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Covid is so unpleasant


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It finally got us. Me plus 2 kids. Every day seems to bring a new symptom. I thought maybe we were turning a corner yesterday because my fever had been down but nope, fever shot back up last night and now my throat is so sore. Is there anything more miserable than a sore throat? My jaw hurts from how much I've been clenching. 

My poor special needs guy is miserable. I'm so over this.

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I tried to make the same post earlier, but I've been complaining so much lately I decided not too. I've had 4 puking and feverish kids for 3 days. It honestly feels like a stomach virus. My body is so achy and everyone’s sleep is awful. We are so restless in our sleep. I was up so many hours last night. Get well soon and take it easy!

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16 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Oh man I am so sorry.  Are you taking anything for the sore throat?  Advil/Tylenol.   Tea, honey.  

Yep. I can’t do advil because my stomach just won’t tolerate it but sipping away on my tea and lozenges and taking Tylenol around the clock. 

28 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I tried to make the same post earlier, but I've been complaining so much lately I decided not too. I've had 4 puking and feverish kids for 3 days. It honestly feels like a stomach virus. My body is so achy and everyone’s sleep is awful. We are so restless in our sleep. I was up so many hours last night. Get well soon and take it easy!

My deepest sympathy. We’ve had 1 puker so far but I think he may be done with that phase. 

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4 minutes ago, sassenach said:

Yep. I can’t do advil because my stomach just won’t tolerate it but sipping away on my tea and lozenges and taking Tylenol around the clock. 

My deepest sympathy. We’ve had 1 puker so far but I think he may be done with that phase. 

Thanks. How many days have you all been sick?

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It was so mild for me. No stomach issues at all. I wonder if that's the difference of being old enough for the second booster? I was about 2 months past second booster. And it's easier to be one person sick than being one person sick tending to sick kiddos too. I'm hoping you can all get to a more mild convalescing stage soon.

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I’m so sorry….it is miserable. I hope you’re all feeling better soon. Dh had a terrible sore throat with Covid for over a week. He went to urgent care, and they said they’d been seeing that a lot and prescribed him a lidocaine gel to swallow that gave him a lot of relief. That and popsicles…..his symptoms were pretty much gone by day 10. 

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My best friend (immune compromised…the one who almost died two years ago.) just tested positive. She was sick  with vomiting yesterday and other flu like symptoms, but tested negative. Today she tested positive.  Her husband is still negative and has no symptoms.  He just left to go to their lake house to attempt avoiding contracting it.  

I am so so worried about her. Thankfully she is Quad vaccinated plus an extra one for immune compromised people…but I have dreaded this day.

As a side note we were scheduled to leave on the 23 to meet them in CO for vacation. No clue how that will play out now.  

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

My best friend (immune compromised…the one who almost died two years ago.) just tested positive. She was sick  with vomiting yesterday and other flu like symptoms, but tested negative. Today she tested positive.  Her husband is still negative and has no symptoms.  He just left to go to their lake house to attempt avoiding contracting it.  

I am so so worried about her. Thankfully she is Quad vaccinated plus an extra one for immune compromised people…but I have dreaded this day.

As a side note we were scheduled to leave on the 23 to meet them in CO for vacation. No clue how that will play out now.  

Hope she is like my mom. If they hadn't tested her, wouldn't have known she had it. We thought the explosive diarrhea was from her cancer meds and probably was or maybe the Covid just exacerbated the med's side effects.  But she was over it quickly and no side effects that I can tell. 

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16 minutes ago, sassenach said:

Ds has too many medication contraindications for paxlovid so they’re having him come in for monoclonal antibodies and fluids today. Hopefully that will give him a little boost in the right direction. 

Hopefully that will help him out, bless his heart. I wasn't sure if they were even doing monoclonal antibodies anymore, I haven't heard it mentioned in ages.


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16 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Hopefully that will help him out, bless his heart. I wasn't sure if they were even doing monoclonal antibodies anymore, I haven't heard it mentioned in ages.


The efficacy is questionable but worth a shot. The fluids in of themselves will be helpful.

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Of the 5 family members that have had it in the last couple of weeks (including dd and sil, who don't live with us) 3 had vomiting, but each person only vomited once or twice. I put ds and I on mostly just liquids very quickly into this. My appetite has been low but no nausea. Dd rates vomiting with paxlovid mouth as the worst vomiting experience of her life.

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37 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

How bad is the puking with this? I've been so worried about one of mine who does very poorly whenever vomiting is concerned (including lenghty hospitalization).

That must be awful for so many of you to be sick at the same time...

All 4 kids and I have thrown up. I only did once (I'm also first trimester pregnant) Mine have not thrown up quite so bad as a typical stomach virus, but pretty close.

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