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People did 23 things for 2023; who is planning to do 24 next year?


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Anybody? It’s just things you want to do/accomplish/experience. 

Im planning to do a 24 list but I haven’t gotten it done yet. One of the 23 list I was most proud of is the butterfly/pollinator garden  dh and I made in the yard. It’s my favorite thing we did from the list. There were some things I met many dozens of times like “Hike to a waterfall.” Best waterfall hike was Steall Force Falls - so spectacular! Also rode on a steam train. 




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I hiked 23 trails in 2023. I’ll shoot for 24 next year. 

I planned to read 23 books. I’m at 21 now. Not sure I’ll make that one but I’ll aim for 24 next year regardless. 

I like the idea of 24 unrelated activities. I’ll be following this thread for inspiration! 

Edited by Hyacinth
Math is hard
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I do! Definitely didn’t get my 23 done, but the list did help me work toward goals. 

The biggest was going back to school. As of next week, I will have completed 37 credits in 2023. Depending on how my finals go, I *might* hang on to my 4.0. I’m also in the honors society and social work club.

That said, 2024 will have me slowing down on school a little bit, to about 3/4 time. As much as I LOVE it, it’s making it harder to do some of the other things I love that mean more to my overall happiness. That’s emotionally difficult. It’s time to rebalance.

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I also didn't get my 23 done, but will aim for 24 in 24. My largest project was helping to build a "Viking" village at our local Ren Faire. The most mundane was changing out all my clothing hangers so they match, and the most fun was taking up bellydancing, which wasn't even on radar at the beginning of 2023. 

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Okay, I didn't do this at all -- I think I have a vague memory of people discussing it last year -- but you're all making it sound so FUN!!!

I need to think about this and see if I can list out 24 things. My problem with so many of these types of things is a lack of imagination on my part, sigh.

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23 minutes ago, GailV said:

Okay, I didn't do this at all -- I think I have a vague memory of people discussing it last year -- but you're all making it sound so FUN!!!

I need to think about this and see if I can list out 24 things. My problem with so many of these types of things is a lack of imagination on my part, sigh.

Maybe if several of us post our lists (for either year), it will give you some ideas. 

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I did not do this this year, but I did set a goal to go to a new place and explore around or thoroughly enjoy one area or destination of it each year from now on.  This year my place was the Wine and Roses Spa in Lodi.  I have never stayed at a spa before.  I’m a very low maintenance woman, so spa stays are kind of counterintuitive to me, but I had a lovely time.

2024 my place is going to be Nashville.  I’m looking forward to it, and would love to have locals and others give me ideas on what to see and do there.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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I probably wussed out on this challenge last year.

I will probably wuss out on it this year too.  😛

I did do a lot of things, of course, but how many could I have predicted a year ago?  In December, I'm lucky if I can think ahead to the next day.

For the fun of it, can I say we did at least 23 interesting things in 23 ... well, many of them included a number of different experiences, but for the sake of brevity ....

  1. New Year's Eve/day in Singapore.
  2. Walked through the hotel in Crazy Rich Asians.
  3. Walked on the beach in Bali.
  4. Climbed down and stood under a waterfall in Bali.
  5. Wore a sarong to visit a temple in Bali.
  6. Brought 2 kids from temps to drivers' license holders.
  7. Watched the alfombras de aserrin being made in Antigua, Guatemala, and watched the processions over them on Good Friday.
  8. Visited one of my kids' birth city in Guatemala..
  9. Walked along a beach in Panajachel, Guatemala.
  10. Watched demos of weaving and chocolate making in small Guatemalan towns.
  11. Used my Spanish skills to order food for delivery.
  12. Walked along a beach in Ravenna, Italy.
  13. Visited Slovenia [cruise stop].
  14. Visited Croatia [Hvar and Dubrovnik, 2 cruise stops].
  15. Visited Montenegro [cruise stop].
  16. Visited Corfu, Greece [cruise stop].
  17. Visited Santorini, Greece [cruise stop].
  18. Updated our CPR certs.
  19. Hosted a professional conference in DC.
  20. Hosted a weekend event for a group my kids belong to.
  21. Hiked various new trails.
  22. Bought a "lake house" (major fixer-upper), working on rehabbing it.
  23. Ran five 5K's.

For 2024, things already planned:

  • Visit Brazil and Argentina and maybe Paraguay.
  • Host a doing for the upcoming total eclipse on April 8.
  • Finish our lake house and host something there.
  • Visit Barcelona; take a cruise from there, I don't remember all the specific stops.
  • Would love to go back to TKD get my 2nd degree black belt already ....
  • Planning to run 6 or more 5Ks.
  • 2 kids' graduation and starting college - am I allowed to include these here?
  • Would love to finally teach myself how to play my acoustic guitar.
  • Hope to give blood at least 4 times in 2024.
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Here is the link to the original thread:

I started this but my life took a few unexpected turns and I just put one foot in front of the other. I got terrible sciatica that started in January and I'm still not fully recovered. I started a FT job in Feb that was not on my radar at all as I originally planned to take a temporary PT job over the summer. Lastly,  I ended up with all the kids back home when I thought all would be in school. This year is a bit of a blur tbh. 

I'll have to think of what would be a realistic list for me. I'm not sure if I'm up for the commitment.

My list from last year.

Things I did do-

  1. kayak trip w/ dh- Nope
  2. visit farmer's market- Um I don't think so?
  3. cook 2 new dishes monthly- I'm not sure. I've tried various dishes but I've not tracked them
  4. work through cooking course- online or book (perusing options now I'd wanted to do that this summer and even posted about it but my life got busy again)- I looked but didn't find one I liked.
  5. read 6 classics- I read some books but just whatever struck my fancy
  6. build something--I've got my eye on a few different plans - the one I most want to do is a bench and shoe cubby for my entry- Nope! 
  7. attend a garden club meeting- Nope
  8. winter and/or indoor garden-Nope
  9. bedroom redo on a budget- Nope
  10. sewing /craft project- I want to find something productive and crafty to occupy winter evenings- I think I want something I can do by hand- nope
  11. plant some native plants in my flower beds- I didn't plant any flowers this year
  12. transplant a tree- Finally something I did! (with a lot of help from dh as digging is hard in our ground)
  13. diy projects- I started a few this fall and would like to continue on learning and doing- I don't think so
  14. monthly dates (at home mostly but maybe go out a few times)- I'd say we mostly did this
  15. biking---bike at G, W, and M park - biking was out due to sciatica- last I tried it still didn't feel good
  16. family activities-- these have been a rare occurrence with everyone so busy but I want to prioritize getting in at least a few before ds goes to college (could be just a family game night or going to a park)- Yes, we got in a little family vaca and some activities
  17. work through drawing books- I did some drawing with the girls
  18. find an art class to try- the girls and I have been painting watercolors together
  19. find an outdoor race/challenge of some sort-  or just do a self-imposed challenge- I did not due to my injury but there is one coming in May that dh and I want to do. We started hiking again regularly this fall and have went on hikes almost every weekend. It has been so nice to have the time together in the outdoors and getting in activity too.
  20. try an in person exercise class-  I switched to almost exclusively exercising at home with the pandemic but miss that social aspect at times- I tried a few last year but none were quite right- I tried out a kickboxing class after I thought I recovered enough but I still ended up regressing so I stopped looking. 
  21. try 2 new restaurants-- we rarely eat out - I generally prefer to cook at home and can't afford to eat out much but I want to try 2 new places next year-- this year we tried 1 place, excluding vacation eating so that is small stretch- Yep with our family vaca we got in a few new places
  22. find a place to volunteer- try it out- Nope- my job is SW I'm working directly with people helping them the best I can- it feels like enough!
  23.  Go to 3 community events- Let's see we did the community showing of Elf at the old theatre. I can't remember if we did anything else, sigh. 
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Last year was my first year making such a list and I didn't really think it through. I accomplished less than half. All of the items on my list were doable but I wasn't motivated/didn't want them enough to make them all happen. Some will get moved to 2024, some will get revised and moved, and some will go away. My 24 for 24 list will have some big things and a lot of small doable things. I'm still working on it (mostly in my head, haven't written anything down yet)>

1. Try 3 new restaurants with dh.  Yes. The rule I made for myself was each restaurant had to be new to both of us.
2. Resume monthly date night. - Nope. We went out to eat nearly every month but usually because neither of us felt like cooking and cleaning up. 
3. Take a trip with dh.  It was just a long weekend close to home but I'm counting it. It was still a getaway.
4. Organize primary bedroom closet. Done
5. Organize main bathroom closet. Done
6. Decorate the walls. Nope. We actually bought some beautiful photos at an art show but haven't even bought frames for them yet. This will definitely go on the 24 for 24 list.
7. Attend a local festival. Yes. Several in fact.
8. Finish a crochet project. Nope. Adding to 2024 list
9. Sew something. Yes
10. Visit Bok Tower Gardens. Nope
11. Walk Linear Park Trail.  Yes
12. Visit Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. Nope
13. Visit Turkey Creek Sanctuary. Nope
14. Visit Pine Island Conservation Area. Nope
15. Resume baking bread. Nope. Don't really care anymore.
16. Kayak at Brevard Zoo Yes
17. Research a UK trip Yes, finalizing plans and making reservations this week
18. Research an Alaska cruise. Nope. It's off the table for now. Maybe 2025 or 26
19. Read the 1st Harry Potter book in Italian. Nope. I let my Italian lessons slide anyway
20. Clean out the garage. Yes and no. Dh has done some organizing but I have stuff I need to go through. Next year 
21. Try grow bag gardening. Yes. I grew potatoes in a bag and currently have tomatoes in one.
22. Re-do front garden. Nope. Desperately needs to be done.
23. Plant orchids on trees. Nope


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