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Just for fun

Just for fun...  

  1. 1. Just for fun...

    • White Milk
    • Chocolate Milk
    • Strawberry Milk
    • No Milk

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I'll take it any way I can...skim, 2%, even soy!


I also like just regular white milk...really should only have skim because I love it...


Chocolate milk for drinking by itself. It's a snack, a dessert, a drink with lunch or dinner.

White milk for drinking, to pour on cereal, and to chase anything sweet (particularly something sweet AND chocolate).

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Can't have milk--tummy trouble.


I'd love to learn more about the pov that says milk is actually harmful--that our bodies aren't constructed (if that's the right word) to drink cow's milk or the milk of other animals. And conversely, I'd like to learn more about raw milk and its benefits. Not to hijack the thread or anything!

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Go to http://www.realmilk.com which is a website about the benefits of raw milk. I can tell you that my normally lactose intolerant hubby can drink raw milk with no trouble at all. The enzymes that aid the digestion of the mild are killed by the pastuerization process.



I like white milk but I have one child who prefers chocolate milk and one who perfers strawberry milk. I do like the occasional glass of chocolate milk as well.

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Soy milk for me. cows milk always smells & tastes rotten to me (and I'm allergic).


One time I asked the babysitter to pick up some milk when she was out & about with the kids. She asked the kids, "what kind of milk do you drink?" Here are the answers she got:


Mom drinks soy milk

We drink Cow milk

White Milk

Cold Milk


what she wanted to know is (fat-free or 2%).

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Go to www.realmilk.com which is a website about the benefits of raw milk. I can tell you that my normally lactose intolerant hubby can drink raw milk with no trouble at all. The enzymes that aid the digestion of the mild are killed by the pastuerization process.



:iagree:We drink nothing, but raw milk. Dd9 will only drink raw milk. She says that store bought milk tastes burnt. I voted for chocolate.

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