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Mild concussion? Update in first post


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I hit my head really hard on a kitchen cabinet yesterday.  I put an ice pack on it right away and there is still a small lump. 

My head hurts but it feels like it hurts mostly where the impact occurred and I feel slightly nauseated.  I'm really tired, but dd left for college this morning and we were up at 3:30am for DH to get her to the airport plus I'm still taking 1/2 percocet at night while I'm recovering from foot surgery.  

I'm assuming I don't have a concussion but how would I know and would it matter if it's mild?  I can use the computer and don't have sensitivity to light but my head is really bothering me, which makes sense since I hit it really hard.  I never get headaches so this is driving me crazy.  

I definitely don't want to be seen and risk covid plus I can't bear weight on my foot so would have to use crutches/wheelchair plus DH would have to go with me. 

Any thoughts or  opinions on what I should do or what I should look for?  


Update:  Hated the doctor but glad I went.  He looked into my pupils and said everything looked good far back there and he doesn't think I have a brain bleed so no CT scan.  Other than that, the visit was a complete waste.  He spent most of my time in the exam room asking me about my foot injury - how it happened, what shoes I was wearing, where I bought my shoes, etc.  Then he asked when I can get back to activity, who my surgeon was, how long before I can bear weight, what exactly was done during the surgery...  He told me to spend time outside and then realized it's winter so he told me to sit by a sunny window.  Okay - I live in NE Ohio and we rarely see the sun this time of year.  He told me to take lots of Zofran even though I don't get nauseated that often (I was really nauseated while I was there though - I think I was overheated - he wanted to give me an injection of Zofran).  He diagnosed me with post-concussive syndrome and said it could be weeks or months before I'm better.   He also told me to talk to people (?).

And the nurse wouldn't let me lie on the exam table while waiting for the doctor when I asked her if I could lie down because I was so nauseated.  She was afraid I'd roll off(?).  As soon as she left, I got on that exam table and closed my eyes until the doctor came in.




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I’m sorry I would go in. I think you need a neurological exam at least, and possibly imaging to make sure you don’t have a brain bleed. I’m reminded of that actress, Natasha Richardson, who died of a slow brain bleed after a minor head injury. 

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31 minutes ago, Katy said:

I’m sorry I would go in. I think you need a neurological exam at least, and possibly imaging to make sure you don’t have a brain bleed. I’m reminded of that actress, Natasha Richardson, who died of a slow brain bleed after a minor head injury. 

I've been thinking of her too.  And I'm taking baby aspirin to prevent blood clots and I think that would make it worse if I had a brain bleed.  But I really think I'm okay.  I'm just not used to this headache.  


24 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

Oh man. I’ve nothing helpful to add, but gee…you can’t catch a break! The nausea would be something that would have me concerned. 

I know, but it's very mild and I keep wondering if it's just in my head (no pun intended) because I'm nervous about it.


23 minutes ago, MEmama said:

. Do you have access to a nurse hotline?

I don't know but I'm sure they would tell me to go in just to be safe.


Another issue, of course, is the cost.  January 5th is not a good time to start with more huge medical bills.  We have to get to 6500 (individual) before insurance kicks in and I've done that three out of the last four years.  😞 


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43 minutes ago, Kassia said:

don't know but I'm sure they would tell me to go in just to be safe.

I know, right!?

I would call your doctor's office and talk to the nurse anyway. I would explain that I don't think it is anything, but ask what symptoms they would look for. Explain your current mobility issue, point out that the time spent in the waiting room at the ER will man time you can't have your for elevated (if that is something you are supposed to still be doing). Recently, ER waits were exceeding 7 hours, so not a minor inconvenience! The cost is also not minor! See what they say. If they reflexively say you should go in I might see if it is possible to have the doctor call you back and see if she feels the same way.

Instead of going in I would just watch my symptoms.

Edited by SusanC
my keyboard also speaks Spanish.
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2 minutes ago, SusanC said:

I know, right!?

I would call your doctor's office and talk to the nurse anyway. I would enviarse that I don't think it is anything, but ask what symptoms they would look for. Explain your current mobility issue, point out that the time spent in the waiting room at the ER will man time you can't have your for elevated (if that is something you are supposed to still be doing). Recently, ER waits were exceeding 7 hours, so not a minor inconvenience! The cost is also not minor! See what they say. If they reflexively day you should go in I might see if it is possible to have the doctor call you back and see if she feels the same way.

Instead of going in I would just watch my symptoms.

Thanks.  Yes, I still have to elevate all the time or my foot swells and hurts.  Definitely monitoring symptoms.  Nothing seems worse than yesterday - just this persistent headache, which may be causing the mild nausea actually.  I really don't want to go in due to the expense (isn't it awful we have to avoid medical care due to cost?) and covid exposure for me and DH.  😞  And I don't think anything is really wrong but can't be sure.  



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I'm so sorry you hit your head! 😞 

I think it's a good idea to call your doctor and at least let them know what happened. Are your doctors doing televisits so you could just do a video appointment at home rather than having to go in? 

If the doctor wants you to have a CT scan, he or she might be able to schedule one for you at a specific time, so you won't have to wait for it. And you might be able to go to an independent facility instead of a regular hospital, which would potentially limit your exposure quite a bit. 

The expense is a nuisance, and your current mobility issues are a huge consideration, so I'm hoping you can talk to your doctor and just find out what emergency symptoms to watch for, and then maybe schedule a CT scan that you can cancel if you start feeling a lot better.

Praying for you!!! You are such a sweet person and I hate that this happened to you!!!

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2 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Are your doctors doing televisits so you could just do a video appointment at home rather than having to go in? 

If the doctor wants you to have a CT scan, he or she might be able to schedule one for you at a specific time, so you won't have to wait for it. And you might be able to go to an independent facility instead of a regular hospital, which would potentially limit your exposure quite a bit. 

The expense is a nuisance, and your current mobility issues are a huge consideration, so I'm hoping you can talk to your doctor and just find out what emergency symptoms to watch for, and then maybe schedule a CT scan that you can cancel if you start feeling a lot better.

Praying for you!!! You are such a sweet person and I hate that this happened to you!!!

No televisits and insurance won't allow CT scans unless they are preapproved (takes a minimum of ten days) or done through ER.  

Thank you for the prayers and kind words!  ❤️  I'm going to rest a bit more.  I've been sleeping on and off all day but that could be from being up more than usual during the night due to dd's flight.  


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6 minutes ago, Kassia said:

No televisits and insurance won't allow CT scans unless they are preapproved (takes a minimum of ten days) or done through ER.  

Thank you for the prayers and kind words!  ❤️  I'm going to rest a bit more.  I've been sleeping on and off all day but that could be from being up more than usual during the night due to dd's flight.  


Ugh! What a nuisance! 

Wouldn't it be nice if health insurance companies actually wanted you to be healthy???

That "no CT scans other than through the ER" policy is ridiculous, and it's also terrible for the ERs right now, with them already being swamped with Covid cases. It would make much more sense if doctors could help patients like you bypass the ER and go straight to radiology for your CT scan. 

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28 minutes ago, Catwoman said:


Wouldn't it be nice if health insurance companies actually wanted you to be healthy???

That "no CT scans other than through the ER" policy is ridiculous, and it's also terrible for the ERs right now, with them already being swamped with Covid cases. It would make much more sense if doctors could help patients like you bypass the ER and go straight to radiology for your CT scan. 

The imaging policy started a few years ago with my insurance.  Long story, but I ended up in the ER finally to get a CT scan and the doctor was absolutely furious about how insurance companies dictate medical care (I had an intestinal obstruction).  He was ranting on and on about it.  Must be so frustrating for doctors and it's dangerous for patients who avoid the ER due to the expense.

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Take it easy for a few days-- minimal screens and stress! It can take a while for concussion symptoms to really show, and they've done some research that suggests immediately resting is helpful and then grading back up on activity. I would call the doctor just as a CYA/FYI-- they might hear something in your report that worries them. But otherwise, if it doesn't improve in a few days, I would escalate.


I got a concussion that caused long lasting post-concussive symptoms without losing consciousness or being obviously disoriented or anything. I also got a big nasty laceration on my forehead 😞

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15 minutes ago, plaidpants said:

Take it easy for a few days-- minimal screens and stress! It can take a while for concussion symptoms to really show, and they've done some research that suggests immediately resting is helpful and then grading back up on activity. I would call the doctor just as a CYA/FYI-- they might hear something in your report that worries them. But otherwise, if it doesn't improve in a few days, I would escalate.


I got a concussion that caused long lasting post-concussive symptoms without losing consciousness or being obviously disoriented or anything. I also got a big nasty laceration on my forehead 😞

I am resting a lot (since I'm recovering from surgery anyway) but not minimizing screens  DH and I are definitely monitoring closely and looked up what symptoms to watch for.  

Do you mind sharing your post-concussive symptoms?  I'm sorry about the concussion and the laceration!  😞  

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17 minutes ago, Kassia said:

I am resting a lot (since I'm recovering from surgery anyway) but not minimizing screens  DH and I are definitely monitoring closely and looked up what symptoms to watch for.  

Do you mind sharing your post-concussive symptoms?  I'm sorry about the concussion and the laceration!  😞  

mild headache, irritability/mood swings, difficulty concentrating, couldn't really learn new things well (you know when you're overtired and you read the same page 12 times and it still doesn't mean anything? Like that.), mild photophobia, fatigue. It was kind of like the day after a raging migraine, except it lasted a year and a half. After that it was probably another year until I really felt like myself again but I don't seem to have any lasting repercussions.  

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7 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

@Kassia — just checking in to see how you’re feeling. 🙂 

Aw, thank you.  You are so thoughtful to everyone on the board! 

I'm doing okay - think I'm doing better.  Head still hurts quite a bit but I don't feel the nausea like I did and I don't feel as tired after sleeping on and off all day.  


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When I took one of mine to the ER for a bad head bump, they said she had a slight concussion.
I was instructed to take her home, severely limit screens, absolutely no scary shows (?), soft music, keep the house sorta dark, rest, no real reading, no thinking (? again, not sure how to do this!), no exercise,  and keep things quiet and boring. We did. She had to wear sunglasses if we absolutely had to go somewhere as the light really hurt her eyes. It was a week or two before she didn't have a continual headache.  So, I'd probably just do those things (or really not do screens, reading, thinking - so basically just sleeping!) and watch if something got worse. 

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2 minutes ago, Bambam said:

When I took one of mine to the ER for a bad head bump, they said she had a slight concussion.
I was instructed to take her home, severely limit screens, absolutely no scary shows (?), soft music, keep the house sorta dark, rest, no real reading, no thinking (? again, not sure how to do this!), no exercise,  and keep things quiet and boring. We did. She had to wear sunglasses if we absolutely had to go somewhere as the light really hurt her eyes. It was a week or two before she didn't have a continual headache.  So, I'd probably just do those things (or really not do screens, reading, thinking - so basically just sleeping!) and watch if something got worse. 

thanks.  I need my screen time!  The other stuff I can do without (even thinking - ha ha).  I feel like my body would tell me if it was too much and it would get uncomfortable to continue screen time if that makes sense.  Hopefully, I'll feel much better tomorrow.  


Thanks to everyone!  🙂  

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5 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

How are you feeling today?

Same - very sleepy, headache, mild nausea.

I slept for 11 hours last night except multiple trips to the bathroom and I had a few crackers because of the nausea.  Last night was the first time in a couple of weeks I didn't take percocet and thought I'd struggle to sleep without it plus I slept so much during the day yesterday.  And I've struggled with insomnia for the past 20 years.  Still sleepy now but wanted to get something to drink.  Sleeping that much is beyond unusual for me.

But other than those three symptoms, everything else is fine.  If no change, I'll call the doctor.  If things deteriorate, I'll go to the ER.  It's about 44 hours since I hit my head now.  

Thank you for checking on me and thanks @MEmama for thinking of me!  

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1 hour ago, Kassia said:

Same - very sleepy, headache, mild nausea.

I slept for 11 hours last night except multiple trips to the bathroom and I had a few crackers because of the nausea.  Last night was the first time in a couple of weeks I didn't take percocet and thought I'd struggle to sleep without it plus I slept so much during the day yesterday.  And I've struggled with insomnia for the past 20 years.  Still sleepy now but wanted to get something to drink.  Sleeping that much is beyond unusual for me.

But other than those three symptoms, everything else is fine.  If no change, I'll call the doctor.  If things deteriorate, I'll go to the ER.  It's about 44 hours since I hit my head now.  

Thank you for checking on me and thanks @MEmama for thinking of me!  

Kassia, I have nothing to add about concussion. I have had one and, apart from the headache, confusion, lack of ability to read and understand what I was reading, those were my big symptoms. But I am wondering if it's possible you injured your neck/spine. You mentioned you hit your head pretty hard. 

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14 minutes ago, Calm37 said:

Kassia, I have nothing to add about concussion. I have had one and, apart from the headache, confusion, lack of ability to read and understand what I was reading, those were my big symptoms. But I am wondering if it's possible you injured your neck/spine. You mentioned you hit your head pretty hard. 

Thank you but my neck/spine feel fine.  🙂  

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11 minutes ago, thewellerman said:

Also, brain injuries are like hypothermia.  You can get worse and worse and not realize it.  Do you have someone familiar with concussions objectively evaluating you?  Your own judgement might not be reliable right now. 

Yes.   OP needs to be seen by a doctor.  No one online or non-medical (even in person) can adequately assess exactly what is going on.   

Edit: clarification

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59 minutes ago, thewellerman said:

We've had 3 people with concussions in our family, and that much sleeping would concern me.  I didn't post earlier because I would have waited it out with your previous symptoms.  At this point, increased and continued sleepiness would definitely prompt at least a call to the dr.


46 minutes ago, thewellerman said:

Also, brain injuries are like hypothermia.  You can get worse and worse and not realize it.  Do you have someone familiar with concussions objectively evaluating you?  Your own judgement might not be reliable right now. 


42 minutes ago, Ditto said:

Yes.   OP needs to be seen by a doctor.  No one online or non-medical (even in person) can adequately assess exactly what is going on.   

Edit: clarification

Thank you!  I took a shower (which is a huge job with the non weight bearing) and that actually made me feel a little refreshed.  I'm going to eat lunch and take a nap and see how I feel later.  If no improvement on the sleepiness I'll contact the doctor's office and tell them exactly what is going on.  

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19 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Have you talked to a doctor or a nurse since the head injury?  I don't know much about concussion, but your symptoms are worrying me. 

no, I haven't.  I'm going to see how today goes.  If no change by tomorrow I'll call in the am just to let them know.  If anything gets worse, I'll call right away.  I'm really upset because it's only January and I just can't start with more medical bills.  😞  

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16 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

@Kassia -- Not trying to be a complete pest... but how are you feeling?  🙂 


Not a pest at all - I am so touched that you care and think about me! 

I think I'm feeling a bit better.  It's been a pretty intense day mentally with lots of stuff going on.  I napped about 30 minutes after lunch and then another 30 just now.  I feel nauseated/headachy from concentrating too much and then I rest and that seems to help clear me out.  Will see how tonight goes and then I'll decide about calling the doctor in the morning.  

Thank you!!!!!  

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26 minutes ago, SusanC said:

I'm watching you, too! Is paranoia a concussion symptom or just the result of so many virtual friends watching you?? 👀


15 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Girl, it's crazy the things you have been through lately. I'm so sorry! You've already received tons of excellent advice so I'm just going to join the group keeping an eye on you. Please do update us. I'm also going to join the group that hates the way insurance dictates our health care. Ugh!

Everyone here is so sweet!  I feel so fortunate to be a part of this community for all the support, information, advice, etc.  I don't know what I'd do without you!  ❤️  

Thank you so much!  


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33 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Keep checking in!  We all worry about you and hope you are doing well.  

thank you so much!  I really don't have words to express how much this means to me (from all of you).  

I am optimistic that things are improving and am hoping not to sleep so well tonight.  Started feeling really tired two hours after my last nap but I think my headache/nausea aren't as bad.  We'll see what happens tonight and then I'll decide on calling the doctor in the morning based on that.  

Will definitely check in.  

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Morning update:

Slept all night but it was rough.  I was in a lot of pain from my operated foot for some reason and normally would have taken percocet but that would have masked all of the concussion symptoms.  I would have gotten relief from the foot pain, but it would have knocked me out all night and made me groggy all day as well.  So I suffered with the foot pain and still slept all night - longer than usual - and took a short nap this morning.  My head still hurts and I'm still feeling the nausea (I'm sure that's from the constant headache).  I don't think I feel as sleepy as I did but the darn headache/nausea is so persistent and sleep/closing my eyes is the only way I get relief from that.

I contacted the doctor and she said I don't need to come in unless things get worse or have any new symptoms.  

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3 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Morning update:

Slept all night but it was rough.  I was in a lot of pain from my operated foot for some reason and normally would have taken percocet but that would have masked all of the concussion symptoms.  I would have gotten relief from the foot pain, but it would have knocked me out all night and made me groggy all day as well.  So I suffered with the foot pain and still slept all night - longer than usual - and took a short nap this morning.  My head still hurts and I'm still feeling the nausea (I'm sure that's from the constant headache).  I don't think I feel as sleepy as I did but the darn headache/nausea is so persistent and sleep/closing my eyes is the only way I get relief from that.

I contacted the doctor and she said I don't need to come in unless things get worse or have any new symptoms.  

Glad you contacted the doc and got some advice.  Sending some hugs, I am sorry for all the pain.  I was wondering how the percocet was factoring into what you were feeling.  Hoping for a nice relaxing day for you.  

Can you take anything else for foot pain?

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Just now, mommyoffive said:
1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

Glad you contacted the doc and got some advice.  Sending some hugs, I am sorry for all the pain.  I was wondering how the percocet was factoring into what you were feeling.  Hoping for a nice relaxing day for you.  

Can you take anything else for foot pain?


Thank you!  Just Tylenol for the pain.  I did take it before bed but it didn't even touch the pain.  It's been pretty good lately but last night was awful and I have no idea why.  I was taking 1/2 percocet or even 1/4 percocet before but was able to drop it down to just Tylenol until last night.  I hate taking it but it sure does give me relief!  

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2 hours ago, Kassia said:

Morning update:

Slept all night but it was rough.  I was in a lot of pain from my operated foot for some reason and normally would have taken percocet but that would have masked all of the concussion symptoms.  I would have gotten relief from the foot pain, but it would have knocked me out all night and made me groggy all day as well.  So I suffered with the foot pain and still slept all night - longer than usual - and took a short nap this morning.  My head still hurts and I'm still feeling the nausea (I'm sure that's from the constant headache).  I don't think I feel as sleepy as I did but the darn headache/nausea is so persistent and sleep/closing my eyes is the only way I get relief from that.

I contacted the doctor and she said I don't need to come in unless things get worse or have any new symptoms.  

Pain can also make you nauseated.  Did the doctor say whether you should still take the Percocet? 

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4 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Pain can also make you nauseated.  Did the doctor say whether you should still take the Percocet? 

I think the headaches cause the nausea or maybe just too much concentration (like when I'm online).  I only contacted my family doctor about the concussion and she doesn't even know I take Percocet.  I assume it's safe but that's a good question.  I try to avoid it anyway but would have taken it last night if I didn't want to mask concussion symptoms.

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Do you have to go in soon for follow up care for your foot anyway? The fact you still have headache concerns me and would make me think a doctor really is necessary at this point. I’m sorry Covid makes knowing when to go in so much more complicated. 

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9 minutes ago, KSera said:

Do you have to go in soon for follow up care for your foot anyway? The fact you still have headache concerns me and would make me think a doctor really is necessary at this point. I’m sorry Covid makes knowing when to go in so much more complicated. 

I just went on Monday and don't go back until 1/31.  From what I've read the headache is normal and could last a long time.  I'll definitely call my doctor if it gets worse.  It seems worse overnight and also if I do anything involving reading.  Won't even try to read a book but I need my internet! I get complete relief from the headache when I sleep and I'm napping/resting often. 


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Just now, Catwoman said:

Praying that the headache goes away soon and stays away!!!

Also, I am so sorry you're having so much pain in your foot. And why are things always so much worse at night, when you're just in bed waiting for morning to come and it seems to take forever??? Grrrr!

thanks!  And that's so true about night time!  Makes the nights very long...   I'll take the meds if it happens again since I don't feel the need to watch the concussion symptoms so carefully.  They seem very stable.  



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38 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

Thanks for the update. So sorry you're still feeling poorly. Glad you were able to speak to a doctor.

Thanks.  My primary care doctor is awful though so I didn't really accomplish much by talking to her.  I don't trust her at all.

Feeling lousy is starting to really wear on me.  The nausea and headache.  Ugh...  It's probably my own fault for using the internet.  I only do it for short periods every couple of hours but I probably should stop completely.  All I have left is sleeping and eating, though.  

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6 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Thanks.  My primary care doctor is awful though so I didn't really accomplish much by talking to her.  I don't trust her at all.

Feeling lousy is starting to really wear on me.  The nausea and headache.  Ugh...  It's probably my own fault for using the internet.  I only do it for short periods every couple of hours but I probably should stop completely.  All I have left is sleeping and eating, though.  

Do you have any audiobooks you could listen to, to help pass the time? 

It's so hard to feel like you're stuck in one position with nothing to do -- and this stupid head injury has made things about a thousand times worse!

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6 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Do you have any audiobooks you could listen to, to help pass the time? 

It's so hard to feel like you're stuck in one position with nothing to do -- and this stupid head injury has made things about a thousand times worse!

I'm not good with audiobooks - I've always had trouble following the story.  I love reading but need to do it visually.  DH and many of my friends have read so many books with audiobooks - wish it worked for me!  

Thank you so much for your support.  ❤️  


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