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So home from the hospital again.


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So on Sunday evening I woke up to severe head and chest pain that wouldn't go away so we headed off to the hospital. Of course they checked for heart attack and stroke but it wasn't either of those but my vitals and bloodwork were off so they knew something was wrong. The first thing they found during an MRI was that when I fell at my doctor's appt. on the 1st of February I broke my L1 vertebra. That's a whole other problem I will have to deal with later.

What they did find that was an emergency was that I have a large hiatal hernia that had burst or started to tear or something. Anyhow, I lost half of my RBC in a period of less than six hours. I had to have a transfusion and many bags of fluid. They did a endoscopy and decided that I need surgery sooner rather than later. I had a test today for them to decide which procedure to use and checked my blood again. I am hanging in there with a hemoglobin of about 8.5.   

I will see the surgeon again next week to discuss the results and schedule the surgery. I still haven't fully recovered from the neuropathy (nor are they thinking I will), Obviously still having pain from the fall, I had covid earlier in Feb. (to tell you the truth, I blew off the extreme fatigue from the blood loss as probable residual fatigue from covid) and I am still extremely anemic. 

It looks like I will need the more difficult surgery and will be on a liquid diet for 3-6 weeks and they said recovery could take 3-6 months. Then I need to get a bone density scan and see what to due about the osteoperosis. 

Luckily, we had family pictures taken less than a week before I went to the hospital. We all now agree that I may have looked a little pale but I am so glad that we had it done then because it would be quite the while before I will be ready for pictures again. I do plan to post some of the pictures in another thread when I can. 

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13 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

I'm so sorry. Your needs, though, are why I donate blood regularly.  I have dreams of helping people just like you.

I hope you recover from each affliction in quick succession and will be able to get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Thanks so much to you and all others who give blood. It really made something life threatening managable.

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I read this 3 times in a row as you had a herniated disk rather than a hiatal hernia and could NOT figure out how you bled that much. 

The hiatal hernia thing is scary though! I have one - but it doesn't cause problems other than reflux that I know of. i had surgery to fix it when I had my bariatric surgery, but it didn't last, and now I have one again. When I had surgery that pain definitely referred all over the upper body so I can see how it would feel like a heart attack. 

I hope you soon are on the mend, and feel like superwoman once your anemia is better!

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