churches to see if they have one, Freecycle, or Goodwill/ St Vincent De Paul. Just a thought... Sorr :(
  11. I think if you can be trained for war, training for drinking shouldn't be so hard. Communion would be a sip.... visiting Italy I said that they could try it... (and Israel, too) It's not a big deal to me. I think that making it a "right of passage" has backfired!!! I'd rather them try it with me around, rather than all the hype with their friends. I want to make sure they understand what addiction is, and how they can avoid it.... (so, I'm VERY against drinking to get drunk)
  12. I'd want to give it through a church to the person (or other charity) so that it could be anonymous, but yet have an accountable party in the middle. (a benevolent fund with a direct donor?) Just a thought...
  13. I believe that clean water and no sugar that is refined..bleached... would go a long way towards healthy. Yes, your body needs sugar... but it's not refined sugar. (And refined sugar makes your insulin spike, which is what I think helps to contribute towards more cancer... obviously just one of the reasons) My mom's doctor told her to not quit eating sugar... that her body needed it. WHAT?? seriously?? Your body can make "sugar" out of almost everything. You can eat a "sugar free" diet your whole life and be better than.... not. Fruits and veggies.... etc... whole grains... clean water... (no flouride in it... etc...) Just my thoughts :)
  14. I wouldn't want to use an old cd for the next cycle. There were mistakes that were fixed; and yes, you need all the VP cards... :)
  15. My oldest 3 attend public school, well, the oldest is in college... My little on is 7 and will be 8; so far it's a no brainer for us. He's smart, does better than average with little sit down time, and is crazy active. He loves to listen to SOTW on cd, and knows how to multiply and starting to divide... he knows subtraction and addition, and yet we only spend some time going over real situations in the store and such.... and sometimes math books. (living or Singapore) He thinks a mom who teaches him hebrew and latin, and a dad who reads about Greek and Roman gods... and all sorts of other classical subjects .... well.. he thinks it's normal. He's precocious... and precious... and I want to keep him that way as long as possible. AND, I hope to facilitate a classical type of education for him as he progresses through the years... and learn the information.. WITH him. I don't want to let others teach him... and me be left behind :) Learning with him is a joy... :) :)
  16. Psalms say ... basically.. that we are to sing scripture back to Him. I think that songs should be about God and who he is.. and what He has done. Away from the I, Me, My and into the Him, He and such :) God is worthy to be worshipped. We are the ones to sing about Him. :)
  17. Oh, forgot to add, I thought this was one of the benefits of UU. That everyone is different and finds their own way; I'd be especially surprised at a UU about this...
  18. B.) Scoot over, say how cute the kid is :) Whisper for a few to finish up the conversations, and take off... But, since I nursed mine for years, I guess my vote would be obvious. :)
  19. I remember telling my mom almost every time... "You want me to pick UP my room??!!" Of course we know that she was saying "Pick up your room"..... My son does it to me now, too..." Pick up the room".... "Pick UP the room?? That's heavy"... "Yup... you know what I mean... so do it" ;) But, there are always things to aggravate another... Ours is kids saying, right after you say something "Well... actually... " and then they tell you that you're wrong.. however small a difference... and you just can't get a sentence out without being corrected.... When I first got married, the kids had been taught that they were peers. Of course sometimes others say things slightly different than is proper, but usually... as an adult... you know when you need to correct or not. (And kids... wow... just think that they should put their opinion in.... too much sometimes...) Of course, some adults are little kids... and so...they direct everything back to themselves. I think this is the real problem... is it mutually funny? Or just a way to have the world revolve around them, in conversation... :)
  20. I wouldn't do any tea tree...it's easy to spread to the eyes or mouth... seriously... I would know :) Coconut Oil... NO soap, clear detergent (allergen free from a good source) and also... try one day of a bit of crisco before the steroids, if it's not too bad. Also, humidifier is good... BUT, I produced a mushroom (baby) by having it on... and it actually spread her problem. She had a weepy neck... that would literally be wet... and the Dr (who says they're smart??) told me to put baby pwd on it. YUCK!! I'd make sure not to eat peanut butter, or products that are high allergens... while nursing. (Also, I'm pretty sure .... but make sure she knows that she should be careful about not feeding peanuts or soy to the baby because of the excema)
  21. Thanks Everyone :) I've looked at these... and every once in a while I"ll "pop" it back up... just in case :) I'd love to find out about more... :)
  22. Hey Everyone :) We are doing a SOTW co-op for students 1st - 6th. (Our co-op is for students from birth through 18, but with other curricula) I'm wondering HOW you do your co-op... how you use SOTW. Do you stay on a 4 year cycle? What other subjects do you do? How many families? Ect... I just want ALL the info :) Thanks! Carrie:)
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