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Facebook is evil

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At least when you first sign up. People are coming out of the woodwork. People I have known for 20 yrs are contacting me. I don't have time to manage it, but I don't want to be rude. It is taking over my life (okay, really just the past 24hrs...but still).


All I wanted to do was get contact information from a friend who recently moved so my son could write to one of her children.


Pandoras Box I tell you!!



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I only signed up to keep an eye on my ds on his profile. :glare:people from high school found me and wants to be my friend NOW:confused: what is up with that?? :001_huh:


I am very selective who I allow to be my friend on there. My best friend lost all of my information during her move so she found me again on facebook which I am so thankful for facebook!!! in that regards!



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Ok, now, see, that's what's kept me OFF Facebook for a long time... the threat of all the weird highschool people I don't remember coming out of the woodwork.


I finally succumbed to the peer pressure and - fingers and toes crossed - nobody weird or skeevy has popped up.

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Ok, now, see, that's what's kept me OFF Facebook for a long time... the threat of all the weird highschool people I don't remember coming out of the woodwork.


I finally succumbed to the peer pressure and - fingers and toes crossed - nobody weird or skeevy has popped up.


It's not the weird people, its the great people! Weird, obscure people in my past won't make it past the gate. But the wonderful community of friends I had in college that I really have history with and have simply lost touch with? I can't ignore them.

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I have a page and wasn't expecting many friends and that didn't bother me.

Now I think I have too many~people from high school, people from church(adults and youth). Some of them from high school I didn't talk to much and I'm wondering if I should just delete them but then I would feel bad.

I don't know..


My ds(13) started a page, so I can atleast keep an eye on him.

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I don't even have my current last name up. I'm "Sarah CB" on Facebook as well. No one's tracking me down!


I prefer stealth-mode.


I'm also Cleo Qc on Facebook. But I've been Cleo Qc for such a long time that yes, people can track me down with that! LOL... I shall revert to my previous online name: darthcleo

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So, that brings up an interesting point... what happens when you decline or just ignore a friend request? I mean, I'm friends with a couple of my husband's co-workers, but I've known them for 25 years - longer than I've known the husband, himself.


But I don't wish to connect with people from highschool or college or that I have dated in a previous life or worked with 15 years ago. If I wanted to talk to these people, we would already chat, KWIM?


I'm having some sort of a hypothetical ethical dilemma right here.

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So, that brings up an interesting point... what happens when you decline or just ignore a friend request? I mean, I'm friends with a couple of my husband's co-workers, but I've known them for 25 years - longer than I've known the husband, himself.


But I don't wish to connect with people from highschool or college or that I have dated in a previous life or worked with 15 years ago. If I wanted to talk to these people, we would already chat, KWIM?


I'm having some sort of a hypothetical ethical dilemma right here.


Once you ignore a friend request, you get the opportunity to block that person. As far as they will be able to tell, you no longer exist on facebook (if they even think to look for you again).


Seriously, if the person doesn't know you, or hardly knows you and sends you a friend request, they may just be the type who gets some kind of satisfaction from having a high friend count--it's not that they are dying for *you* to be their friend.

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I have to laugh, because I had someone from high school want to be my friend and I was thinking....hmmmm...you hardly talked to me in high school. Why now? I accepted. Then, I deleted him. He asked again. Sigh...

I blocked a bunch of folks from HS that I knew were going to come "knocking."


Just delete him from your friends and then block him. He won't be coming back like a stinky dish rag.

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I found one of my best friends from my childhood through fb, so I'm thankful for that. But now I keep getting requests from high school classmates that I barely knew! Sure, we had some classes together (maybe), but we never hung out and we never really even talked much. I don't want to be "friends" with them.


I'm also thinking about de-friending a few people. I found them. It's fun to know what they're doing, but now I'm over it. I don't want hundreds of friends.


Does anyone watch "Trust Me"? One of the main characters found out his teen daughter only had 3 friends on facebook. It was really pretty funny.

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So when you 'de-friend' someone, what kind of a message does the other person receive? I'm just curious. I found a bunch of people from elementary/jr. high--it's cool to see what they are up to/how they turned out, but for most of them, I'm done. It's not like I want to chat with them every day or anything. I'd love to 'de-friend' somehow, but just wonder how to do that or how the message is sent. Anybody know? tia

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I don't have time to manage it, but I don't want to be rude. It is taking over my life (okay, really just the past 24hrs...but still).


"Jo. Step away from the wall, Jo.":D


I know it'd be a major Pandora's Box for me. I'm sure there are some great people with whom I could reconnect ~ and in a way, I'd enjoy that. But I can so totally see myself getting sucked into the vortex, spending a ridiculous amount of time dealing with it all, yada yada yada. I will not cave. I will not.:tongue_smilie:

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I've actually backed off FB for the time being. I got sucked into a lot of games and stuff and was spending too much time there. I miss it, though, and have decided to give it up for Lent, and then see if I can go back just for the connections with people. I've caught up with some great friends. And, some not-so-great ones. I have to laugh at the people from HS who "friended" me - as if we were ever friends. I guess with our 20 year reunion this year everyone's feeling nostalgic. I was having a lot more fun when it was just my friends I have now, and the WTM folks over there.


Today is the first day I've managed to stay away and I'm feeling some withdrawal. I am hoping that some time away will help me manage the time I spend there better, so I can stay in touch with the folks I've found. I was pleased to see though that the people I really want to keep in touch with, want to keep in touch with me too, even if we have to be so old fashioned that we use email. :D

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So when you 'de-friend' someone, what kind of a message does the other person receive? I'm just curious. I found a bunch of people from elementary/jr. high--it's cool to see what they are up to/how they turned out, but for most of them, I'm done. It's not like I want to chat with them every day or anything. I'd love to 'de-friend' somehow, but just wonder how to do that or how the message is sent. Anybody know? tia


A friend of mine asked if she could test it on me. I was never notified when she de-friended me.

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I'm actually enjoying facebook. i've found it to be a great way to keep in touch with people. I'm enjoying finding out what friends/acquaintances from middle & high school are doing. I certainly don't chat with them every day. Every once in a while, if they announce something of post a pic, I'll make a comment, but that's it. I find it to be a very unobtrusive way to stay in touch with people.


When i first signed up, I really didn't do anything on there. My page sat for weeks without me adding a profile pic or anything. Then, for a couple weeks, I went to the other extreme. Spent waaaay too much time on facebook. It's evened out now. I sometimes check in the mornings, usually check in the evenings. Don't tend to spend very much time on.


One app I like with facebook is Goodreads. It's a cool way to find out what your friends are reading and what they think of other books.


Hope you find the balance you're looking for with facebook.



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I'm actually enjoying facebook. i've found it to be a great way to keep in touch with people. I'm enjoying finding out what friends/acquaintances from middle & high school are doing. I certainly don't chat with them every day. Every once in a while, if they announce something of post a pic, I'll make a comment, but that's it. I find it to be a very unobtrusive way to stay in touch with people.


When i first signed up, I really didn't do anything on there. My page sat for weeks without me adding a profile pic or anything. Then, for a couple weeks, I went to the other extreme. Spent waaaay too much time on facebook. It's evened out now. I sometimes check in the mornings, usually check in the evenings. Don't tend to spend very much time on.


This is exactly what happened to me. It's been wonderful: I found a friend from childhood who now lives in the US & we were able to "chat" the other day. I also keep in touch with friends from Singapore, family on the east coast of Australia, & one other HS mum here in Perth who lives about 1 hour away. We're often on at the same time, chat for about 10 minutes & then go back to our duties :D It's all about setting a time limit before you get on and sticking to it - no matter how interesting things get :tongue_smilie:

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I havent had too many people from my distant past contact me, however I wont accept anyone I dont actually know in real life, however briefly, and feel reasonable about seeing my profile. I have refused many people because I only know them online and have never met them IRL.

I am not too keep onFacebook however I have found it amusing when I do write something and my SIL or cousin respond- they live a long way from me and its kind of sweet that they notice when I put something up. Also, some other friends put up some photos of me I might otherwise never have seen. I dont mind.

Overall, I oculd easily live without Facebook.

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"Jo. Step away from the wall, Jo.":D


I know it'd be a major Pandora's Box for me. I'm sure there are some great people with whom I could reconnect ~ and in a way, I'd enjoy that. But I can so totally see myself getting sucked into the vortex, spending a ridiculous amount of time dealing with it all, yada yada yada. I will not cave. I will not.:tongue_smilie:


I can't step away from the wall! It emails me when someone posts. Colleen, save yourself. Don't go towards the wall. Whatever you do, don't look at it. It's evil.




give yourself a free two or three day period (because I'm sure those pop up now and then:D) and get it all done at once. Write up your profile, invite your friends, accept the invites, and *then* step away. My problem is I wasn't prepared, and never should have signed up while trying to get anything else done on the computer!


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By the way....


My dh isn't thrilled with facebook. He is a very secure fella, but having blasts from the past pinging me doesn't thrill him.


He would like the entire website to disappear. Of course, he deals with the negative consequences at work all the time too. Some people have no self-control.


Not me though......:tongue_smilie:

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This thread is so apropos. My dh and I just got on a week ago, I am not that social in real life, but I have found I do like FB mainly because I can chat a few sentences at a time. I havent had to NOT accept a friend yet, that would be uncomfortable.


But yeah. Pandoras box for sure. Fun. Great wast of time. My kids laugh at me, they have to kick me off here and there, to do schoolwork...

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