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Do I get bonus points…..teaching 2 young adults with special needs to drive


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This spring and early summer I worked with my dd to learn to drive.  We did professional lessons and then I had her drive me all over.   Now I am repeating that with my son.

They are both doing very well. Dd passed her driving test the first time and has her own car.  Ds has had 2 lessons now and is doing very well too.  

I am trying very hard to be a good passenger and very encouraging.  It is just scary to give up control.

But as an encouragement, even if your teen/young adult can’t do it now, it might be a “not yet” thing.   I never expected either of them to drive and they are exceeding all expectations.

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8 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Sounds like you have a good amount of patience.  Can I send one more your way??? 

This teaching the kids how to drive is one of the scariest/frightening/aging me things I might ever do.  

Nope.    I also work with my students at school on learning to drive…..prepping them for the written test and talking about the rules, signs, etc.  we leave the behind the wheel stuff to the professionals there.

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It's a big achievement!

DS19 just passed his driving test TODAY!!! After almost a year of adaptive driving lessons. I was not sure he would ever be able to drive safely. I'm not taking credit, though. Other than arranging and taking him to lessons, I didn't help him; DH did the at-home lessons.

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1 hour ago, Storygirl said:

It's a big achievement!

DS19 just passed his driving test TODAY!!! After almost a year of adaptive driving lessons. I was not sure he would ever be able to drive safely. I'm not taking credit, though. Other than arranging and taking him to lessons, I didn't help him; DH did the at-home lessons.

That is huge.   Our kids can do so much more than we ever imagined.

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1 hour ago, Storygirl said:

It's a big achievement!

DS19 just passed his driving test TODAY!!! After almost a year of adaptive driving lessons. I was not sure he would ever be able to drive safely. I'm not taking credit, though. Other than arranging and taking him to lessons, I didn't help him; DH did the at-home lessons.


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