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Johnny Depp Defamation Lawsuit


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8 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I hope that they both seek substance abuse and mental health treatment. 

And I hope that baby of AH’s has a healthy home life. 

I worry about that baby. 😞 

AH seems so unstable, and she appears to have serious anger management and control issues.

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31 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

It’s not that I think we can’t say the word, it’s that we think twice about spelling certain words that will get Google searches here. I just copied what someone else did to edit the word as I have seen similar done here with other words.


29 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Yes, and she has been here long enough to know that’s why Kristen did it. 

yep.  Many years ago, I had someone break into my house and assault me while my baby was in the hosue.  I don't use euphemisms.  (I wasn't r@ped - my sister was at a "party") - but it was still years before the ptsd stopped.
Dh came home from work to lots of flashing lights, and a K9 unit.

22 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

10 million to Johhny

And then 5 million more

somehow - It just doesn't seem enough.  But she's now going to be seen as box office poison . . . . 

I sincerely hope CA will investigate her for fabricating evidence and using it to defame someone.

9 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I hope that they both seek substance abuse and mental health treatment. 

And I hope that baby of AH’s has a healthy home life. 

JD has been working with a "sobriety coach" for a while since they separated. 

Given the baby's mother is violent and has two cluster-bs . . .  I'm not holding my breath.  I don't know that even dialectical behavior therapy (developed specifically for BPD) can help her.

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8 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

You've never even seen her in person. 

I'll write the same thing someone shares some viral video here. You don't know what you think you know. None of us do. 


Ok, we get it. You were on Team Amber. But did you pay any attention whatsoever to the actual testimony and evidence in this case? We are all pro-women here, but we aren't pro-liar, and Amber Heard is a liar. And there is actual proof that she physically abused Johnny Depp. Go back and read all of the detailed posts about this trial -- particularly  @Corraleno's because she really got into the details and the explanations -- and then come back and show us where Amber Heard deserves our support.

It seems like you are so desperate to cast doubt on Johnny Depp that you are trying to gaslight us all into thinking we didn't see and hear what we actually saw and heard. 

Edited by Catwoman
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This was the statement made by Adam Waldman that the jury considered defamatory:

"Quite simply this was an ambush, a hoax. They set Mr Depp up by calling the cops but the first attempt didn’t do the trick. The officers came to the penthouses, thoroughly searched and interviewed, and left after seeing no damage to face or property. So Amber and her friends spilled a little wine and roughed the place up, got their stories straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist, and then placed a second call to 911.”

There were two other statements made by Waldman, in which he called her accusations a hoax, that the jury did not feel were defamatory. Depp's lawyers argued that she should be suing Waldman, not Depp, but the jury apparently felt that Depp was ultimately responsible since Waldman was his lawyer at the time. 

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11 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:


yep.  Many years ago, I had someone break into my house and assault me while my baby was in the hosue.  I don't use euphemisms.  (I wasn't r@ped - my sister was at a "party") - but it was still years before the ptsd stopped.
Dh came home from work to lots of flashing lights, and a K9 unit.

somehow - It just doesn't seem enough.  But she's now going to be seen as box office poison . . . . 

I sincerely hope CA will investigate her for fabricating evidence and using it to defame someone.

JD has been working with a "sobriety coach" for a while since they separated. 

Given the baby's mother is violent and has two cluster-bs . . .  I'm not holding my breath.  I don't know that even dialectical behavior therapy (developed specifically for BPD) can help her.

Thanks! You always have extra bits of information that I didn't know!

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8 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

I'm not on any team. I have no opinion about the details of the case. I do have opinions on how it's been treated on social media and how it's been amplified by misogynists. I also have opinions about how most of us have internalized misogyny. 

And I'll repeat, you didn't actually see or hear anything. You don't know these people in person. You weren't in the courthouse in person. 

For someone who doesn't have any opinions on the details of the case, you certainly seem like you have strong opinions in favor of Amber Heard and against men in general. 

It's not misogyny to believe the person who is telling the truth.

You're not helping the #METOO movement or being a good feminist by supporting a woman who doesn't deserve to be supported. Amber Heard is the villain here, not "internalized misogyny."

If you want to talk about the evils of social media and internalized misogyny, I think that's great, but this is NOT the case about which to piggyback your discussion, because it's not misogyny to support Johnny Depp in this case. No one here has blindly supported him; we all analyzed the testimony and evidence and determined that we believed he was in the right here.

Edited by Catwoman
forgot something, as always
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1 minute ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

I'm not on any team. I have no opinion The trial wasnalized misogyny. 

And I'll repeat, you didn't actually see or hear anything. You don't know these people in person. You weren't in the courthouse in person. 

The entire trial was televised, so those of us who were watching it did see pretty much the same thing that anyone in the gallery would have seen. And there were many many witnesses who DO know these people and WERE there when events happened, and they overwhelmingly testified that Heard was lying. And not surprisingly those of us who watched the trial came to the same conclusion that all 7 members of the jury unanimously arrived at: Amber Heard lied and fabricated evidence to damage her ex-husband, and did so with malice.

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3 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

The entire trial was televised, so those of us who were watching it did see pretty much the same thing that anyone in the gallery would have seen. And there were many many witnesses who DO know these people and WERE there when events happened, and they overwhelmingly testified that Heard was lying. And not surprisingly those of us who watched the trial came to the same conclusion that all 7 members of the jury unanimously arrived at: Amber Heard lied and fabricated evidence to damage her ex-husband, and did so with malice.

Seeing as so many trials were done virtually during Covid, the claim that people who saw the televised trial "weren't really there" is hilarious. 

I agree with you 100%

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10 minutes ago, Catwoman said:


It's not misogyny to believe the person who is telling the truth.

You're not helping the #METOO movement or being a good feminist by supporting a woman who doesn't deserve to be supported. Amber Heard is the villain here, not "internalized misogyny."

If you want to talk about the evils of social media and internalized misogyny, I think that's great, but this is NOT the case about which to piggyback your discussion, because it's not misogyny to support Johnny Depp in this case. No one here has blindly supported him; we all analyzed the testimony and evidence and determined that we believed he was in the right here.

On another forum - a feminist took issue with my claim there were militant feminists who were supporting AH because she's a woman (and NO other reason).  She went on about her feminist bonafides to assure me she was a "real" feminist.  She assured me all of her irl feminist friends were supporting JD because he was a victim, and supporting the victim (no matter their sex) is the right thing to do and it supports all victims (including women.) **

I had to assure her- there were people like ARS - who the more facts you present to prove AH's was just "telling a story" - the more they dig in their heels..  It's actually pretty sad.

I grew up watching the things my grandmother said to my grandfather - and how he would "obey" her cluster-b demands. . . . I never fell for the "women can't abuse men" lie.  

**on those other forums - A LOT of the support for JD was coming from self-identified abuse victims, male AND female.

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It's really pissing me off that the media are still pushing this narrative that this verdict is "so damaging to women" — as if it would be better for a man to have his life ruined by false accusations than for one woman to have been proven to be a malicious liar.

When NBC announced the verdict, one of the reporters read a statement from someone (I didn't catch her name or why her opinion was considered important), but it said that the verdict was a "huge setback for women" because AH "had the photos, she had the videos, she had the recordings, she had the texts, she had the witnesses, she had the medical reports, and she still wasn't believed!" Which is a blatantly false and misleading statement, since:

(1) The photos were shown to be manipulated.
(2) The ONLY evidence of abuse in any of her videos or recordings was her admitting to have abused him.
(3) The ONLY medical records were his — she never even mentioned her "injuries" to a doctor, despite claiming JD broke her nose and brutally assaulted her with a broken bottle. Her personal nurse refuted some of her claims.
(4) Except for her sister, who changed her story multiple times, AH's own witnesses admitted they never actually saw JD abuse her, and JD's witnesses proved she lied under oath about pretty much everything.

One of the most convincing things for me was the fact that in all those videos and recordings, she never once accused him of physical or sexual assault. Even when she was admitting to having abused him — she never said "Well, what about the time you punched ME?" or "You're mad I hit you? You raped me!" or "I only threw the can at you because you were trying to hit me." When she's calling him a baby and saying she never hurt him, he says "I lost a f#$%ing finger!" and she doesn't say "Well, that's not my fault, you shouldn't have punched the phone." If he had actually done any of the things she claims, she could easily have gotten him on tape admitting it, but she didn't.

This verdict is not a setback for actual victims of abuse, it's a setback for abusive liars (of either sex) who try to use false accusations to get revenge on a former partner. 

Edited by Corraleno
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Having seen the utter vitriol in this thread, I am convinced I did the right thing by never sharing, IRL, about my exes abuse.

I have no difficulty imagining being torn apart and diagnosed by strangers now. My instincts, to avoid angering my ex by leaving, to.play nice, to stay far away from court, were right. 


Please don't at me. 

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I wouldn’t compare this court case to a person posting anonymously on a page saying they had been abused. She probably has one or two personality disorders, for one. I say “probably” because it seems sometimes psychologists don’t agree. 

And there are some places that are safer than others for support. 

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1 minute ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

My user name used to Ordinary Shoes and I switched it to Abortion Rights Shoes. The Shoes part so people would know it was me. 

I don't feel strongly about the case. I haven't written anything about the case. However, I do feel strongly about how it's been amplified online. 

I also think that many of us suffer from internalized misogyny. 


Ohh. Well I hope that people not believing AH is not seen as synonymous with “women are all liars” or such. 

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Just now, heartlikealion said:

I wouldn’t compare this court case to a person posting anonymously on a page saying they had been abused. She probably has one or two personality disorders, for one. I say “probably” because it seems sometimes psychologists don’t agree. 

And there are some places that are safer than others for support. 

I'm talking about IRL. 

IRL, my ex was right when he threatened me that 'I wouldn't like the outcome' if we went to court. He was right that his lawyer cousin 'would destroy me'. He was right when he said no-one would give a shit about his drinking. He was right when he said if I went to therapy, that also wouldn't go well for me - nobody believes a crazy woman. He was right that he would be able to bring character witnesses who would swear blind he was a wonderful husband and father. 

I am so thankful I listened to his warnings. He did me a favour. 

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16 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

So that 2 mil goes to charity, right? Because I think the 7 mil she pledged disappeared (she spent it?) 

Speaking of charities... I think the other big loser in this verdict is going to be the ACLU. After she "pledged" to donate $3.5 million to them, they made her an Ambassador for Women's Rights and they pushed her to publish that OpEd to coincide with the release of Aquaman. There's a petition demanding that they remove her from that position, which had 80,000 signatures the last time I saw it, and there are lots and lots of comments from people saying they are cancelling their donations and will not give them another dime until they apologize for enabling an abuser.

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

She can deduct that from the money she owes him. 😉 

She will probably never be able to afford to pay him back. And I don't think he will care. Even without any money at all, he has already won everything he needed in this case.

Don't worry. I'm sure she'll pledge to.

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4 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

I'm talking about IRL. 

IRL, my ex was right when he threatened me that 'I wouldn't like the outcome' if we went to court. He was right that his lawyer cousin 'would destroy me'. He was right when he said no-one would give a shit about his drinking. He was right when he said if I went to therapy, that also wouldn't go well for me - nobody believes a crazy woman. He was right that he would be able to bring character witnesses who would swear blind he was a wonderful husband and father. 

I am so thankful I listened to his warnings. He did me a favour. 

The thing is, this case is nothing like yours. Amber Heard is a proven liar. It’s not like it was just his word against hers.

And for what it’s worth, I think you would have gotten tremendous support from the women on this forum. I’m so sorry for what you went through. 😞 


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20 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

 , despite claiming JD broke her nose and brutally assaulted her with a broken bottle.  

This one particularly angers me. This happened to her former assistant.   The assistant said that assault went on for 5 - 6 hours. She is still traumatized by it, years later.  Every time AH claims this happened to her, she steals the voice of A REAL sexual assault survivor.   AH is revictimizing her former assistant.  It infuriates me to see other women defending her just "because she's a woman" and just stand by while she revictimizes an actual sexual assault victim!  Frankly - to me - those women defending AH because "she's a woman" - don't give a flying fig about real WOMEN who are abuse survivors! (or they wouldn't be supporting an abuser.)

AH claims she was penetrated by a broken bottle - never sought medical care.  Happened to her former assistant.

She was dragged across broken glass and suffered many cuts to the bottom of her feet- never even had a dr look at her feet to make sure there was no glass in her feet, or needing stitches or nerve or muscle damage from cuts (LOTS of nerves and very tiny muscles in the bottom of your feet). - again, this happened to her former assistant.

she NEVER sought medical advice (let alone treatment) for a broken nose.  She's an actress - it doesn't take much for them to have nose surgery so they'll look good on screen. At a very bare minimum - she would have had a plastic surgeon look at a broken nose to make sure there would be no lasting damage. 

She has no medical records for anything.   

I know a young man who did have a broken nose that was treated by a cosmetic surgeon - while it looks good, it's not the same as it was before it was broken.

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10 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

I'm talking about IRL. 

IRL, my ex was right when he threatened me that 'I wouldn't like the outcome' if we went to court. He was right that his lawyer cousin 'would destroy me'. He was right when he said no-one would give a shit about his drinking. He was right when he said if I went to therapy, that also wouldn't go well for me - nobody believes a crazy woman. He was right that he would be able to bring character witnesses who would swear blind he was a wonderful husband and father. 

I am so thankful I listened to his warnings. He did me a favour. 

it sucks. I don’t think you should necessarily assume people IRL wouldn’t believe you just because he has “flying monkeys” or whatever. 

I could say I should have listened to the shark lawyer… she said you won’t win, you don’t have money, you have a strained relationship with your son. But whatever. Oh and no one cared about the financial abuse, my mental health was called to question, my therapy records were pulled… the records didn’t even say anything bad. Paraphrasing - The first judge said I don’t care if someone is depressed as long as they’re under care/taking their meds. I think your ex was using fear tactics. Some of it was probably spot on but we don’t know you’d be labeled crazy for going to therapy. It’s so common. My therapist sees a therapist lol. 

Edited by heartlikealion
Fear not gear lol
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14 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I wouldn’t compare this court case to a person posting anonymously on a page saying they had been abused. She probably has one or two personality disorders, for one. I say “probably” because it seems sometimes psychologists don’t agree. 

And there are some places that are safer than others for support. 

Dr. Curry interviewed her, and diagnosed her with Histrionic and Borderline personality disorders.  really nasty combination.

her own pscyh - stated on the stand, only men can abuse - women aren't capable of abuse. (someone should ask her about Jodi Arias . . . . ) Unless they are lesbians in a relationship with another woman.  (re: AH was arrested at Sea-Tac for assaulting her female partner.  - AH promptly accused the cop of being a homophobe.  . . . the cop . . was a lesbian.)

That's the ONLY time AH's psych will recognize a woman abuser.

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14 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

How do you know she has personality disorders? 

I don't have an opinion on the case but I do have an opinion about the reactions. 

Oh, I’m sorry you missed it. This particular thread is full of psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys admitted to both sides of the pond, all whose licenses are current. 👍 there’s a few angry (and now gleeful!) villagers too, in case you missed them. 

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7 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

The thing is, this case is nothing like yours. Amber Heard is a proven liar. It’s not like it was just his word against hers.

And for what it’s worth, I think you would have gotten tremendous support from the women on this forum. I’m so sorry for what you went through. 😞 


I doubt it. 

My ex would charm you. Until he got sick, he was incredibly charming and plausible to others. 

He'd have you believing I was a sick woman with a psych diagnosis who was trying to destroy his life in about three seconds flat. 

Anyway, Marilyn Manson up next, another woman to destroy in court. Should be fun. 

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11 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

Oh, I’m sorry you missed it. This particular thread is full of psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys admitted to both sides of the pond, all whose licenses are current. 👍 there’s a few angry (and now gleeful!) villagers too, in case you missed them. 

As I stated before, the psychologists didn’t agree (the 2 in the case). All comments about the personality disorders were referencing a diagnosis by an actual psychologist, though. I’ve never even heard of the term “histrionic” before this case. 

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9 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

Oh, I’m sorry you missed it. This particular thread is full of psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys admitted to both sides of the pond, all whose licenses are current. 👍 there’s a few angry (and now gleeful!) villagers too, in case you missed them. 

The snark is unwarranted. The diagnoses that people are discussing came from a forensic psychologist who testified under oath in the trial; she examined Amber Heard for a total of 12 hours, during which she administered multiple mental health and personality assessments. Based on those assessments, she diagnosed AH with Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. 

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15 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

Dr. Curry interviewed her, and diagnosed her with Histrionic and Borderline personality disorders.  really nasty combination.

her own pscyh - stated on the stand, only men can abuse - women aren't capable of abuse. (someone should ask her about Jodi Arias . . . . ) Unless they are lesbians in a relationship with another woman.  (re: AH was arrested at Sea-Tac for assaulting her female partner.  - AH promptly accused the cop of being a homophobe.  . . . the cop . . was a lesbian.)

That's the ONLY time AH's psych will recognize a woman abuser.

That woman drove me nuts because her only experience seeing men as abusers was in gay relationships and she came across as only seeing it plausible that way. 

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9 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

I doubt it. 

My ex would charm you. Until he got sick, he was incredibly charming and plausible to others. 

He'd have you believing I was a sick woman with a psych diagnosis who was trying to destroy his life in about three seconds flat. 

Anyway, Marilyn Manson up next, another woman to destroy in court. Should be fun. 

Probably a communal narcissist. I’m in a narcissist abuse recovery group and my ex seemed to fit that type. 

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8 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

But on the other hand, every victim of abuse was affected by the reaction to this case. 

Every victim of abuse, that I personally know, who followed this case believes that JD is the victim and AH is the abuser, and everything I have seen online suggests that the vast majority of people who have experienced DV believe that the true victim WON this case. I'm sure the rape victim whose story AH stole is thrilled with this verdict.

AH taunted JD that if he tried to tell his story no one would believe him. But he did tell his story and he was believed, by all seven members of the jury as well as millions of people worldwide who have followed this case. And that is a victory for DV victims everywhere, not a defeat for women.

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20 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

Believe me, I see the villagers. 

Here's my bit of snark - how have any of the "justice for Johnny!" folks helped JD? I know it felt good to crusade on his behalf. But the outcome would have the same if no one had any paid any attention to this. 

But on the other hand, every victim of abuse was affected by the reaction to this case. 

I just saw the phrase "militant feminist." I haven't seen that phrase in a million years. 


We could say the same about posting on this thread. We’re all guilty of commenting on this case. 

my hope is that it helps male victims feel some sort of comfort in knowing they’re not alone (not that I wish it upon anyone) and people may believe them. 

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

Speaking of charities... I think the other big loser in this verdict is going to be the ACLU. After she "pledged" to donate $3.5 million to them, they made her an Ambassador for Women's Rights and they pushed her to publish that OpEd to coincide with the release of Aquaman. There's a petition demanding that they remove her from that position, which had 80,000 signatures the last time I saw it, and there are lots and lots of comments from people saying they are cancelling their donations and will not give them another dime until they apologize for enabling an abuser.

Oh wow to the last part. (Still hoping we get a wow reaction lol) 

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The best thing that hopefully comes out from this trial is for some realizing that women can be abusers too.  We had a good friend who married someone like AH.  She swept him off his feet while she set off alarm bells for the rest of us.  She isolated him, beat him, had the kids say things he did yet it was really her and tore him to shreds. She was so good playing the victim in the divorce.   It wasn’t heard of men being abused by women when they divorced.  He lost the relationships with his kids( they were so young). It took so much from him mentally and physically.  In the past ten years, he reconnected with his kids as they as adults realize their mother was not ok.   He past from a heart attack a few years after reconnecting with the kids. 

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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Just now, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

Yes, and more Youtube and TikTok videos where so-called experts will nickpick the woman's testimony and her body language for views. We'll hear how she's a liar and a bitch and a slut and crazy, e.g. "a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty." 


Well maybe you will hear that (or read that) cause I don't know what forums you visit but I don;t think I will be hearing that or reading that at all.

I haven't liked JD as a person since probably Jump Street Days-- no hate, but I know I read a news article about him destroying a hotel room and not paying for the destruction back then,.  I have seen a few movies he was in but not because he was in them. As to Amber Heard, I don't think I have seen anything of hers.  I had no opinions prior to this trial.  But it became clear that she was a liar.  But the rest----that is the kind of stuff I read that you find on boards and sites that I do not visit/  I also don;t think that the posters who think it was a good thing that JD won visit those kinds of sites either. 

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3 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

Having seen the utter vitriol in this thread, I am convinced I did the right thing by never sharing, IRL, about my exes abuse.

I have no difficulty imagining being torn apart and diagnosed by strangers now. My instincts, to avoid angering my ex by leaving, to.play nice, to stay far away from court, were right. 


Please don't at me. 

Yes, she should have stayed quiet. I think that's a pretty obvious conclusion.

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5 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

Yes, and more Youtube and TikTok videos where so-called experts will nickpick the woman's testimony and her body language for views. We'll hear how she's a liar and a bitch and a slut and crazy, e.g. "a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty." 


I've seen a TON of YouTube videos and social media on this case and I haven't seen anyone call her a slut. She's been proven to be a liar, so that's just a statement of fact.

Do you really think that if the genders were reversed, and a male actor was proven to have falsely accused his female partner, and the abuser sat in court smirking and rolling his eyes, no one would comment on it? If he made up outrageous lies and told them with super exaggerated facial expressions that he turned on and off like a light switch, no one would say a word? If he slipped up in the middle of a deposition and accidently admitted to doing something he'd sworn he would never do, and tried to cover it by stopping mid sentence and pretending to wipe something off his face, no one would comment? The bizarre facial expressions and mannerisms of Dr. David Spiegel certainly received tons of attention and was the subject of memes and video clips. 

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Just now, Catwoman said:


She should have stayed quiet BECAUSE SHE WAS LYING.

It's really fascinating that none of the people who believe AH is the victim in this have responded to the repeated question of why they believe that Kate James was lying when she testified under oath that AH stole her very specific, very detailed rape story and used it against JD.

"Believe women"... unless they contradict your preconceived ideas about guilt?


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1 minute ago, Corraleno said:

It's really fascinating that none of the people who believe AH is the victim in this have responded to the repeated question of why they believe that Kate James was lying when she testified under oath that AH stole her very specific, very detailed rape story and used it against JD.

"Believe women"... unless they contradict your preconceived ideas about guilt?


Yes, exactly!!!

I don’t understand women who are defending AH, knowing full well that she lied. 

Don’t they realize how much credibility women are losing for doing that??? 

I could absolutely understand women supporting AH at first, but once it was clear that she was a liar, women should have been her harshest critics. 

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I don't know whether she lied about the rape allegation, or whether her former assistant is lying; that seems like it could go either way.

I absolutely believe some of the abuse happened. He's admitted via text to hitting her, headbutting her, kicking her, he's had former lovers say he was jealous and controlling, clearly he was verbally abusive and the severe drug addiction is correlated with abuse. 

I think the most trustworthy witness was probably their couples therapist, who testified they were mutually abusive. 

Given that the violence and verbal abuse was at least to some degree mutual, and she couldn't prove the sexual abuse, I think she shouldn't have written the article. She's not a good victim, and she was also right (as was he), that this would end in massive social and professional humiliation, and she'd be destroyed. 

If there were less fangirling about Depp, I'd probably have a more nuanced take. I distrust fangirling, and the sort of over-meme-iness of it all. Maybe part of that is just a strong countercultural tendency on my part, and if the internet/social media coverage had been more balanced, I'd be more inclined to believe him entirely - but I don't. He lied straight up about the texts; he admitted some abuse. And I think the couples therapist, who saw them both during the relationship but was not in either of their retinues, is probably the least biased person who has prolonged contemporary knowledge of the situation.

Edited by Ceilingfan
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It seems to me that there are many people who went into this case with their “truth” and desired outcome in their mind before the trial even began. Evidence didn’t matter, what the jury decided didn’t matter. Nothing can change their minds. If the jury agrees with them, of course they were right. If the jury disagrees, then it was obviously rigged and they were biased.


The truth doesn’t matter unless it lines up with what they want the truth to be. It’s scary. 

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10 minutes ago, Ceilingfan said:

I don't know whether she lied about the rape allegation, or whether her former assistant is lying; that seems like it could go either way.

I absolutely believe some of the abuse happened. He's admitted via text to hitting her, headbutting her, kicking her, he's had former lovers say he was jealous and controlling, clearly he was verbally abusive and the severe drug addiction is correlated with abuse. 

I think the most trustworthy witness was probably their couples therapist, who testified they were mutually abusive. 

Given that the violence and verbal abuse was at least to some degree mutual, and she couldn't prove the sexual abuse, I think she shouldn't have written the article. She's not a good victim, and she was also right (as was he), that this would end in massive social and professional humiliation, and she'd be destroyed. 

If there were less fangirling about Depp, I'd probably have a more nuanced take. I distrust fangirling, and the sort of over-meme-iness of it all. Maybe part of that is just a strong countercultural tendency on my part, and if the internet/social media coverage had been more balanced, I'd be more inclined to believe him entirely - but I don't. He lied straight up about the texts; he admitted some abuse. And I think the couples therapist, who saw them both during the relationship but was not in either of their retinues, is probably the least biased person who has prolonged contemporary knowledge of the situation.

It could only go either way BEFORE the jury ruled. The jury spoke.

Edited by Sneezyone
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5 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

That Rolling Stone article is so ridiculously biased. So they found a few DV survivors who sided with AH, and ignored all the ones who felt totally triggered by watching her lying and gaslighting and actually feel vindicated that JD was believed? Another author could easily write the complete reverse, with legitimate quotes from people who feel the opposite way.

If ONE court case in which a female accuser was exposed as a liar means "the end of the MeToo movement," then I guess the end was inevitable sooner rather than later, because some women do lie, and some men are abused, and men who are abused deserve to tell their stories too.

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7 minutes ago, Abortion Rights Shoes said:

How many times do I need to repeat myself that I don't care about the trial? 

I care about the reaction. I care about the thousands of Youtube videos of so-called "experts" analyzing her every word and movement as if it meant anything. As if there is a "right" way to be a victim. 

I care about how this made survivors of domestic violence feel. 

I'll ask again - how did the loud accusations that AH was lying and the memes and all the rest help JD? But on the other hand, how did it make survivors of domestic abuse feel? Did it make survivors more or less likely to come forward? 


It made me feel like the court system worked. I know that it doesn’t always work but this time it followed the actual evidence. Which is the main thing that I, as a survivor, care about. And if there had been a case like this “back in the day” I would have been glad to see that evidence actually counts for something. 

I know first hand that evidence is hard to come by in many cases. And witnesses can be hard to come by too in situations which by their very nature tend to be private. But court cases are built on evidence and first hand witness testimony. 

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