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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Really?? Because I don't see that we have to "part ways" over this. At a point you accept the gift, you are accepting the gift, and you will accept the gift... Doesn't seem so far off when you think of that.... Doesn't there have to be a .... starting point... to have a point in the present and a point.. in the future?? :)
  2. Tea is only sweet... in the South :) Perhaps they'd brew yours strong and bring you ice, so you could make your own?? :)
  3. BUT, I do believe that we are to worship God, hear sermons that are from God's word... and think of Theology which is the "study of God". Sometimes it's hard to find a church that ... is a worshipful, God honoring church... It's not enough to sit in a room with Christians... there must be purposeful worship of God...
  4. I believe that at some point you must make a conscience decision to accept Jesus as your Savior who died for your sins... Praying is speaking with our Father God. You are worshipping God and asking Him for guidance... for mercy... for forgiveness of sins you have committed that you have not "confessed" yet. That's intimate, right? I believe that some of EVERY denomination are not Christians... I believe that some denominations are not Christian, and yet some in them are Christians. I know that some Catholics, for instance, are not Christians. Some, at no point in their lives make individual decisions to accept the "gift of salvation" for themselves... and as rituals are not what "saves" you.... it's the "profession of faith"... I do believe that Protestants use terms with Catholics and because the Catholic doesn't respond in the same term, they are judged as "non-Christians" which... I have many Catholic friends who have "personal relationships" with Jesus Christ :) Romans 6:23 (King James Version) 23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
  5. I DO NOT wanting pre-teens teens holding my babies w/o permission... goes back to the church nursery story I heard about (once removed from the person who had been in charge of the nursery).... where a young teen accidentally dropped little baby... and ... well... the baby died. I like to choose whether I let people hold my babies.... Of course... now my youngest is 8 :)
  6. Marshmallow Whip, Cream Cheese... whipped with some nutmeg on top. Serve with fruit :) Yum!!
  7. She is a baby (2.5).... and kids that age are fine running around naked to me... also, I don't hide the bottom of my bre*st while nursing... since it is doing it's job... while the the top (being exposed) at Victoria's Secret.... is not...
  8. Really sorry.... situations like this stink :( Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow :(
  9. I personally think you could do it with another family just fine. If I had that many kids in it, I'd tutor to offset the cost. If you do it at home with a friend.... you can set the time... structure... and change what you may not care for. I like Shurley English better(for Jingles), and Latin for Children... better (for chants), and a few other things.. like Geography done in more of Audio Memory way... drawn out like Draw Write Now! Book 7. I believe that you could take your money and do something else with it.... :) Like... a vacation for you... after you teach all year ;) (Yup, I was a Director... and these are just my little thoughts... We are enjoying putting our own... no profit co-op together...)
  10. North Korea... giving someone a Bible.... getting shot (this happened to a woman within about the last year...) Her husband and child being sent to a place to "re-educate them".... That's serious "persecution".... (Or China... where there are serious consequences...) I do see that Christians (who hold what are thought of as conservative beliefs) ,in America, are slighted against on many levels... But, we are the most free of anywhere that I'm aware of....
  11. Would Skype calls work? (with the camera on...) I have an easy thing on my Mac, too.... Just brainstorming :) I talk to my mom every day... and my dad for a few minutes every few days :) (They're still married, so it seems as though I talk to him, too :))
  12. I send the packages out within two (business) days, and I put the thing so I know it's delivered... (but they don't have to be home). I let them know with an email or pm that "it's on it's way" and I always mean to tell them how it's mailed, so they know the time frame. With my last sellings I put "least expensive mailing included" and so the media mail... was that way... and some was faster.... (But, I have something I could track it if need be.) SO, I'm not sure it's how long it takes to mail, but rather how long the mail takes to get to you :)
  13. Interesting, If it was someone from Apologia, I'd love to see that on the post. BUT, I have to say that when I love a curriculum, I might come off looking like I work for them. (Of course, I would add a disclaimer, knowing that my joy for the product is a bit on the crazy side :))
  14. I'm pretty sure I pm'md you... So... just letting you know :)
  15. My mom has had chemo for a few months, and only 1x felt really sick... She took Reglan I would suggest NOT taking it... ever... without really looking into it. She's been throwing up and cramping for 3 days. She only had minor issues, and mentioned them to the DR and he suggested that. (not a good idea) I have NO idea why... The place has been wonderful minus this mishap/suggestion. My mom is using Cancer Treatment Center of America which I can't say enough good things about. The prescription for chemo is one time each week, and she has felt really pretty good the whole time. I don't know if you already had the port in, but her's is in her arm. There is a lady there, who the last DR she had... gave up on her.... She is doing well and had stage 4 colon cancer. If you're interested in alternative to go with Western meds, let me know and I'll pm you with info. My mom is doing no sugar, except for on chemo day. (helps the cancer cells be active to eat sugar) Even then she's eating whole wheat flour treats with sugar.... There are a slew of books to help eat well for life.. and to help with cancer... She's been eating all organic... and not some foods... etc.... (Don't know if you're interested in stuff like this...) When you have room... green smoothies... (Kale etc... ) is good. I'd suggest doing independent work for the olders... and having them help with your little... Perhaps even morning daycare or something if you can swing it... Take care of yourself...first!!!! Hugs!!
  16. I'll be one of the last to say... "Happy Birthday!!" :)
  17. LFC A looks good and about equal to the level of Latina Christiana. We have both of those, and I plan to start either with 3rd or 4th grade. (I have Hebrew to do this coming year, so if that works, Latin will be for 4th grade) :)
  18. The short answer: Cuz I am a control freak with my son :) Well, for us... my olders are back in school... but my almost 8 year old.... I just can't imagine him being in a classroom of 25+ other kids, studying our small city compared to Greek and Roman gods... and all the other things that excite an 8 yr old boy. He's little; he has time to figure out later that some don't find Ancient History exciting, or that they have to copy down sentences that don't make sense... etc.... :) He's just 8; he's too little to find out that some kids have to ask to go to the restroom, or have an apple in the middle of the day... Maybe when he's older.... And when I'm not able to teach him anymore.... or find other teachers... OR maybe... when our local schools start teaching Latin and Logic... guess I don't have to worry there!! ;)
  19. There are more accurate names than just "punks" ...that's being generous! :( They're at the least... idiot criminals. In Singapore, they'd probably be caned. Sometimes I think a little corporal punishment would cut down on crime. (Teen caned in Singapore)
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