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Take time to rest if you're sick. I thought I was on day 12 of a cold and it ended up being pneumonia. Thankful for the quick ER visit and breathing treatments. I am home in bed now resting for the rest of the week. 

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Hope you rest and feel better.  Same thing happened to Dh. And he ended up missing an entire week of work.  He can work from home but that whole week he could not even think straight.  That pneumonia is nothing to mess around with.  

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1 hour ago, alysee said:

Take time to rest if you're sick. I thought I was on day 12 of a cold and it ended up being pneumonia. Thankful for the quick ER visit and breathing treatments. I am home in bed now resting for the rest of the week. 

I’m glad you are on your way to recovery!

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Some kind of mild cold around here is turning into pneumonia—3/4 of us had it for the very first time, and then I talked to someone who had it in her household too.

We had no positive Covid tests, and the X-rays didn’t show the typical Covid pattern on X-ray.

I hope you recover quickly! 

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

Some kind of mild cold around here is turning into pneumonia—3/4 of us had it for the very first time, and then I talked to someone who had it in her household too.

I'm hearing of this, too. I wonder what it is?

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Yup, I remember the first time I got pneumonia. I was used to getting better and it just crept up on me. I remember lying there thinking I COULD DIE, which I now realize is how it feels when things go bacterial.

Now I keep a pulse oximeter by my bed and have a running scrip for antibiotics, prednisone, the works. 

2 hours ago, kbutton said:

Some kind of mild cold around here is turning into pneumonia

Maybe RSV? I had that around christmas and it was a definite trip to pneumonia. 

14 hours ago, alysee said:

I am home in bed now resting for the rest of the week. 

Milk it baby!! Do NOT get up to try to clean the house or cook soon. Play apps on your phone and use it to call people when you need something, like a princess. I've always needed 3 months to bounce back from pneumonia. Lately I've been taking biotin and increased zinc, both of which help immensely. Turns out I'm homozygous for some stupid biotin issue which is why it would drop crazy when I got sick. And your heart can be affected and it just takes time. Sometimes a long time. 

So milk it, rest, rest, rest, and don't feel guilty about it. As you get better, you can sit in the sun and do nothing. Take care of yourself and don't let others guilt you about it. 

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34 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Maybe RSV? I had that around christmas and it was a definite trip to pneumonia. 

It could be! It was crazy. We all recovered from the mild cold and then got sick again. Two of us had a fever of 99.5 for maybe two hours. By the time DH had it, we knew what was up, and he didn’t even end up missing work. He never felt anything other than a cold, but he was breathing funny. He got treated immediately because he was the third to be identified in the family. It was so weird.

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8 hours ago, kbutton said:

It could be! It was crazy. We all recovered from the mild cold and then got sick again. Two of us had a fever of 99.5 for maybe two hours. By the time DH had it, we knew what was up, and he didn’t even end up missing work. He never felt anything other than a cold, but he was breathing funny. He got treated immediately because he was the third to be identified in the family. It was so weird.

I forget what the progression was, but when I had it this winter it was literally the classic description. It didn't have the sore throat, etc. of covid, no body aches of the flu. What you thought of was recovering might have been the middle stage. I'm seem to recall with the RSV that I thought I was getting better. And yeah, low grade fevers. The doc office did the really nasty flu/strep/covid poke you to your brain testing so they knew it wasn't all the rest. The symptoms were classic for RSV so that's what he labeled it. 

Do you ever do saline spray? I'm nursing something right now, hoping to keep it back with saline spray. We'll see. Sometimes in the past I've been able to. I think the RSV was so fast and furious that it wouldn't have mattered. (I HATE spraying saline when I'm completely congested and by then it does no good anyway.)

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Reinforcements are coming today aka my MIL. She will be here from 8-4 to oversee homeschooling and food prep. She's bringing waffles, whip cream and strawberries for breakfast so that will get the kids up since only my two youngest are up currently. Currently sitting on the couch sipping a coffee. 


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I can’t imagine having pneumonia with kids younger than high school around. 

3 hours ago, PeterPan said:

I forget what the progression was, but when I had it this winter it was literally the classic description. It didn't have the sore throat, etc. of covid, no body aches of the flu. What you thought of was recovering might have been the middle stage. I'm seem to recall with the RSV that I thought I was getting better. And yeah, low grade fevers. The doc office did the really nasty flu/strep/covid poke you to your brain testing so they knew it wasn't all the rest. The symptoms were classic for RSV so that's what he labeled it. 

Do you ever do saline spray? I'm nursing something right now, hoping to keep it back with saline spray. We'll see. Sometimes in the past I've been able to. I think the RSV was so fast and furious that it wouldn't have mattered. (I HATE spraying saline when I'm completely congested and by then it does no good anyway.)

We had a definitive feeling fine period that corresponded with the time the one who didn’t have pneumonia recovered. It was so weird. And when it came back, it was “cold with funny breathing,” for the most part (each of us had different timing of diagnosis and treatment—it’s not typical to have multiple pneumonias in the house; it’s usually an individual response to a pathogen).

I use saline rinses if I am congested. Now and then I use it prior to my antihistamine nasal spray so that it’s more effective and not just rehydrating mucus.

It does help to keep crud out of my lungs, but mucinex is better for that (plain). If my blood sugar allowed, I would take Sudafed separately (easier to dose and often not needed as long as the mucinex). 

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Ugh. I hope you mend quickly and completely. Take a bonus rest day when you think you’re fine. The bonus day makes a difference.  I just played this “lingering cold” game a few weeks ago. I finally saw a doctor and it was bronchitis. 

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On 5/1/2024 at 5:06 AM, alysee said:

Take time to rest if you're sick. I thought I was on day 12 of a cold and it ended up being pneumonia. Thankful for the quick ER visit and breathing treatments. I am home in bed now resting for the rest of the week. 

take as long as you need.  (and there has been a nasty virus going around.)

years ago, I thought it was just a cold with a bad cough.  despite all the other symptoms (my temp *never* hit 101).  Even after collapsing at home, as dh was driving me to the ER I was afraid I was over-reacting. (this was after being given a z-pack at an urgent care).  I was admitted.  It was weeks before I could resume normal activities - and even longer before I completely stopped coughing.  I have scar tissue from that one that will hurt when I get sick.

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