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Are You Ever Surprised at What People Don't Know?

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hehehehe I wish I could hear you actually saying this with your Scottish accent rather than reading it. I swear I don't know what it is about the Scots but ya'll just crack me up. Craig Ferguson could go on his show and read the phone book and I'd be laughing. One of the best accents in the world IMHO.


Well I'm not actually Scottish and my Scottish accent is not very pronounced, except when I say Edinburgh apparently :D It's all about rolling that R.:D

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Well I'm not actually Scottish and my Scottish accent is not very pronounced, except when I say Edinburgh apparently :D It's all about rolling that R.:D



well.....ummmm.... Yeah...


I have absolutely no idea what to say to that.... :ohmy::blushing: hehe


At least I said it in the right thread though. ;) :D

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You weren't to know since I don't disclose my location and in no way indicated that I wasn't still in Scotland or Scottish :D:D



Regardless, I sure walked right into that one didn't I? hehe Won't be the last time either. I think I'm actually starting to acquire a taste for my foot. ;) :)


Peace. :)

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From your accent...I'd guess Sweden :D




Actually no. No one has EVER guessed Sweden. I usually get Wales actually. Which is funny because I've never been to Wales. Sometimes I get Ireland as well and I've only been to Belfast for two days (in an interview the whole time) and Dublin for a day (in a conference centre the whole time) :D:D


I love being an enigma:D

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Actually no. No one has EVER guessed Sweden. I usually get Wales actually. Which is funny because I've never been to Wales. Sometimes I get Ireland as well and I've only been to Belfast for two days (in an interview the whole time) and Dublin for a day (in a conference centre the whole time) :D:D


I love being an enigma:D



:) hehehehe


French people always think I'm French and Greek people always think I'm Greek, but nobody ever guesses me to be Spanish which I am. It's funny to me because I think I look very Spanish and yet everyone always thinks I'm something else. :confused:

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:) hehehehe


French people always think I'm French and Greek people always think I'm Greek, but nobody ever guesses me to be Spanish which I am. It's funny to me because I think I look very Spanish and yet everyone always thinks I'm something else. :confused:


Oh I LOOK Swedish :D Blond and blue eyes:D. It's just when I open my mouth (which I tend to do at any opportunity;)) that they get confused. :D

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:) hehehehe


French people always think I'm French and Greek people always think I'm Greek, but nobody ever guesses me to be Spanish which I am. It's funny to me because I think I look very Spanish and yet everyone always thinks I'm something else. :confused:


Is that where Ibbygirl (Iberian girl) comes from?

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Is that where Ibbygirl (Iberian girl) comes from?



LOL :) No. Ibby is a nickname for Ibanez guitars which are actually Japanese. hehe I've had a lifelong love of these guitars and I own 5 of them currently. I used to have a 6th one, but I donated it to the music ministry at church. My avatar in my profile is actually a picture of the headstock of a sweet Ibanez Jazz box. Man, I'd love to get my hands on that one some day. :drool5:


But Ibanez got it's start making Spanish style classical guitars in Japan so you aren't that far off. :)

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My disenchantment with public school came in high school. My teacher and I were talking about her new baby she just brought back from China. The principal joined in and asked her if she had been learning to speak Chinese. She explained that while there, she had an interpreter so she hadn't learned too much. He rolled his eyes and told her to get to it now because when the baby was old enough to start talking, she was going to have problems communicating with him. I don't think he ever really understood language is learned, despite us spending at least five minutes trying to explain it to him.


Yup. Heard this story before. Apparently deaf kids are born knowing sign language and will be able to teach their hearing parents when they're old enough to sign properly.



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I can't remember how many people looked at me blankly and asked "When's that?" when I said my baby was born on Australia Day. I thought that was common knowledge for Australians...




:) hehehe I was born on Labor Day. No joke. :) My mom wasn't too pleased about the irony though. ;) hehe

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Ay, I've got one that happened just this afternoon. My 11 year old daughter and I were out and while we were walking she was talking to me about ice cream and she said, "I like neopolitician" I said, "it's neopolitan, dear." She said, "well maybe so but I think neopolitician sounds better so that's how I'm going to call it." I said, "but baby, you can't do that. Nobody will understand what you're talking about if you come up with your own pronunciation. You can't decide to call the sky a "ski" and say, 'oh look at the ski, isn't it beautiful??' She said, "well that's because calling the sky a ski is lame. But people will like neopolitician because it has more flair." :tongue_smilie: hehehehehehe


Yeah, I got demoted a reading group in grade 2 for reading "Betsy May" as "Besty May." If the teacher had have pointed out my mistake I would have looked at her with great surprise. Obviously it said Betsy May, it just sounded stupid that way and I'd decided months before not to say it that way. I was very hurt by being demoted, but it serves me right for being contrary!




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Yeah, I got demoted a reading group in grade 2 for reading "Betsy May" as "Besty May." If the teacher had have pointed out my mistake I would have looked at her with great surprise. Obviously it said Betsy May, it just sounded stupid that way and I'd decided months before not to say it that way. I was very hurt by being demoted, but it serves me right for being contrary!






hehe :)

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Well, when I told my exdh that my brother-in-law was having trouble with his liver, he asked, "Aw man. Which one?". :001_huh:


My son brought home a picture of an octopus and I asked my son to tell me about it. My exdh took it from me and said, "Isn't it obvious? It's an octopus. Look at his testicles." :001_huh::001_huh:


I am really not making this up... I lived 8 years surrounded by his wisdom. I felt like a frickin' genius.







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I made a joke last night in my Bible Study that my kids get Martin Luther mixed up with Martin Luther King, Jr. all the time. No one in my group knew who Martin Luther was! These are smart, educated women. I always thought Martin Luther was one of most recognized names from the reformation period and basically a household name for Protestants. It really threw me for a loop.


Wow! So, I guess they'll be surprised to know that the holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. on the calendar is not for Martin Luther.:D;)

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I'll tell one on me.


Years back, we "city-folk" got our first clutch of bantam Rhode Island Red chickens.


Well the little chicks thrived and grew, and before too long one of the young pullets (that's what we call them now that we're old-timers) laid an egg.


And, I kid you not, I had a moment of panic. I thought: This hen is too young to get pregnant and carry a baby. Oh dear, oh dear.


Then it hit me :001_huh:





It's late and I think I must be loopy to post this...but I love giving people a laugh, even if it's at my expense.


For years (and I do mean *years*) I thought a chicken's egg was fertilized by a rooster spraying it *after* it had been laid...you know, kinda like the way starfish do things. My whole family was in the car when the subject came up. For some reason, I start explaining my take on the process and next thing I know, the car is positively rocking with laughter. I don't know where I got that idea, nor why it was never corrected, but that's really what I thought. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

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It's late and I think I must be loopy to post this...but I love giving people a laugh, even if it's at my expense.


For years (and I do mean *years*) I thought a chicken's egg was fertilized by a rooster spraying it *after* it had been laid...you know, kinda like the way starfish do things. My whole family was in the car when the subject came up. For some reason, I start explaining my take on the process and next thing I know, the car is positively rocking with laughter. I don't know where I got that idea, nor why it was never corrected, but that's really what I thought. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


OOOH you sweet thing!! That is just too cute. Don't feel bad though, my mom was in her 30's on her second marriage when she found out that there was no such thing as "chicken snakes". hehe My grandfather, who was a practical joker, told my mother when they were on a road trip when she was young, "do you hear that?? Those are chicken snakes." They were actually tree frogs but he never told her what they really were. She went her whole life believing that the sound tree frogs make are some creature called chicken snakes. Fast forward 30 years... My grandfather has passed away and we are all out camping in the woods and my mom hears tree frogs and says to my step father, "oh Bill, do you hear the chicken snakes?" His answer... "What in the **** are chicken snakes??" My mom just looked up to the sky and said, "darn it, dad!" hehehehe:lol:

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My FIL's grandfather told him eggs that had double yolks were roster eggs. He believed them for years.


When my friend asked me why peacocks didn't have egss, I argued with here saying yes they did. This went on for a few minutes until finally she said the PENHEN has the eggs. :001_smile:

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My husband STILL calls his prostate a prostrate. :confused: Drives.me.bonkers.


That's okay.


Years ago, my dad was telling the whole family at a sit-down dinner about how Mary Lou Somebody saved David So-And-So's life when he accidentally choked on a piece of tissue from his asthma inhaler. How did she save him, you ask?


By performing the Hymen Maneuver.

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Actually there are chicken snakes. But the chirping sounds weren't them. My grandparents used to get chicken snakes in their barn. They are helpful at keeping little critters away.






No way!!! I HAVE to tell my mom that!! She'll probably stop being mad at her dad. Maybe he really did believe they were chicken snakes?? And all this time we thought it was one of his practical jokes. Ah man, the irony! :) Thank you so much for sharing that with me. :)

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LOL These have all been too funny this afternoon and I've enjoyed reading through this thread immensely!


My neighbor asked me to come over and give her a Baby 101 when she was pregnant. (I really admire her for asking for this, btw). I was explaining some basic stuff about breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding and happened to mention offhandedly something about getting up for a middle of the night feeding. She said, "You mean they don't sleep all night?" I was speechless for a moment (this woman was in her 40's and even if it's your first, most people know that babies don't sleep all night esp. at first). So then our Baby 101 got a whole lot more basic!



This reminded me of my first pregnancy and birth experience. My mother couldn't get past her anger with me long enough to even discuss the pregnancy and my obstetrician barely spoke to me at appointments; all communications were filtered through my mother. Hence, I had no clue why I was bleeding after I delivered my baby. I remember being shocked when, the next morning, I asked a nurse how long this would go on for and she told me two or three weeks. :blushing:

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Wow, I can't believe I just read all those posts! What fun!

I have 2 of them to add.

I used to work on a riverboat on the Mississippi. It wasn't a gambling boat, just a tour up for a day and a tour down for a day, so we mostly had older people onboard. Some older lady asked me if the bumping noises ( caused by just engine noise and steering) were dolphins. I only answered, "no" and went quickly back to work trying not to make any noise while dying laughing.


My other story is good for the Catholics among us. My Catholic friend from grade and high school once commented that it was a shame that priests couldn't marry and have children, "Cuz, how are we going to get more priests?" excellent question, I thought. :lol:


Have a great day,


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My other story is good for the Catholics among us. My Catholic friend from grade and high school once commented that it was a shame that priests couldn't marry and have children, "Cuz, how are we going to get more priests?" excellent question, I thought. :lol:


Have a great day,




hehehehehe That is too cute. :) hehe :)

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My other story is good for the Catholics among us. My Catholic friend from grade and high school once commented that it was a shame that priests couldn't marry and have children, "Cuz, how are we going to get more priests?" excellent question, I thought. :lol:


Survival must be depending on the loophole....



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For years (and I do mean *years*) I thought a chicken's egg was fertilized by a rooster spraying it *after* it had been laid...you know, kinda like the way starfish do things. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Um...I'm not laughing at this one. That was basically what I was taught in school. The hen lays the egg, then the rooster would come sit on it and fertilized it. I could never figure out how the rooster could fertilize anything through a hard egg shell. But, I didn't know how humans reproduced, so it's not like I knew enough to ask questions.


Now, my dh and I just built a chicken coop and are raising chickens for eggs. I was telling my sister about this, and she asked how we would know that the eggs weren't fertilized. I told her because we don't have any roosters. I spent 20 minutes trying to explain this simple concept to her, but I don't think she ever got it. (and no, I didn't tell her that a rooster "sat" on the egg. :001_smile:)

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I am surprised at what I don't know. And how about this one. My own dear child last night. We were watching What About Bob and when the wife tells her husband to make sure he's back home by 7pm my daughter looked at the clock and said, "how is he supposed to do that, it's already 8":confused:

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I am surprised at what I don't know. As a college graduate, it's shocking how much I've learned since becoming a homeschooler. :glare:


:iagree:Although I believe Martin Luthor and MLK are required learning in all high schools, could be wrong.

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Last week we looked through our county wide library computer index hoping to find an abundance of books on Martin Luther. Well, no such luck.

There were hundreds (and hundreds) of books about MLK, but, approx 3 books about ML. Zero books about ML for young/young adult readers. I was shocked!!!

Sorry, nothing funny about this note!

Gosh, you would think our public library would carry more than a few ML books, right?

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The day my son was born we had a friend (a childless friend lol) come by to see him. He asked me "When does he open his eyes?". Confused, I said "When he wakes up?". Then I realized what he was asking. I asked him if he thought he was a kitten :lol:

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The day my son was born we had a friend (a childless friend lol) come by to see him. He asked me "When does he open his eyes?". Confused, I said "When he wakes up?". Then I realized what he was asking. I asked him if he thought he was a kitten :lol:


:001_huh: BAHAAAAAHAAHAHAA! This one totally cracked me up!

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Chiming in a bit late here, but this just happened in my Psychopathology class this week. We were asked to do a short presentation on a journal article of our choice--no big deal for Masters' students, or so I thought.


This woman in my class, we'll call her Miss Malaprop (can you guess why?), got up to do her presentation on Postpartum Depression. She went on to talk about dysphoria, which basically is a clinical term for depression--for example, when I have to report someone's mood, I will say "patient appeared dysphoric."


Unfortunately, little Miss M. has no clue that she's saying "dysmorphic," as in Body Dysmorphic Disorder, where people who are unsatisfied with their appearance have plastic surgery until they appear to be a mere shadow of themselves, nipped, tucked, sucked, weightlifted, tanned, and otherwise mutilated beyond recognition.


She said this word 7 or 8 times. I almost had to get up and leave when she said, "and when a couple brings their baby home from the hospital, both men and women can become dysmorphic." Sigh.


I didn't know whether to laugh or to be completely honked off that I was busting brain and budget to get through this program, and they'll let in a woman (who has no less than three children!) who doesn't know the difference between baby blues and Michael Jackson's nose.:001_huh:

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I thought Martin Luther was Martin Luther King's father up through high school. Then I started dating a Presbyterian...and married him.


I know who he is now. And John Calvin. And John Knox. And lots of other people I didn't know about before.


I love homeschooling.:)

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About ten years ago we drove to Canada with dh's folks to go visit their relatives. I remember looking out the car window at mile after mile of prairie and saying,


"I thought it would be more vertical."


'Cause, you know, Canada's wayyyy up high on the globe, and with the curvature of the earth...


Never mind.

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ooh ooh, your post reminded me of my friend. She has 2 foster kids that she cares for. Both are boys. One boy is black and one boy is white. They are both the same age though. She always dresses the boys the same, ie. khaki shorts and a red polo shirt. And she told me that whenever she goes out people ask her if they are twins. :) hehe


Fyi, this is possible. Rare, but it does happen.

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I like learning what I don't know--keeps life fascinating! :)


My sister roomed once on a trip with some girls from a prestigious college (my sis was at a state school). One night they were watching The Patriot. One of these gals asked, "Is this the Civil War or the Revolutionary War?" My sister was momentarily dumbstruck by the girl's ignorance, but was able to gently answer, "The Revolutionary War."


Even if a person had never watched the movie before or knew the plot, wouldn't you think the costumes and wigs would have given it away?

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