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Would you do this to your hair?

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Hi Everyone,


Before I risk sounding like a super vain person, let me just say that I live in jeans and Eddie Bauer tee shirts -- long sleeve in winter, short sleeve in summer.


I don't have logo anything unless you count the Dodge logo on my van.


At 44 yrs, I do color my hair, but it's from a box and I do it at home.


Ok, here's my question, I've always spent money on a good haircut. When I found a hair stylist who was only charging $35, plus tip, $42 (in CA) and she's awesome, I did cart wheels.


But I'm baking my own bread now and soaking my own beans and I stay out of Target. Trying to be thrifty.


I really don't want to spend $42 every six weeks, but I'm scared.


I'd like to go to Super Cuts or Great Clips or something like that, but like I said, I'm scared.


I take my boys to Super Cuts and I said to dh, "you know, they get great hair cuts over there -- why am I paying $42?"


But when it comes time to actually go into a Super Cuts and get my hair trimmed, well, I don't do it. Now I just look shaggy.


Why do you think of these cheapy places? I mean, only answer if your haircut matters to you. I know there are many people with long hair and hair trims aren't the biggest issue in the world.


Thanks for letting me be vain for a moment,



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A good haircut can be hard to get. After receiving some bad haircuts, I've realized that cutting hair isn't as easy as it looks.


Most of the nicer salons give complimentary bang trims. Does your current salon do this? If so, this will help you go longer than six weeks between hair cuts, unless you keep your hair quite short.


Actually, I think $35 for a good haircut is a deal.


Get rid of the guilt!

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Hi Everyone,


Before I risk sounding like a super vain person, let me just say that I live in jeans and Eddie Bauer tee shirts -- long sleeve in winter, short sleeve in summer.


I don't have logo anything unless you count the Dodge logo on my van.


At 44 yrs, I do color my hair, but it's from a box and I do it at home.


Ok, here's my question, I've always spent money on a good haircut. When I found a hair stylist who was only charging $35, plus tip, $42 (in CA) and she's awesome, I did cart wheels.


But I'm baking my own bread now and soaking my own beans and I stay out of Target. Trying to be thrifty.


I really don't want to spend $42 every six weeks, but I'm scared.


I'd like to go to Super Cuts or Great Clips or something like that, but like I said, I'm scared.


I take my boys to Super Cuts and I said to dh, "you know, they get great hair cuts over there -- why am I paying $42?"


But when it comes time to actually go into a Super Cuts and get my hair trimmed, well, I don't do it. Now I just look shaggy.


Why do you think of these cheapy places? I mean, only answer if your haircut matters to you. I know there are many people with long hair and hair trims aren't the biggest issue in the world.


Thanks for letting me be vain for a moment,




I LOVE how I look with a nice salon cut, but I HATE shelling out the cash. So I put up with shaggy for a longer period of time --sometimes as many as 6 months, but I keep my hair long. Why don't you try stretching out the time and only go every 3 months or so? Then it will be $21 every six weeks with the tip :)



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I always pay big bucks for a good haircut. But I only get it cut once every 3 or 4 months. My hairdresser will cut my bangs in between for free. Is there a cut you can get that will "last" longer? I would rather go longer between haircuts than get a cheap haircut every six weeks....I've had some bad experiences. :001_huh:

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It really depends on your hair and the actual hair style.

I have fine hair & for many years I wore it in an all over boy crop. I've had that cut done in fancy salons and in cheapie places and it pretty much turns out the same - it's just a messy boy cut which I mess up with hair texturizer. The only diff in the expensive places was that I'd have to listen to an hour of inane chatter instead of 15 mins in the cheapie place..... (well, and the price!)


When I have it in a blunt bob or a layered bob, that takes a good stylist to cut well. A cheapie place will make it look terrible because my fine hair really requires precision cutting for that style to look good.


If you have thick, wavy or curly hair, I think it's the opposite - you might be able to a good chin length all over cut in a cheapie place with that type of hair, but if you're going shorter & it needs to be properly thinned or carefully shaped, then a good stylist will do a better job.

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First of all, a quality haircut is very important to me. That said, I'd apply the test-drive idea to the cheap hair salon. Look at the haircuts that one of the stylists is giving, and if you think they look good, give that person the opportunity to cut your hair and see if you like it. There's really no way to know unless you give them a chance. Then you'll know for sure.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with getting your hair cut at a nice place if you enjoy the cut and the style they give you. I would do what the other women above suggest and just extend the time so you don't feel like you are spending so much $$. I have never in my life had my hair cut every six weeks. Sure, I suppose it would look healthier, but it isn't going to ruin your hair if you extend the time a few extra weeks.


I use Supercuts and either cut my children's hair myself or take them there. I have always received good cuts. They do what you ask them to do and the ones in our salon know how to cut well. I always ask where they were trained and the school they graduate from that is local is well known for its students. I have been pleased with the cuts we have had there. Every once in a while it takes me longer to figure out how to get it to work the way I like it, but the cut itself is fine. It is me that has the issues! LOL

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Our family goes to a salon. In our experience, unless you find one great person that you like at the chain salon it's just hit or miss. When we tried a chain, we'd like one person and the next time they'd be gone, no longer working there. At least around here, turnaround is fast at the chains.


DH had a terrible experience at a chain due to a language barrier. Before he could stop her the stylist started a buzz cut...the first (and last) of his life! He didn't bother stopping her because he would've had the reverse mohawk thing going on. (Plus he's a nice guy and figured "it'll grow back":D)


Salons are hurting right now because people are cutting back in that area. We might stretch another week out of a haircut but we're choosing to keep going to the salon in order to support a local business.

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Ok! I guess I was right to be scared!


Songbird ~ at Super Cuts you get the stylist who's open. And it's way awkward to say to her, "no thank you. I'm waiting for the other person."


I did that once w/ my son and it felt bad.


I do have long layered bob -- and you all talked me into doing what I need to do.


Yes, she will give me a bang trim, but she makes comments now and then that a lot of her clients are stretching their cuts and she sounds irritated by it.


Kind of put me off. What does she think is going to happen in a bad economy?


Thanks for your feedback -- you really helped!



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I also live in So Cal, and it doesn't seem like you will be saving a whole lot to get your hair cut at SuperCuts or similar.


I have had bad experiences with SuperCuts - in two different salons, with three different stylists. They seemed to miss big chunks of hair.


Took dd to one of those $7 for kids places, and the last time I did, I was embarrassed to take her out in public it was so bad. The stylist tried to tell me it was uneven because my daughter squinted her eyes... umm, nope, if you cut lots of kids' hair, you should be a pro enough to do it right. So i now pay a whopping $15 for a better cut for her.


I guess that's all to day - you might get lucky, or, you might get what you pay for. In my experience, it has been the latter.

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First of all, a quality haircut is very important to me. That said, I'd apply the test-drive idea to the cheap hair salon. Look at the haircuts that one of the stylists is giving, and if you think they look good, give that person the opportunity to cut your hair and see if you like it. There's really no way to know unless you give them a chance. Then you'll know for sure.


:iagree: I was paying $35 for a cut and cutting my husband's hair at home. But then when I was hugely pregnant with the twins, I couldn't reach him (no kidding). He started going to the Supercuts around the corner, and his hair always looks great. So I gave it a chance, and honestly, those haircuts ($16) are the best I've had in a long time. So much for the pricier place. :tongue_smilie:


Now, what to do with that extra cash..... :auto:

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I am a simple girl. My closest is full of Eddie Bauer jeans, t shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters and pants. At least 3/4 of my wardrobe is EB :0) I don't color my hair, but will once it starts to gray.


My hair is cut in a 'reverse bob'. Very short layers in the back angled to chin length in the front. Here is a picture like it, but I have blond fine hair. http://www.classicbob.com/ scroll down to the picture of the girl with jet black hair dated Feb 20.



My hair is very hard to cut. I have to have it cut dry and it is very fine. My jaw is shaped very different on each side, and one ear is much higher, so the stylist has to make the hair even with out the usual markers.


I have had it cut really great...and really Not great. I have had hair down past the middle of my back, and every where in between including having part of the back shaved at one time. My hair is rarely the same style for 6 mths or more. I say all this because I have had a lot of experience with stylists.


I started with the owner of a boutique ($25 for dry cut) 17 years ago. We moved out of state. :0(


I had a stumbled on to a great girl at Master Cuts. ($17+) She was experienced and gave great cuts. I had no problem requesting her over someone else, because I was willing to come in on her days and to wait if she was busy when i got there. I figure I am only inconveniencing myself, not any one else. She left and wasn't going to style for a while so I lost her :0(.


In the past few years have paid $40 for a dry cut (usually cheaper because they don't wash, dry, style it) at various salons...and got a worse cut that the girl at Mastercuts. I tried 3 other stylists, found one for a a year or two, she left, I tried more, I finally found someone again. I have paid more money in the past 2 years, on bad cuts than good. Every time I get a bad cut, I have to go back in a few days to get it fixed. So, I wasted time and money, to get a not great but 'acceptable' cut.


My last bad cut, is still causing problems for my current stylist. The funny thing is, when a stylist messes it up, they can always see her mistake the second day and says "Wow, I can't believe I did that. Yeah, I see why you weren't happy. It is way off!" So it isn't just me being picky....they were really bad cuts. I have even stayed with one stylist for a year, because she gave good cuts 'half of the time'.


I say all this to say, yes, you can get great cuts at cheaper salons. But it depends on the stylist, and if you find one you like, don't jump around, stay with the same stylist if you can.


I personally get my hair cut every 4-5 weeks (short styles require more maintenance). I am done jumping around. I currently pay $35 for a dry cut and am just glad I finally found someone who can cut it good. I figure that I skimp on my other purchases, so I can have confidence in something that is important to me. When I get a good cut, it shows, people comment on my hair....when people stop commenting...it is obvious why.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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It depends a lot on where you live. We've lived in NC for nearly 10 years, and I still don't have a stylist I love. Price doesn't matter - $15 or $75 will get you the same quality cut.


But when we go to Maryland to visit family, the kids and I always go to a certain Walmart to get our hair cut. One kid has gotten one bad haircut, but other than that we've always gotten great cuts there. And it's cheap!


If you've generally liked what you've seen in Super Cuts, by all means, try it out. If you've noticed someone who seems to give good cuts, request that person. Even in the cheap places, you can usually call and ask your person if they're available at a certain time, so you don't have to wait too long. The biggest disadvantage of the cheap places is, as someone else mentioned, the high turnover. Just when you've developed a relationship with someone, they leave, and it's usually impossible to find out where they went.


OTOH, if you love your stylist and want to keep going to her, do it guilt-free. :001_smile:

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I wouldn't, but if you can afford it and it is important to you, then do it.


I pay $5, yes FIVE dollars, for my haircuts and often they are free. My friend is a stylist and cuts hair out of her home. Often we barter me babysitting for her 8 kids for free haircuts for the family for a while.


Now, is it a great cut compared to one I would pay $50 for? I don't know as I have not gone to a hair salon in over 20 years.


I buy almost all of the my clothes on 80% off clearance or at thrift stores, but will pay $500 for a saddle for my horse or $100 extra a month for my girls 31 year old horse to have his mash since he has no teeth.


I think it is all about choices and most of the time those are totally personal.

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I don't think it matters where you go, if you find a stylist you like. There could be a great stylist working at an inexpensive place.


I have very curly hair down to the middle of my back. My husband trims the ends every few months and I cut all the males hair in my house. The only thing I spend on my hair is the hair color I buy at Wal-Mart to do myself (I am 45 and GRAY). My two daughters are adopted and African-American and my trouble is getting THEIR hair done. Thankfully, I have a friend who braids it for me every two or three weeks. Before she agreed to do that, I had to wait HOURS in a salon and pay about $75.00 for each girl to get her hair braided.


It doesn't sound to me like the amount you pay to get your hair done by someone you really like is all that expensive. If you change to a cheaper place, you may have to just try a few different stylists until you find one you like.

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If you go to the more expensive place, and you have a complaint or issue with the cut, you will feel better about asking them to fix it. If you go to the cheapo place you will likely not feel as good about that. Besides, some mistakes in haircuts are beyond fixing.


My family (my kids and I) all have exceedingly thick hair. When we went to the cheap places for the kids, my son was mistreated by a stylist who tried very hard to ignore my request that she wet my son's hair in the sink. When out of my earshot, she asked him "are you happy now?" as she was wetting his hair. I did not find out until we had left the "salon" and we have not been back.


Not to say that the expensive places always have wonderful manners with children, but they also have more to lose when you stop going there. So we all get expensive cuts now.


My darling husband shaves his head at home. :oD

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I've had great cuts and horrible cuts and everything in between.


If you can find one person you like, find out when they work and just use them...I think it's better.


With shorter hair, I quit going there and switched to a salon priced similarly to yours. I got my hair cut a few days before we HAD to get our passport application mailed. BIG mistake. Think..."Dumb and Dumber" haircut.


Now that my hair is getting longer, I'll probably start going to a cheaper place. Although, I could argue that needing it cut less frequently would let me go to the more expensive place.

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Try the cheap place once and see if you like it. It is only hair - if you do not like it go back to the $$$ place next time.


I get my short hair done about every six weeks at the local cheap place for $13.

They have the same hair folks there each time - sign of a good place is low turn-over!!!!


I might as well add - if you have a high-profile job in the public eye then you can justify the more $$$ haircut. If youa re mostly home doing school - save the money.


And I do not consider Eddie Bauer t-shirts cheap!!!! ;-)

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Our family goes to a salon. In our experience, unless you find one great person that you like at the chain salon it's just hit or miss. When we tried a chain, we'd like one person and the next time they'd be gone, no longer working there. At least around here, turnaround is fast at the chains.




:iagree:I would stick with the stylist you know and like.


My DD went to a chain salon. She had long, middle-of-the-back, all-one-length hair. She asked to have some long layers cut into it. I told her to go to the chain store saying, "No one could mess that up." Before she could stop her, the "stylist" cut the top layer to about 2"!!! Her top layer was 2", the bottom layer about 20". It was rediculous. Unfortunately, I was there, but reading a magazine and not paying attention. After the cut, we complained. The stylists said, "That's what 'long layers' means." I was like, "No, honey, it does not!" My DD was SO mad!!! Yeah, it grows out, but she had to cut ALL her hair after that to make it into a style that was even acceptable. Never again.

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I haven't read all the replies, but my cousin (who lives in S. CA) would go get a very expensive hair cut - $75 or more. Then the next 2 hair cuts she'd go cheap. She would ask them just to trim the hair in the exact same style. She always had great success with that. Then she'd get an expensive one again.



That said I have had a lot of bad cheap hair cuts. But I have also had a lot of bad expensive hair cuts. I can't seem to find someone here I like.

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I pay less than you do but more than I would if I went to Supercuts. I have one particular stylist at a salon in a neighboring town. I gladly pay her, tip her well, take time out of my schedule to drive to her town just to have her and nobody else cut and color my hair.


She knows I am not going to come in as often as I should and so she makes sure my cut will last and even does my highlights and lowlights in such a way that I won't get that obvious the-dye-job-starts-here-the-roots-end-here line.


I have no regrets.

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I will qualify this by saying - it depends on your cut. Long, straight hair *might* be ok.




I have never once come out of those places with anything resembling a decent haircut. In fact, the last 2 times I tried I ended up going to my hairdresser and having to have it fixed. So I ended up paying more than I would have if I had just bit the bullet and paid someone with real skills and training in the first place.


Maybe you could stretch out a few weeks longer between cuts? Every 8 weeks makes it just $20/month. That's not outrageous considering all things.

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I wait as long as I can and then I swallow hard and go to my salon. I find the walk- in places too unpredictable and they seem to be in a hurry so they can get in more customers. When I go to my salon, they have set aside the time for me and I don't feel like they are rushing, therefore, I feel like they are giving all their attention to my cut/color/style.

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Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your time!


I didn't mean to say Eddie Bauer tee shirts are cheap, but I think they're great quality for the price.


Plus I have an outlet right around the corner and when the put those clothes on sale, do get a good price.


Thanks again,



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I wouldn't, but if you can afford it and it is important to you, then do it.


I pay $5, yes FIVE dollars, for my haircuts and often they are free. My friend is a stylist and cuts hair out of her home. Often we barter me babysitting for her 8 kids for free haircuts for the family for a while.


Now, is it a great cut compared to one I would pay $50 for? I don't know as I have not gone to a hair salon in over 20 years.


I buy almost all of the my clothes on 80% off clearance or at thrift stores, but will pay $500 for a saddle for my horse or $100 extra a month for my girls 31 year old horse to have his mash since he has no teeth.


I think it is all about choices and most of the time those are totally personal.


LOL, I can relate! I also pay $100 extra a month for grain (and for the same reason; my oldster has no teeth!) and consider that money well spent.


As for my hair... I'm growing my bangs out again for easier maintenance and just bought "How to Cut Your Family's Hair"... :D

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It is all priorities and for ME, I would rather have the horses and a $5 hair cut. For others, they do the $75 haircut but don't get pizza out as often, etc.


I do think the money on our "big old guy" is well spent. Right now I am spending $$$$$$ so that I can build a barn to bring them home.

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Well, I haven't had a pro hair cut in over 2 years. I've been cutting it myself. I've been cutting my dh's and ds's hair for over 2 decades. My cut is simple, bangs and shoulder length. The last 2 times I cut it people complimented me on it. I also highlight it myself. It can be done. (Now wondering if I should change my avatar pic cause it's an odd shot of my hair!!)

My dd's have their hair cut really nicely maybe once a year when they go to g'mas house. My one dd has been putting layers in her very long hair on her own all year and it always looks great.

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I went to cheapy places when I had all one length hair. If you actually have a style, I'd shell out the cash and keep the same lady. Even w/all one length hair, the cheapy places are a hit or miss.


Shell it out and feel good!

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It is all priorities and for ME, I would rather have the horses and a $5 hair cut. For others, they do the $75 haircut but don't get pizza out as often, etc.


I do think the money on our "big old guy" is well spent. Right now I am spending $$$$$$ so that I can build a barn to bring them home.


Yep, exactly. Nothing wrong with spending the money on haircuts... nothing wrong with forgoing the haircuts and spending the money on something else. Nothing wrong with really caring about your hair, nothing wrong with just not bothering much. Totally depends on the person. We can't all have the same priorities!


We spent the big bucks (over a long period of time) on fencing, a pipe panel shed row, and a round pen. You are on the barefoot list, right? We also spent quite a bit on pea gravel for hoof conditioning and mud control... it has been totally worth it for my family. :)


My hair and the girls' hair is often pulled back into ponytails or covered with riding helmets anyway. ;) (Long hair with no bangs tends to be less affected by the dreaded post-riding helmet head effect.) I'm so frustrated with myself that I cut bangs and had to go in for maintenance cuts so often in the first place! LOL. Growing it out specifically so I can just get the ends trimmed here at home has been driving me nuts. Bangs are at that awful awkward stage of not quite long enough to tuck behind my ears yet. Bleh. Ah well, it'll be all fine in another 9-12 months... :tongue_smilie: (Thank goodness I am not scheduled to be in anyone's wedding!)

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I say you get what you pay for. But I also have difficult to cut hair - long, thick and very curly. I can tell you some nightmare hair stories - like the cheap place that layered one side of my hair but not the other because I said I liked my hair textured...


My stylist is just trying to make a living like everyone else. She is more expensive, but she is also paying her own rent for an entire place instead of just a stall. She pays the electric, the phone, and all that. She is very conscious of doing a good job because she can't afford not to. When she worked in a chain, she charged less because all of those bills were covered and she rented the booth space instead. Or the place charged a flat fee for any stylist/treatment and then paid them a percentage based on how many customers and what type treatments they did. Anyway, the last time I went to her I was very honest. I told her that our money was tight and that while I wanted to keep my hair styled, I really needed something that wouldn't require me coming back so often for cuts. She had some fabulous ideas and then told me some ways I could maintain it at home in between visits. I know she hated that I couldn't come in as often, but since she wants my future business she was willing to work with me.

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I got a free haircut from a "good" salon, and it was awful. I got another haircut from a different "good" salon, and it wasn't that great either. Both times I went to Great Clips and they fixed my hair. I've also had excellent perms there too.


I think you need to try it, write down the name of the stylist, and if you like it, ask for her again next time you go (or call ahead to make sure she'll be there). I think no matter where you go, it'll depend a lot on the individual stylist.

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