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Living Memory by Drew/Plaid Dad arrived today! Wow!

Beth in SW WA

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I really am over the moon about this 452-page book. It is quite comprehensive & one-stop-shopping for all the classical & neo-classical information/quotes/documents that one would/should/could memorize.


It would appeal to fans of CM, TWTM, LCC, Sonlight, etc.


I think he asked too little $$ for it. Quite a bargain!


My kids will be uber-smart if they can memorize just a fraction of the information. Me too!


I'm not sure if anyone shared the TOC. So here goes....




Arithmetic and Mathematics

Grammar and Composition




World History

United States History and Civics

Natural Sciences

Reference Charts

Appendix: Memory Work in the Ignation Method


He explains the who, what, where, when, why & how of memory work, hence the name Living Memory.


I hope that helps a little.

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When I opened the box from Lulu and showed my son, he asked about the little impression on the tip of the finger and thought it was there purposefully. He asked: "Doesn't everything in classical education have a deeper meaning?"


Looks like classical ed is working here!

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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I loved the finger with a bow! I thought, "Wow, no need for a publisher, here! He can do his own covers(and hopefully editing), and it looks great!" And of course, we'll do your advertising! As for price, although I'm sure it could command a more expensive price, $25 plus shipping is what I could afford. I'm not sure if it was $50+ shipping if we could all just press the button to pay. I mean, $25 is only 2.5 lbs of coffee:-) I'm thankful for the low price and I hope you are getting a large chunk of that $$$. At least this way, people won't think you have an unlimited amount of books that you receive free! :-) Seems everyone thinks that when you write a book you have a whole shelf of them to give away! :-)



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When I opened the box from Lulu and showed my son, he asked about the little impression on the tip of the finger and thought it was there purposefully. He asked: "Doesn't everything in classical education have a deeper meaning?"


Looks like classical ed is working here!


The cover really is just fine, I am just anxious to read the book!


I've been busy taking care of my entire family (they are ALL sick! blech) and doing all the shoveling which my dh makes look like no big deal but :eek: am I sore!


ETA: Beth, you quoted me, would you mind deleting the quote in your reply (number 13)... I deleted the original part in my message and there really was no need for my comment! Thanks, Sharon :)

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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ETA: Beth, you quoted me, would you mind deleting the quote in your reply (number 13)... I deleted the original part in my message and there really was no need for my comment! Thanks, Sharon :)



Done!! :)


And of course we don't have too much time on our hands! I'm reading my new CW Maxim cover-to-cover this weekend! And you're sore from shoveling snow and taking care of sick babies! Bless you!!

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Done!! :)


And of course we don't have too much time on our hands! I'm reading my new CW Maxim cover-to-cover this weekend! And you're sore from shoveling snow and taking care of sick babies! Bless you!!


I'm staring at my CW Poetry that needs to be read over the holidays as well. Drew's book is on the way, good thing we are off for two weeks. :D

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Living memory does not go into detail about the technique of loci - he briefly explains it in 2 paragraphs, giving an example of how it is done. If you want to understand in more detail, there are a number of sites that explain it. I will link them below. They give you pretty much the info that Memorize the Faith gives you. You don't need Memorize the Faith to understand it, that book just goes into detail giving actual "houses" for you to memorize various points of faith (mostly applicable to Catholics only though). Hopefully these will help.


loci technique

loci explanation in wikipedia

Roman Room explained

art of memory

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roughly 1/5 of the book is dedicated to Religion. Of that section, half is prayers, creeds, verses and passages, the other half is poetry of a religious nature (ie a poem by John Donne), hymns and songs. It is not too Catholic specific in my mind - it includes a huge range of hymns and songs - several creeds are given, including ones common for Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox churches. Verses are given in the King James. The books of the Bible song uses the Catholic books of the Bible, but that would be easy to eliminate verses from. It includes a few lists such as the 7 deadly sins/7 virtues, and he notes where those differ.

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It includes a few lists such as the 7 deadly sins/7 virtues, and he notes where those differ.


A note about these lists: some of this material is important not just for an understanding of Christianity, but also of literature. Dante doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless you know the Seven Deadly Sins. ;)

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Whew! When I saw this subject line at a glance, I thought it said, "In loving memory of Drew/Plaid Dad." I was filled with dread at glancing back up at it. Then, Whew!


Would somebody who has it be so kind as to post one single, short Latin quote which he recommends we memorize so I can get a feel for it? And does he provide the English translation? About how many pages are devoted to Latin works?

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Would somebody who has it be so kind as to post one single, short Latin quote which he recommends we memorize so I can get a feel for it? And does he provide the English translation? About how many pages are devoted to Latin works?


From one of the sets of Latin proverbs: Post proelium, praemium. (After the battle, the reward.) I do provide English translations throughout. The Latin chapter is 52 pages long. HTH!

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I've given you my money, but feel like I still owe you my thanks! Thank you. Nicely done! This will EASILY slide into my LA bin - the actual bin and the one in my head that answers the what-to-do-when questions; it will be toted to the table every morning.


THANKS for making this pick up and go! I'm amazed at all of the terrific materials that have been generated in the past few years - materials that so easily make intentions reality by moving me from the round-n-round planning table to the face-time table. Nicely done!


With thanks!



Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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I wanted to buy Drew's book - BUT money has been a real issue this year. I received some unexpected X-Mas money from my Godmother yesterday. NOW, I can get myself the book "Living Memory" by Drew. I am jumping up and down! :hurray: I just can't wait to receive it. All those wonderful reviews!!!




Homeschooling JUST ONE - ds 9

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I was very excited to see this offered via Lulu, as I had been waiting rather impatiently for months (and months ;)) for it to be printed. I received my copy in the mail today and am very impressed by what I have read so far. I cannot wait to curl up on the couch tonight and really dig into the book. Looks like a winner!

Thank you very much, Drew!


When the next edition comes out, I would be willing to spend a little more for a hardcover option.....
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My copy arrived today too! I am so excited.


A couple of weeks ago I started putting together a reference book for ds. It has been lingering in my to do pile. Now I don't have to do it. Everything I need is right in this book. :D That adds up to about an extra day of Christmas vacation for me. YEAH. :001_smile:

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I saw the suggestion of cutting the binding off and placing this in a notebook. I think I'll do this and use page protectors, or maybe laminate in thin pocket laminating pouches ( oregonlam.com ) and put it in a notebook! Thanks for the idea.

(and of course use something like post-it tabs for the different sections)



Edited by NayfiesMama
more to say:-)
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I couldn't resist ordering after reading this thread since I've been waiting for it to come out! Even though we're moving overseas and I won't be able to hs after Oct. I'll probably still be afterschooling one dc who needs some extra help, though, so I've justified it that I'll keep on using it with him. All that good 'brain training' will be good for him!

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