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We will be in "light" mode (about 1/4 speed math/reading, mostly doing fun science and art projects, going on field trips, picnics, etc) for half of June and July. We are taking all but the last week of August off because we travel a lot then and hey, *I* need a break.


We will resume our regular schedule the last week of August. I am starting us earlier this coming year than I did this past fall so that we can take off whenever throughout the year without feeling guilty. :)

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Yes. Circumstances beyond our control intervened with our school year this year, so we will be continuing through the summer. I normally do "school" throughout the Summer anyway just b/c I think that learning is constant, but this Summer we will have to continue formal Math and Language arts.

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No! We have four more weeks after this one, and then it is break time. We will take June and July off, take a couple of vacations, go see family in Florida, etc. We will review Latin vocabulary for all and math facts for my two youngest over the summer, along with free reading, but that is all. We need the break.

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Sort of. We will take the last wk of May off, one wk in June off and then we will take from the 13th of July through the 9th of Aug off. The last 4 wks off gives me a chance to really get our next year organized and ready to go. Aug through Oct I take days as I need preserving things from my garden. I try to get the basics done in the morning durning these times but I take that off also if I feel I need to. The kids help me with this so I feel it is an education in itself. I try to get history or science done once or twice a week during this time. I don't normally do both of them at the same time.

The thing that I love about hs is that you really can bend the schedule to what fits your families needs.

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I am doing summer school with my older son and remedial school with my younger son.


My older son came to me in November and said that he would like to advance a grade. Well, I am one who does not like to skip any steps. So, we are doing school over the summer.


I have my older son's summer schedule on my blog here.


I will start next month. We will do day trips here and there.


Yes, I have a full blown schedule this summer.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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June July and August we try to stick to Tues and Thurs for full school. We may swap the days, but I want two full curriculum days a week. Obviously there is more nature study in the summer and more free reading. I want to take advantage of any free or very cheap activities such as the programs at the library etc.

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I had planned to work over last summer, but those plans didn't turn out like I thought. This summer I would like to continue w/SOTW, some more practical math or fun math, and some science, which seems to get dropped during the year, and maybe once a week Latin so they don't forget--and of course lots of reading. I like the idea of taking August completely off so I can get organized. I have two of my own projects this summer, so I hope I can stick to this.



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My dd gets nutty without some school stuff going, so we don't take off much or long. Her idea of no school still has history, science, and tons of reading, so at that point I might as well add math, a workpage or two, and call it a day. I may drop grammar for the summer, like I did last year, haven't decided. But yes, it will be almost a full load, if different stuff from the norm.

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Not a full schedule, but my kids drive me nuts when they get bored and are unscheduled. Unless my dd gets a full-time job, this is what their schedule will look like:




Composition class online through Write@Home

MUS Algebra






Rod and Staff Math 1 or MUS Alpha (He's really liking Rod and Staff but as an Aspie may have to switch to MUS)

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Yes we will school thru. We had a lot of thing arise this year that we ended up stopping school for atleast 2-3 seperate months this year. Therefore we are about that far behind in some subjects. But plan to start bju dvds in July. My kids get batty when they stop school and end up forgetting a BUNCH as well as drive me up the wall. That being said, we wont do much stopping other than for beach vacations.

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We do school every summer. The new school year starts the first week of June and we will do things just like we have all year long. If we do this then we can take a week off at birthdays and spend December just having fun and concentrating on Christmas.


Besides the pool doesn't open until 1. What else are we supposed to do until then?:001_smile:

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We will probably continue as we have been, focusing on DD's reading, and doing math and letter worksheets as she wants until we're done with her K workbook...then I have a bridge workbook for math which I bought mostly because I'm not sure when I'll be able to budget in buying DD's math curriculum for first.


She might go visit my mom in Texas for a while this summer. If that happens, we'll start first grade as soon as she gets back. If not, we'll probably start it right after Midsummer.


It's so hot here in summer, it makes it harder to get out and play. We'll probably spend a lot of time at the library.

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I had planned to continue all summer in a 6 weeks on / 2 weeks off rotation that we started last July but I'm reconsidering now. Even with taking the time off that we have, the boys have advanced well and are pretty much "done" with their work for the year. I am thinking we will school as normal through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, then take 2 weeks off completely, then school light for 8 weeks, then 2 weeks off completely then start our new year. For school light I plan to do:


latin (oldest only)

math review page or drill activity (oldest two kids)

free reading

nature walks and journaling

family read aloud


I figure we can start our day after breakfast with the latin and math, everybody sit down and read their books after lunch or before bed, and the nature walks and journaling will be fun activities we work in as we visit parks and go on walks in the neighborhood.

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Reading everyone else's posts has given me some good ideas for next year.


We'll school through. Sometimes I feel terribly mean, but my children take it well. :001_smile: This is our first year of homeschooling, and we started July 1, 2008. I had no clear plan on how our vacation schedule would go, except that we would take time off here and there as we chose.


The public school right over our backyard fence is year-round, so it's open for all but about 3 weeks each year. My 3rd-grader who was at that school through 2nd grade thinks he should be in school if they are and doesn't remember that "his class" had 3 months on and 1 month off. So we have already done about 180 days of "school", including field trips. But because of my changing math and English programs a few times before getting it right, I'd like to get my sons a bit farther along before next year. We're also supplementing Mystery of History 1 to get us up to 400 A.D. so have about 5 lessons left. And we are having so much fun with science that we'll continue that for at least 4-5 more weeks. We'll do other subjects as we feel like it. Even if we decide to take July off, which I think we'll be ready to do, we'll do some light work one or two days each week. When we took three weeks off at Christmas, they couldn't remember much.


This week we're off, though, and we'll have about a week off next month to visit relatives.


We'll start the next school year at the beginning of August.



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Just some light math, and History Odyssey. Nature exploration is a constant here, so I don't have to be worried about that. Last summer we didn't do anything really, but I'd like them to stay current on their math facts, and they love history, plus we're getting ready for a King Tut exhibit in the fall!

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We do the Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School over the summer to keep things light but our facts straight. Last summer we did math review (arithmancy), science (potions), Fairy Tales/Creative writing (Care of Mythical Creatures). I plan on do it again this summer. My two really want to believe it is not me doing it so I play along.

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We do the Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School over the summer to keep things light but our facts straight. Last summer we did math review (arithmancy), science (potions), Fairy Tales/Creative writing (Care of Mythical Creatures). I plan on do it again this summer. My two really want to believe it is not me doing it so I play along.



What a fun idea--I may have to incorporate that idea :)

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We will be doing some wrapping up after the PS school year "officially" ends, but then we will be taking a much needed break. We switched to Singapore for 5th grade, but I had to start my daugher with 4A & 4B. So last year we did all of 4A, 4B and did 5A over summer. She had one week off before starting school back in August and this year we've done 5B, 6A, and were working through 6B so that she can start 7th grade in the fall in Math as well as her other subjects. It's been a long hard 2 years and I think we are both ready for a nice long fun filled summer. I'm so proud of her! She's worked really hard these last 2 years. Go DD! :) :hurray:

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We will be full on until July, which we take off, then back in August full steam, so you're not the only mean one. ;) I may have to cut back to a 4 day a week schedule, though. This was our first year doing things on our own and Ariel is so far ahead of where I'd anticipated it's a little scary. She is just so much happier when she can do some math and science. And music. And Spanish. :lol: We're still working on the enjoyment of reading. :tongue_smilie:


We do/did take off most of the month of December, and Spring Break was last week. We also take days off when we feel like it.

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We also do "light load" during summer.


Math is done 3 times per week. If we decide to take a week to go visit grandma and grandpa, then we'll skip doing math that week.


This summer we'll surely do science because all 3 of my kids are doing Biology for the 09-10 school year. IMHO, it's much more fun to study bugs and plants when they're in abundance...and since we live in ND, that would be May-October! My oldest will be doing high school biology, so there will be a lot of dissecting going on and I like the thought of doing that outside in the fresh air where the smell of formeldahyde won't be so overwhelming!!! Our school year runs July 1 - June 30, so we'll be starting our light load of biology right away in July.


I sometimes try to keep history reading going through the summer, too, but I only have one student that doesn't resist that idea. "Fun" reading always goes over well.


I guess that's about it and it's nice to know that I'm not the only meanest-homeschool-mom out there! LOL ;)



Mom to 3 wonderful daughters

Edited by SLH in ND
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When we lived in Miami, I took off Nov, Dec, Jan and schooled through the summer. Most folks I knew did this and it was normal. Now, another state away, it is a different situation. No one schools in the summer. Everything grinds to a halt.


We do fun school things. I spoke with a friend recently and said we were done for the year. She asked what we were doing this summer. I said we would review math facts, do Visualize World Geography, review latin flash cards, probably finish BF Geography Through literature, do some reading, cooking basics, make a quilt, teach younger dd to crochet, start violin and piano lessons, and I wanted to learn LRTG before I had to teach it this fall.


She said, "I thought you said you were finished!!"


So, short answer, no we are not schooling this summer because I am not keeping my daily log or building a portfolio and my Iowa results are back. But, we are learning!!

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My 9yo has been procrastinating with his math assignments, so he'll be doing math through July!


I'll probably do school over the summer with my 7yo, who has been in public school for the latter half of the school year (she has autism). Her teacher's wonderful, but...I miss her! :crying: So I'd like to do a little schoolwork over the summer and see if we can't give homeschooling another whirl this coming school year!


My oldest will be graduating on the 17th of May, so she's finished, and my diligent 14yo will be finishing for the year on his birthday (May 26th).

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My oldest will be doing high school biology, so there will be a lot of dissecting going on and I like the thought of doing that outside in the fresh air where the smell of formeldahyde won't be so overwhelming!!!
My ds did highschool Biology this year. He enjoyed the dissections, but I had him do them out on the back porch, for the same reason you mentioned! :tongue_smilie: But it was a good experience for him!
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DS #1 has a great deal of work left to do if he wants to start 7th grade in September, so we'll be working all summer. We've given him the carrot (a really nice guitar if he finishes the gr. 6 gramamr & math by his late-July birthday) so we'll see if it's effective motivation.:glare:


For DS #2 we need to get placement tests and the like done, but I doubt we'll do a whole lot with him.


With DD we just want to gradually get her into the idea of doing some schoolwork every day.

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