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800 g challenge- Join in!


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I did this nearly 4 years ago (and posted about it on our Exercise thread). I just saw it online and thought it was a good time to do it again. (She has an ebook but I've not bought it and don't see any reason it would be needed ymmv)

The goal is to get 800 g of fruits and veggies in a day. If you want to weigh go ahead. For me, I've never owned a food scale and don't want to. I use the approximate volume measurements- 800 g is equivalent to roughly 6 cups. Leafy greens are lighter. A cup is around the size of a closed fist if you'd rather just eyeball it.

The reason I like this--

- it focuses on adding more of the good food instead of restricting (as we move into a season of gluttony in the US I think this is a great time to focus on eating more of the good stuff to crowd out the not-so-good)

-it is quantifiable but not onerous to track or measure

If lots of fruits and veggies don't work for you due to allergies, digestive, or other issues this is not the challenge for you. 

I know I feel best when eating the most fruits and veggies. 

This is part of my embracing the chaos and stress management. There are always things going on but eating well helps me cope better. Even if I don't hit my goals striving for it will improve my choices and help me see where I'm at. My eating is ok now, not as good as I'd like but not terrible. I'm hoping a focused challenge can get me closer to where I'd like to be. I *think* I'm hitting this or close to it most of the time but without really tracking that could be wishful thinking.

I'm going to try and post in the morning a general plan for the day but it might end up being a recap the next day. 

All are welcome- 

take what works for you (maybe you need to lower the goal or you're focusing on lower carb etc)

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I’ll join in because it does do me good to focus on it. But, we did it for work a few months ago and my competitive side got the best of me. I found myself eating at night even when I wasn’t hungry and some days I would eat 800 grams of watermelon just to check the box. I love the concept though, so hopefully this time around I’ll be more balanced in my approach. 

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This sounds great - but a lot of my veggies are in soup so I will have to think about how to know how many grams I’m consuming. I do have an easy kitchen scale for measuring grams so I’m sure I can figure something out. 

I believe the key to success in this is to make changes to the standard American breakfast - which I’ve already done by eating soup for breakfast, but expect that redefining breakfast would be helpful for anyone taking on this challenge. 

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Yes, I found breakfast Was key for me in this challenge. If I didn’t get some fruits or veggies in then, it was really hard to make up. That said, I’m trying hard right now to meet a daily protein goal and I eat a lot of nuts and seeds which don’t count. It’s a balancing act to get it all in! 

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36 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

Yes, I found breakfast Was key for me in this challenge. If I didn’t get some fruits or veggies in then, it was really hard to make up. That said, I’m trying hard right now to meet a daily protein goal and I eat a lot of nuts and seeds which don’t count. It’s a balancing act to get it all in! 

What’s you protein goal?

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1 hour ago, Grace Hopper said:

This sounds great - but a lot of my veggies are in soup so I will have to think about how to know how many grams I’m consuming. I do have an easy kitchen scale for measuring grams so I’m sure I can figure something out. 

I believe the key to success in this is to make changes to the standard American breakfast - which I’ve already done by eating soup for breakfast, but expect that redefining breakfast would be helpful for anyone taking on this challenge. 

Many mornings I saute some greens - collard or arugula are my favorites, but whatever I have - in a very small amount of olive oil, then break an egg over it and cook till done. If I have tomatillo salsa, I use that too - I would just weigh it to figure out my quantity (or could use a measuring cup of course).


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Monday - I'll note it now because I'll be busy tomorrow and I've already packed food for the office (only veg/fruit dishes stated) - 

Lunch - roast butternut squash with paprika and olive oil; red cabbage with yoghurt dressing; large apple.

Afternoon snack - carrot sticks with cheddar.

Supper - Husband is cooking. I'll get a cup of beans out of his chilli and he'll make a big salad.

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I don't have a food scale, but I am going to join in just to try and keep focusing on getting more fruits and veggies in.  I don't have trouble with veggies as I love so many and would choose to eat them all the time.  But I am not a fruit lover.  Mostly just apples is something I will eat.  So I am making an effort of eating oatmeal with frozen fruit in it because that is the only way I really will eat fruit.

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I love this idea. When I've got my meal prep game on point I easily eat that much in fruits and veggies. But I haven't had my meal prep game on  in a few weeks, so I will join in. Dh and I just got back from the store to buy stuff to meal prep for the week so I'm prepared 

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Oh, I think I might try this to see how many fruits and vegetables I'm actually eating.

I read recently that the people with the healthiest diets eat a variety of at least 30 different plant foods each week.  I can usually get to 25 with a little bit of effort.  Maybe this will help me to reach the goal of 30. :)

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15 hours ago, Junie said:

Oh, I think I might try this to see how many fruits and vegetables I'm actually eating.

I read recently that the people with the healthiest diets eat a variety of at least 30 different plant foods each week.  I can usually get to 25 with a little bit of effort.  Maybe this will help me to reach the goal of 30. 🙂

Yes, I've read that too but got bogged down tracking it. Best wishes on meeting your goal.

Lovely to see everyone!

I met the goal yesterday with - 1 c blueberries, 1 med banana, 2 cups - broccoli/cabbage, 1.5 cup mandarin oranges, .5 cup kidney beans, 1 cup combo sweet potato and green beans

Kidney beans were in chili, sweet potato and green beans in curry (both homemade)- I didn't measure them out but guesstimate based on my servings

Today's plan:

tropical fruit mix 1 cup; blueberries 1/2 cup; 1 cup mixed greens; 2 cups- broccoli/cabbage; 2 cups + salad (various veggies); probably some oranges too in the afternoon

Edited by Soror
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I took the time to make a nice salad for lunch. I'm going for 5 servings fruits and veggies and count that as two--one for the romaine, one for the tomatoes/red pepper/cucumber. And I have an apple too--probably afternoon snack. Breakfast is always good for one serving fruit since I make my baked oatmeal with enough blueberries, apple, and applesauce to count for a fruit serving every day. That leaves just one serving for dinner which I should be able to hit even though I don't know what dinner is yet.

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I do the 30 plant products and have found it pretty simple if I’m paying attention and get in the groove. I get a lot of variety from nuts and seeds though. Probably at least 8 a week. I also regularly do 4 types of beans. I don’t do enough vegetables though, so this challenge is a good complement. 

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Breakfast- 150 grams mixed berries (chia seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, turkey sausage) 

lunch- 100 grams cabbage/salad mix, 100 grams black beans (chicken) 100 grams pineapple

snack- 150 grams apple (Parmesan cheese) 

dinner- (orange chicken and rice) 200 grams roasted broccoli, protein bar

That took a lot of conscious effort on my part to get to 800. I guess that’s why it’s a challenge 🙂 

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1 hour ago, regentrude said:


Hahahahahahahaha well I have to draw the line at eating two whole pies, even on Thanksgiving Day. 😂

I did have a reasonably sized bowl of cut fruit with dinner and checked, it weighed (sans bowl) over 200g. So I will need to be mindful BUT I believe 800g a day won’t be too hard!

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Thanks for starting this.  I'll start with yesterday: I had a serving each of acorn squash, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and beets plus an apple turnover and a serving of apple crisp.  Enough onions, mushrooms, and spinach at breakfast to make one serving.

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I know I need to do more veggies, but fruit is easier for lunch. My yogurt parfait will be more fruit than yogurt--I'm bringing both peaches and blueberries from the freezer. Apple for snack after school, 1 serving fruit in oatmeal this morning and enough lettuce and tomatoes on my tostada tonight to count for the 5th. And I do see how focusing on getting more of what I need helps me eat less of the comfort food I've been reaching for in high stress times.

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I got out my kitchen scale today--it was helpful to see how much adding some onion, bell pepper, celery, etc. to what I was cooking contributed to the goal.

B- 150 Banana and a zuchinni muffin

L- 200:  tomato and basil; onions and peas

D- 200:  Salad with romaine, tomatoes, bell pepper, celery, carrots, and cucumber  

Snacks:  100 carrot sticks, 100 grapes, 50 bell pepper

Made it!  

I have sliced some carrots, cucumbers, bell pepper, and measured out some cherry tomatoes and grapes to have as snacks the next few days.  DH is going through a major medical crisis and cooking has been difficult both timewise and to coordinate with what he is able to eat.  This goal has helped me think of ways to get in veggies when I am not sitting down to a family dinner.

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breakfast: yogurt with pomegranate arils

dinner: random leftovers, including onions & peppers, sweet potatoes, mixed berries 

late night snack: apple with peanut butter

My vegetable portions weren't large enough to meet the goal, so that's something I'll need to work on going forward.  This challenge is just that -- a challenge!!  I definitely think it's a really good goal, though, so I'm going to keep trying. :)

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In case anyone is interested in the 30 plants, here are some ideas on what to include (with links to associated podcasts).  It sounds as if checking your chocolate supplier for heavy metals might be good though, if you eat a lot:


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I ended up eating my salad at about 9:00 last night (5th and final serving for the day). Today I have parent/teacher conferences and parent association provides our lunch. I'll have fruit in my oatmeal this morning and I'll bring grapes and an apple for snacks during the day. Will have a taco salad for dinner, so I think I'm fine if parents bring some kind of salad or something as one of the choices for lunch.

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Didn’t quite make it today I don’t think. But couldn’t measure lunch. 

b- 150 grams mixed fruit 

l- chipotle- extra beans, peppers, onions, salsa, corn salsa. I’ve weighed my food before and I think this was around 400 grams. If I would’ve gotten guacamole instead of queso, I would have probably met the goal. But, queso😀

d- 150 mixed berries. 

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I didn't weigh all of my food, but I got to about 6 cups of fruits and vegetables -- mostly vegetables today!

breakfast -- 2 Tablespoons pomegranate arils in my yogurt

lunch -- a huge salad at lunch, probably 4 cups -- mixed greens, cucumber, tomato, avocado, black olives, red onion

dinner -- pasta sauce, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of mandarin oranges

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