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Anyone else about to get hit with the "big" snow storm?

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Thank heavens the karate instructor emailed us about it or I would have been oblivious. Usually I check the weather by looking out the window and assessing the sky and plants. If the rhododendron leaves are tightly curled, it is extremely cold and heavy coats and gloves are required, for example.


I probably should go out to buy another few shovels, so each kid will have one ... but I think they've sold out by now. I wish I'd thought of that earlier because the snow plow will leave a layer of snow on the driveway that will solidify into ice.


I forgot to buy Driveway Heat, too. Oh well, we have plenty of cocoa and ingredients for cookies, so I'll console myself with those.


I just hope the electricity doesn't go out for a long time -- more than a few hours. If it does, we will get in the SUV and start driving toward warmer weather. I do not intend to freeze -- been there, done that, and never again.



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We were just watching the cats hopping through the deep snow to get to the house this morning and were trying to decide just how deep it really was--at least 6", maybe 8". It is beautiful. It started snowing a few hours later than predicted, so both my college kid and my husband were able to make it home last night before the storm hit. And it is still snowing...



Edited by Jean in Wisc
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We are expecting it here in NY any time now. Dd is at the cc taking her last finals, so I am thankful that it is holding off a while longer than the forecast led us to believe. Dh has just made a grocery run. I am thoroughly enjoying sipping my tea and catching up here. Our last day of school (where I teach) was canceled. Yippee! Extra day of vacation! Boy do we all need it too.


I just love the feeling of an impending snow storm. As long as it isn't an ice storm and nobody loses power. The snow is so lovely to watch from our greatroom windows and our dog who is part husky is like a kid when it snows. He gets so excited!

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We have had about 9 inches in the past 6 hours with another 2-4 hours of heavy snow coming.


My oldest is home today so my girls don't think they should do school. Plans for the homeschool group to sing at the nursing home are cancelled as well as Christmas shopping for today.

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Another West Michigan resident getting buried in the snow! Hubby went to work thinking I was running errands today and left the 4WD Yukon for me. I am staying home!

All schools in entire area are closed. We have at least 7 inches since 4am. OUr youngest is the only one at home now and he is on college break, wishing for those snow days of the past instead of worrying about whether he should try to make it into work. They told him to stay home, and he is, but that affects his checkbook!


Yup, it's gorgeous out side!

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Those are some beautiful pics, Jean. Thanks for sharing. I love the pic of the stream. It makes me want to pull on my boots and head outside.


It is coming down heavily here now and it is just lovely.


In all my photo taking this morning, I caught one of the Amish neighbors plowing. It is a GORGEOUS photo. I can't bring myself to delete it, but because they do not like their pictures taken, I did not post it. Their faces are not visible, but...I doubt they'd want it posted. I never know where to draw the line on these. I take pics of their corn shocks and mules...but when people accidentally show up in the photo, knowing they would not like it, I normally just delete it. Sigh.



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We're in the first third of it here in Toronto. DH is on a flight home from Edmonton and will land during the worst of the whiteouts. Eek! Flight was delayed by an hour and a half this morning due to malfunctioning restrooms. They asked for 23 volunteers to deplane, got them off the plane, went through the pre-flight routine, and then put them all back on the plane since there was no space to rebook them on later flights. Hello!! It's the Friday before Christmas! I just hope he makes it here sometime today.

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It went through here last night and everyone is digging out this morning. We had the ice & sleet then the snow-bomb. It's pretty, but changes our plans for the weekend. I'm hoping the snow-plow will make our street some time this weekend...I want to finish checking off my list.;)

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We had two feet dumped on us Wed/Thurs. We are still snowed in and I'm LOVING it. It just feels so cozy and fun. The kids are playing in the snow and there just isn't anything that HAS to get done. I love snow. Dh couldn't get to work (our city was closed!) yesterday and today and so we have a four day weekend. h

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With a high of 76 here today and 79 tomorrow I'm wondering if I slept through Christmas and Easter is actually in a few days! I'm guessing I shouldn't be looking for the blizzard any time today.:D


However, in spite of how much I hate cold weather, listening to you guys ALMOST makes me want to come visit one of you. Almost. But not quite. :) I'll go slip on a short sleeve and finish up my Christmas shopping today instead. ;)

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We had two feet dumped on us Wed/Thurs. We are still snowed in and I'm LOVING it. It just feels so cozy and fun. The kids are playing in the snow and there just isn't anything that HAS to get done. I love snow.


You and Crissy have the kind of snow I want ~ sans wind. Can we please come over and play? I promise we won't bring the northeaster with us.:D

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I'm sitting here with 10 inches of snow outside. Our roads are nasty and some closed. I am so glad my policy is to have Christmas shopping done before December or I'd be in a world of hurt. I need to get to the grocery store and get food for Christmas. We are going to get dumped on again by Sunday.

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Well, where I am in CT you can only just begin to see the snowflakes falling. It is 1:15 p.m. and MOST schools in CT were cancelled for the WHOLE day today!!! Isn't that crazy??? It's because one year ago they tried to do the 1/2 day thing at the public schools and many kids were stuck on buses for hours and hours due to sudden, heavy snow.



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It's 1:30 here and just starting to snow. The schools only reopened yesterday after the last storm (my kids were annoyed that homeschool wasn't canceled)! And everything that was supposed to be last weekend was rescheduled for this weekend - oy.


I'm just hoping it's cleared up by tomorrow - I'm supposed to be driving in to Boston with the kids!


Our hatches are all battened down, though, and everyone's home, even dh, so we'll probably spend the afternoon with popcorn and cocoa. :001_smile:

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I started snowing around 9 am. Now, at 12:00 pm, we have about 4 inches. We're expected from 6 to 8. Our local schools all cancelled school. I just got back from the grocery store and the roads haven't been plowed yet. There are mobs of kids (including my own) roaming the neighborhood looking for snow trouble. I've decided I'm gonna cook today.:001_smile:

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We're getting it now. We had rain during the last big storm or two in our state, but this time it's snow. Two things cancelled for this evening, but my dc are happily playing in the snow. My parents have a foot of snow in BC and are expecting more tomorrow--they have more than we do and they usually get a lot less.

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