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When do you switch to maternity clothes?

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It depends on how loose your regular clothes are and how early you show. For me, that's usually pretty early. With this pregnancy, I gained nothing in the 1st trimester but my shape changed so I still had to switch to maternity very early.

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I'm one of those who never really show. For tops I wear the same things from start to finish. For bottoms: Around 15-18 weeks, I start learning toward my looser regular clothes. Around 26-28 weeks, I usually wear my one size up clothes and somewhere around 36 weeks I can start wearing my "maternity" clothes without them falling off. They never really stay up correctly but they are looser around the waist hence more comfortable. Things 2 sizes up from my normal would probably fit better than maternity stuff does but I don't have any of those around, and I hate to buy new things when I can make do with what I already have.

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Just an aside--

I think it's interesting how tight maternity clothes have gotten, fit-wise! It used to be all tent dresses and empire waists, and how it's all spandex and tight little tee's! lol

Glad I had mine before this trend!:D



That's nothing. Have you seen the swim suits?!? My large, fleshy belly is supposed to oh-so-sweetly peek out of the bottom of my swimming top. I can see the headlines now "Hundreds Injured Fleeing Beach".

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That's nothing. Have you seen the swim suits?!? My large, fleshy belly is supposed to oh-so-sweetly peek out of the bottom of my swimming top. I can see the headlines now "Hundreds Injured Fleeing Beach".


That is too much. :lol:

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I've only got two. The first one, I couldn't wear my own clothes from about 26 weeks. With my second, I know I wore a maternity dress at 9 weeks, lol.


Funny thing was, I was at my adult skinniest when I got pregnant with the second! Or maybe that's not "funny", maybe that's "why"? I just don't know.

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Just an aside--

I think it's interesting how tight maternity clothes have gotten, fit-wise! It used to be all tent dresses and empire waists, and how it's all spandex and tight little tee's! lol

Glad I had mine before this trend!:D


You know, this is so true. And being pregnant last year, I wasn't able to escape this "trend". Honestly, it was a burden. It was a lot of pressure to make sure I didn't gain a lot of weight because I so desperately wanted the clothes to fit me the way they were intended to. In a way it was good as it helped me not gain more than I should have, but in a way it was bad because I put a lot of pressure on myself and was stressed about it a lot.

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Depends on the cut of the clothing!


My skinny skirts didn't fit anymore within a couple months of conception this time around. I do think I showed earlier with pg #3 than the others.


I can still wear fat/plus size non-maternity though (had some hanging around from my fat days). My maternity is mostly *still* too big... I think something to do with the weight I lost after the second baby. Everything fits weird.


I HATE the new clingy maternity stuff. I had to get a size larger just because the sleeves were cut so tight. What's up with tight sleeves? Plus everything has this major plunging neckline. Don't they realize that my cleavage climbs to my chin when I'm pg and/or nursing?

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Just an aside--

I think it's interesting how tight maternity clothes have gotten, fit-wise! It used to be all tent dresses and empire waists, and how it's all spandex and tight little tee's! lol

Glad I had mine before this trend!:D


Gotta say . . .I loved this!!! The tighter shirts, dresses,etc seemed to be embracing my pregnancy rather than trying to hide it (unsuccessfully) under a tent! I loved how I looked and felt in the tighter fitting clothes that were popular during my last two pregnancies!!

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I started wearing them when I couldn't get my jeans buttoned any more. I don't know how far along I was. At the time all I had were jeans. I got a few comments about how nice I was dressing after I switched to maternity clothes. If I had my way I'd have bought maternity jeans. My mom on the other hand bought me a bunch of nice non-denim maternity outfits.

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With my first, looser clothes by 15 weeks, maternity by 20 weeks.


With my fourth, loser clothes the second the test turned positive, maternity by 8 weeks. I got big early, but then looked tiny near the end. It was a weird pregnancy - and my only girl.

:lol: Yep, that's what I always tell people, too. The first was around 5-6 months, the second, around 6 weeks. The boys? I tinkled on the stick and couldn't get my pants back up. :D

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I love low rise pants! I was able to wear my size 3 jeans until week 36.


Half my regular shirts are maternity. I have a long torso and they fit me better. So, I suppose I start wearing maternity shirts before conception. lol


Here I am weeks 9-36


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I hate you.



Totally kidding--envy is ugly! lol


Sorry :D. I actually tried to gain more, I sure wasn't trying to not gain. I kept waiting for the doc to get mad at me. I don't know why but my mom didn't gain much weight any of the times when she was pg either.

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How big were your babies? I didn't gain much either, but I had very bad morning sickness for 14-18 weeks.

My kiddies ranged from 6.2-6.15


Only a little typical morning sickness at the beginning, not bad.

The first was 8.1 and I had gestational diabetes.

Second was 6.14 and I did not have gd (watched my diet better).

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With my first, around 12 weeks. I was skinny and had fairly tight fitting clothes that didn't allow for much size increase. Plus, I really wanted everyone to know I was expecting.:001_smile: With the second, about 9 weeks. Same thing with my size. Plus, the second pg was twins so my belly got bigger much faster. The third was around 12 weeks again. Same problem with starting off with no belly fat to hide the increase. I actually had people asking if I was pregnant when I was 9 weeks. My tummy just seemed to go straight to a small round lump whenever I got pregnant.

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Around 8 weeks. I am short and petite and gained about 60 lbs. with each pregnancy! My husband used to say I was taller lying down than standing up. I never got morning sickness, but felt like I was starving and ate constantly. I am a size 4 when I am not pregnant, so people who knew me sometimes did not recognize me when I was pregnant. All the weight seemed to "fall" off by the time my babies were 2 months old.

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I never wore maternity clothes with DD. I refused to. I did have to switch to elastic band warm up pants around the 25wks mark, but all of my tops fit through the pregnancy (I wear my shirts large to begin with). With the twins I think I went to maternity pants around the 13wk point and tops closer to the 20wk mark. With #4 I was in maternity pants at 6wks. I had just barely started to fit into my prepregnancy pants when I found myself pregnant again so there was no growing room.

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  • 2 years later...

when nothing fits. that said, I had things in my wardrobe I was able to wear long after other things had stopped fitting.


but dudeling decided he liked my spine, so he carried smaller than the others, even though he topped 10lbs at birth.

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It was not until second trimester with my first two. 6 weeks this time around and I have actually lost 5 lbs! First two were 8lbs 9oz and 8lbs 14 oz. I am 10 weeks and a belly bamd won't work to hold up regular clothes. My hips spread immediately! The Dr did an ultrasound yesterday and only found one.....I hope we stay under 9 lbs!

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