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A kind of puppy update


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I think my vet hates Sam. Or GSDs as a whole, with Dean as an exception.

This is the second visit (same vet for Sam’s first and second, Dean had a different vet at his first) where I got 0 negative comments about Dean and many about Sam.

We don’t really have vet practice options. One practice closed for retirement, one closed for a move, and our previous practice is a giant PITA to deal with and the owner-vet is now in jail. That’s about it in a 20 mile radius. I’ve used one place farther out for serious late night emergencies, but they’re afraid of my Chi-mutt (which is why we stayed so long with the previous practice that handled him without a flinch.)

It is 100% true that my puppies don’t get the quantity of training they would if there were just one. But we still work long and hard! Probably more than the average person with one puppy. At about 13 weeks, I’m fairly impressed with their progress, though we absolutely still have a ton of work to do.

But with Sam, she continued talking about how I need to do this, that, and the other thing… all of which we do on the regular. Oh, I’d better start handling all his body parts and get him used to it. Um, he is. Does he particularly like it? Of course not. But he handles bathing, brushing, ear cleaning, and footsie playing much better than Dean. (Dean is better with mouth and teeth stuff.) I’m sorry random strangers haven’t frequently grabbed his back paws over the 5 or 6 weeks we’ve had him?

And how if he doesn’t quit nipping within the next FOUR MONTHS (longer than he’s already been alive) I’d better be prepared to get a trainer.  Why assume we aren’t working on it, he isn’t making progress, and we’re unlikely to get it under even more control in such a long time?
(Plus, we are using expensive online training courses because there aren’t many reputable trainers in our area.)

There’s more, but Dean gets none of these comments. And Dean currently sucks at some things where Sam excels, and vice versa.

Dean gets “Good boy!” and Sam gets “Naughty Sheppy!” for not holding still for rear paw X-rays. (My human toddler didn’t sit still for X-rays and no one called her naughty for it.)

I feel like she thinks I’m stupid and inexperienced, despite our file notes. I’ve only owned GSD mixes, but I spent about a decade around a relative’s badly bred and handled purebreds. I’m pretty familiar with what to avoid/work on/etc. And my commitment shows in my bills!!!

I’m just bummed and feeling super sensitive considering these puppies have been at least 3/4 of my existence since they came home. Or maybe it’s residual rage from having a MIL who overtly favored one of my daughters over the other.

Regardless, pics:



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7 minutes ago, TheReader said:

That is crazy. I'm sorry your vet is being a brat or a jerk or both.  The puppies are adorable, you are doing a great job with them, and just keep working at what you are doing - it will pay off. Hugs to you and Sam for the unfair treatment. (and Dean, just for good measure). 

Thanks; Dean likes hugs better anyway, lol!

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That would bother me, a lot. Super annoying. She is overstepping, not listening to you, and being unkind. So weird. 

All of that said--for your peace of mind, and because you do not have a better option, try to ignore her. Just let it slide off of you and let it go. This lady has prejudice against a beautiful puppy. What in the world?

I know you know this, but it bears repeating: the problem is not you, the problem is her. It's annoying because you're paying her to work for you, but just figure Sam is getting his necessary medical care and her other comments don't matter.

Don't let her get under your skin. Not worth your time and mental energy.

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They are just puppies. And they have their own personalities that they were born with. This is how a lot of my human medical appointments go…this same vibe. 

They will develop their own personality and your training will also help shape them. But they will always be different from each other, and that will never mean one is “bad” and one is “good”. 

I know you know this. I’m just saying it anyway, lol. 

And your previous vet is in jail? My word. 😳

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That's a shame. A vet is supposed to be a supportive partner and help encourage pet owners. 

Out of curiosity, do you bring both puppies to the vet at the same time? Do you have another family member with you, if you're bringing them both in? Could you try bringing in one puppy at a time, and make the visit as calm as possible, especially for Sam?

My puppy loves his vet so much that he pees on the floor - at least that is what the vet said, "He's comfortable enough to pee." I was expecting a different reaction from the vet. I love her, too!. 🤣

Edited by wintermom
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6 hours ago, TheReader said:

That is crazy. I'm sorry your vet is being a brat or a jerk or both.  The puppies are adorable, you are doing a great job with them, and just keep working at what you are doing - it will pay off. Hugs to you and Sam for the unfair treatment. (and Dean, just for good measure). 

Sorry for the stupid vet.
❤️ Puppy pics! 

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Ugh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are the dogs named after Supernatural? Just curious.

Where I live there are very limited vet options as well. I refused to go locally based on lack of cleanliness/bad vibes and have since heard another horror story. I drive 45 min to a vet and I'm not even sure they are the best, but they had that AAHA stamp of approval. 

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57 minutes ago, wintermom said:

That's a shame. A vet is supposed to be a supportive partner and help encourage pet owners. 

Out of curiosity, do you bring both puppies to the vet at the same time? Do you have another family member with you, if you're bringing them both in? Could you try bringing in one puppy at a time, and make the visit as calm as possible, especially for Sam?

My puppy loves his vet so much that he pees on the floor - at least that is what the vet said, "He's comfortable enough to pee." I was expecting a different reaction from the vet. I love her, too!. 🤣

Oh, no! Separate appointments AND usually a second human with me so I can focus on the info.

55 minutes ago, catz said:

I would assume that vet has some history and that has NOTHING to do with you.  I wouldn't hesitate on calling her out where her assumptions are wrong either.  

I’m trying out some scripts in my head. Nothing nasty, but I want to make it clear that I’m sensing a lack of confidence and would like to change that.

7 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Ugh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are the dogs named after Supernatural? Just curious.

Absolutely! They finally fit into their devil’s traps collars. 😆

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I would suggest (with a complete lack of humility, but with complete and utter confidence in the method) that you search under the term "bite inhibition" under my screen name for how to train a young dog not to bite people.

The most important part of puppy-rearing IMO.



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@Spy Car The search feature isn’t doing its job for me. Any idea how to find it easier?

I’d love to hear new tips. The usual stuff has worked for Dean. He’s got a soft mouth for anyone willing to stick their fingers in there. That’s my whole hand in there in the pic above, lol.  
Sam mostly let’s me get in there and grab rocks and sticks, and casually allows my random intrusions about… maybe 1/3 of the time?

The thing that has had the most results has been wrapping their lips over their teeth so too much pressure bites themselves. But still not 100% for Sammy.

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14 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

@Spy Car The search feature isn’t doing its job for me. Any idea how to find it easier?

I’d love to hear new tips. The usual stuff has worked for Dean. He’s got a soft mouth for anyone willing to stick their fingers in there. That’s my whole hand in there in the pic above, lol.  
Sam mostly let’s me get in there and grab rocks and sticks, and casually allows my random intrusions about… maybe 1/3 of the time?

The thing that has had the most results has been wrapping their lips over their teeth so too much pressure bites themselves. But still not 100% for Sammy.

If you try "bite inhibition" in the search and you do not get results, I will double-back either tonight or tomorrow and help you.

Do "bump" me if necessary (my memory can be poor). I'd be very pleased share this method with you. 




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Wow!  I am really shocked.  My vet, who I would say we wouldn't call quite a friend but more then an acquaintance, absolutely loves our lab and wasn't thrilled when I told him we were getting a GSD but has never been that vocal or rude about him.  He has asked me more then once why I didn't get another dog from our lab breeder, but he just really, really loves our lab 🙂   Sorry you don't have another good vet option nearby.  

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Even if the vet dislikes the breed (or just Sam) she shouldn't let that interfere with being a professional. I had a Chow mix many years ago (a rescue, already full grown when I got her) and the vet I was using at the time was honest and told me on our first visit that he was afraid of Chows. But he presented it in a mostly humorous way, and he remained professional in all our visits. She was actually a Very Good Girl, and by the time she was old he was bragging to his staff and anyone else who happened to be nearby that she'd helped him overcome his fear. There is professional and there is . . . not. Sorry you're having to deal with that.

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