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2022 Goal Group - January


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so looking at my 3 main goals for the quarter I have not focused on any of them this week but my weight loss.  I'm tracking my food and moving a lot, still no purposeful exercise because I'm still recovering from covid.  

The main thing that is my focus this week is reorganizing my kitchen and dining room.  Dh and I realized we weren't utilizing all the storage space we have well and instead so much was on the countertops.  We were sick of it so now it looks really good.  not down sorting out the drawers or the dining room but I'll finish that today.  This is the start of one of my other goals, which is to come up with an efficient cleaning routine for the entire family.  Decluttering and proper organization in each room is the first step to that.

The other thing I'm focusing on this week is starting home schooling back up.  We took the entire month of Dec off, which we usually do, but that means having to get back into the swing of things now.  It is going well.

The goal I'm struggling with the most is one regarding my reselling business.  It is so hard to force myself to make room for listing items in my day.  Today I'm dedicated to listing 10 items.  I will not go to bed before I do that.  And it will be the first thing I do once I'm done school with the kids.

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On 1/10/2022 at 2:21 PM, MissLemon said:

So far in 2022, I have walked 47km out of 2022km. 

I have also read 2 books out of 52. 

I am down about 1 lb, have been decluttering *hard*, and paid off about $5k in debt (taken from ebay sales). I am also getting in about 40 minutes of DDP yoga daily. There were a few days last week where yoga didn't happen, due to a funeral, visitation, and family time. 

Deleted a bunch of time wasting apps from my phone, and removed myself from about a dozen fb groups. 

I haven't started any new needlepoint projects yet because I have been working hard at decluttering. I have 6 boxes of stuff ready to go as soon as I hear back from a charity on whether they want it for their tag sale. 

wow you have paid off $5k of debt already!!  Amazing.  Your ebay business must be great!  Congrats

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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

wow you have paid off $5k of debt already!!  Amazing.  Your ebay business must be great!  Congrats

I had some money from ebay sales stashed in the bank and pulled from there. DH gave me a bunch of guitar equipment to sell, so that made the bulk of the sales. I normally sell 20 or 30 dollar items. Guitar and recording gear is spendy! 

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20 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I am adding a big decluttering push to through the house on my goal list too.   Normally I wait until May to do this, but no better time than now. 

My kitchen and dining room will look amazing within the hour because of my decluttering! I can't wait to sit in there with a cup of coffee and be motivated to move to the next room tomorrow.

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13 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Bonus for working toward goals:
The puppy and I were treated to a fly over by a bald eagle. Glorious!

It never would have happened if I hadn't gone on a long walk today.

So happy.

Awww I love rewards like that. It feels like the Universe has recognized me and given me a gift! 

I feel this way whenever I see a beautiful sunrise I would have missed had I been asleep still. 

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19 hours ago, hjffkj said:

My kitchen and dining room will look amazing within the hour because of my decluttering! I can't wait to sit in there with a cup of coffee and be motivated to move to the next room tomorrow.

How did it go? 

Car load of stuff being dropped at donations today.   Some of it kid stuff, and they always start playing with the things as I get it boxed up.  I am getting over the keeping it and just letting it go.  I think they play better when there is less stuff. 

Also a huge bulk pickup of recycling and some stuff I put on the curb that got taken.  

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25 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

How did it go? 

Car load of stuff being dropped at donations today.   Some of it kid stuff, and they always start playing with the things as I get it boxed up.  I am getting over the keeping it and just letting it go.  I think they play better when there is less stuff. 

Also a huge bulk pickup of recycling and some stuff I put on the curb that got taken.  

Amazingly!  I walked in there this morning and just felt at peace.  The way I've stored things and cleared countertops is going to make cleaning up every night so easy and fast.  

Now on to the home school room, which isn't actually too bad since we've been keeping it pretty picked up.  So, it should only take a few hours today. 

I bet dropping donations off felt good.  I love getting things out of my house

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OK, it's crunch week for me.  I know that setting new habits for myself tends to fall apart in the third week, and I could feel the wobble coming for me in the last few days.  

My plan is to stay on track:

Head down, do the next thing.  Lightbox, vitamins d and b12, stretching video.

Change: I realized that one thing that might need to change is older dd is still here, waiting for covid to slow before returning to Europe. She needs a plan here too.  I wouldn't say she's bogging the rest of us down, but it's hard to stay focused when one person in the house is on seemingly perpetual vacation, lol.  We live in a very small house without many rooms, so it's hard for younger dd to escape wanting to just hang out.  


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Checking in: 

I haven't weighed for a couple of days, but I had lost 1.4 pounds. 

I tried a new recipe that dh loved and said heated up well for his lunches Of course, I tweaked it to fit us and to what I had. No mushrooms or olives, I used diced seasoned tomatoes and no sauce. I don't have white pepper, and I added Italian seasoning spices. I served it over egg noodles. 

I walked for 30 minutes 4 days this week. 

I just finished my bullet journal spread for this coming week. 

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1. The biggest goal I did which I think may have become a habit, I certainly hope so is I hiked by myself or with DH every single day this week.

Some days we went with DD and others by myself. The weather was not exactly what I like bar one day, the trail paved and beginner. But the goal was go outside, irrespective of weather and hike.

I have taken what @regentrude said to heart which is she does not exercise but hikes.

My idea of exercise is always classes or equipment or swimming or playing. Never just walking or hiking outside. So I had to make a mental transition to do so.

It has been really nice.

This has been my #1 in terms of goal priority so I hope to make this a habit.

2. Made some spring onion kimchi and kept for fermenting.

3. Read books of different genre.

4. Started crochet star. 


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37 minutes ago, Eos said:

I'm so curious about what this looks like, so I googled it.  Do you lay it out once a week?

I’m new to this, and I don’t know how others do it. I am laying out each week as I go so I can try different things. I did do some general pages at the beginning of the book (year at a glance, quotes/Bible verses, dreams/goals, birthdays and gift ideas bucket list, bills, household chores, weight loss tracker, etc). I made a January page and a monthly habit tracker page before I started the week pages. 

There are very simple and very artistic ways to do it. I’m going more simple. This journal is designed to be daily. There is a space covered with the washi tape where you could write the day of the week. There are mostly two page spread ideas out there for each week, but I wanted to try one page first. 


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2 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

I’m new to this, and I don’t know how others do it. I am laying out each week as I go so I can try different things. I did do some general pages at the beginning of the book (year at a glance, quotes/Bible verses, dreams/goals, birthdays and gift ideas bucket list, bills, household chores, weight loss tracker, etc). I made a January page and a monthly habit tracker page before I started the week pages. 

There are very simple and very artistic ways to do it. I’m going more simple. This journal is designed to be daily. There is a space covered with the washi tape where you could write the day of the week. There are mostly two page spread ideas out there for each week, but I wanted to try one page first. 


Thank you!  Assigning days and checking off accomplishments is pretty sweet.  My brain notebook has lots of to-do items and shopping lists but no time frames/accountability.  I'm going to see if I can nudge myself over to something more like this.  

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1 minute ago, Eos said:

Thank you!  Assigning days and checking off accomplishments is pretty sweet.  My brain notebook has lots of to-do items and shopping lists but no time frames/accountability.  I'm going to see if I can nudge myself over to something more like this.  

You're welcome! I like that it can be as flexible as I want while premade planners aren't. Last week I tried assigning all those "to do" things out to specific days, but it didn't always work out that way. Some of them I did early and some late, and I didn't like marking them off on a day I didn't actually do them. This week, I am trying them in their own box to mark off as I go.

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@mom31257 - I think that's a great layout. All that matters is that it works for you.

I am thinking about going back to my bullet journal. I tried a Happy Planner for 2022 and it's just not working for me. I have a couple of blank dot grid journals so I could begin right away but I have so much money invested in this HP. I bought the planner and a few sticker books thinking they would be helpful but it's more time consuming flipping through them and looking for the right sticker to highlight something. I also don't enjoy thinking I am a slacker because I am not decorating my weekly spreads like the women on YouTube.

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Happy Sunday! I hope you are able to do something fun and relaxing today. We are sitting at 5 degrees with a feels like temp of 0.

It's time to assess progress from last week and set up the new week.

How are you doing? 

I have had to alter some goals as a couple of new things came up this week. I am having to rework my plans and goals for the next couple of months. Still moving forward and making progress. Will post more later.

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35 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

@mom31257 - I think that's a great layout. All that matters is that it works for you.

I am thinking about going back to my bullet journal. I tried a Happy Planner for 2022 and it's just not working for me. I have a couple of blank dot grid journals so I could begin right away but I have so much money invested in this HP. I bought the planner and a few sticker books thinking they would be helpful but it's more time consuming flipping through them and looking for the right sticker to highlight something. I also don't enjoy thinking I am a slacker because I am not decorating my weekly spreads like the women on YouTube.

Thank you! 

I love the artwork and lettering I see online, but I am giving myself a lot of grace. I have already made some mistakes. But I'm adjusting when I do. I hope to see improvement as I go and learn a lot this year. I already know I want more dots per page and nothing at the top like this one for next year's journal. I had this one already, and I wanted to spend money on washi tape instead of buying a different one. 


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35 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

Thank you! 

I love the artwork and lettering I see online, but I am giving myself a lot of grace. I have already made some mistakes. But I'm adjusting when I do. I hope to see improvement as I go and learn a lot this year. I already know I want more dots per page and nothing at the top like this one for next year's journal. I had this one already, and I wanted to spend money on washi tape instead of buying a different one. 


My favorite journal so far has been my Leuchtturm197 that I bought years ago. It lasted 3 years for me as I had been a minimalist journaler.  I found two inexpensive journals on clearance at Walmart. They are dot grid and have over 250 pages. I brought them home thinking they were great for the price. They were shrink wrapped so I couldn't see the pages until after I bought them and was dismayed when I discovered the paper is a deep ivory, almost yellow. Some markers work well, others do not. I have to decide if I just want to go back to minimal journaling (which actually worked for me) or if I want to try to decorate them. I though I might create journals and gift them but the pages are such a weird color I don't think they are pretty. Although that doesn't affect the function. Decisions, decisions.

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On 1/1/2022 at 3:58 PM, TexasProud said:

Ok, I am not starting yearly. That just completely overwhelms me. December 2022 feels like 10 years away, though when it gets here it will feel like 10 minutes. So, here are my January goals:

Lose 5 pounds

Starting January 10, eat for 8 hours, so  5 am to 1pm. Our big meal is lunch, so that works. Note: Waiting until my husband leaves for overseas and daughter goes back to start this.

Drink 8 glasses of water

Continue to walk a minimum of 4 days a week 3-5 times a week. Email two different friends to see if they will meet me to walk some of those times since hubby will be gone.


1.       Publishing my devotion ( Start process. Won’t finish this month.)

a.       Get some friends to do the devotion: send email. send devotion to those who want it

b.       Figure out the platform to publish: pdf, Kindle Create, ?


2.       Complete 2 pieces for writing group to give feedback for possible publication.

Ideas for the two pieces ( already have)

Tribute piece:

a.       Post of Facebook to get comments about person,

b.        text kids to get their comments,

c.       look through their notebooks from lessons for comments

d.       Write rough draft

e.       Use synonym Finder and other editing techniques

f.        Submit to group

g.       Make edits

h.       Publish on Facebook and possibly to local paper

Caring for Elder piece

a.       Type up freewriting in my notebook into a rough draft

b.       Revise over several days

c.       Submit to writing group

d.       Edit

e.       Send query letter to possible online magazines

6 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Why don't you take one goal and break it down into small steps. Choose one to do this week.
If you want accountability, here's your chance.  We can work the week together.


I mean the day I posted my goals I sent my devotion to 6 different friends who are doing it this month. But the formatting just overwhelms me. I want to just keep the pdf. But then how do I sell it. But then how do I even equip my website to sell it???  What about taxes? How the heck do you do that? 

Don't know if I can do the 5am- 1pm eating thing with my oldest here. Plus I did so many bad things like eating pancakes where you put butter and sugar in it, or making French Silk Pie filling and eating all of it in 36 hours. Eating like that even if it is between 5am and 1pm is useless. Don't know why I try. 

And writing. I just cannot. I pick up the pen and then go get my phone or get on here. I don't want to write. It sounds stupid anyway.

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@TexasProud - okay, lets do the 64 oz of water a day. Do you have a pretty bottle you can fill every morning? This is a goal for me, too, so we can do this together. 

Also, don't beat your self up. It can seem overwhelming. Instead of saying "Why do I even try?" say "Why not?"

Let's set your small step for the Devotion this week. How about spending two hours researching publishing formats? Your goal is to look up how similar devotions are published and sold. Maybe on Etsy? 

Writing - spend 30 mins once this week on writing. No internet until after the 30 mins is up.

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Week 2 feedback.

My daily walk is going well - 16 consecutive days.  It is becoming a habit to get up, put on exercise clothing and walk out the door.  

Healthy eating - We are still on an 8 hours on - 8 hours off electricity schedule due to the storm damage to the transformer at our local substation 10 days ago.  When it is on, we're getting lower than required voltage, which affects appliances. Temporary repairs are only going to be done by 25 Jan.  I am using this as an excuse to postpone menu planning and serious dieting till February.  

Drinking 2l of water per day is going well.

My granny square blanket is still on track for finishing by month-end.

I had scheduled a 45 minute Zoom chat with a friend who has moved to another province and another with my sister, so maintaining relationships is going well.

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Week 2 Check in:

Work out Goal:

Weekly: Work out 3 hours per week, to include Tai Chi, Strength, and Cardio, and anything else 

This was my great success of the week! I did two hours of Tai Chi class, lifted weights for an hour in two sessions, and did two hours of walking, on hour outside in the snow, and one hour in the shopping mall. 

Weight loss goal:

Lose 12 pounds in the year

Lose one pound per month

Weight still going in the wrong direction, but with the exercise and eating goals being met  over the weeks, I expect to see this change.

Eating goal:

Eat Gluten-free and wheat-free in January to help support DH's health


Drawing goal:

draw one picture per week/about four per month/ 50-52 per year

Didn't happen this week.


Play piano one hour per week/four hours per month/50 per year



Watch one Russian movie per month. Find a workbook/curriculum I like, and set a new goal when I find it 


I'm really happy with my exercise/activity this week, especially considering that we're in deep winter and Covid cases are skyrocketing. If I can get through the tough winter months, spring is going to be fantastic. 

I hope you all are surviving and/or thriving this month. 

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2 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

@TexasProud - okay, lets do the 64 oz of water a day. Do you have a pretty bottle you can fill every morning? This is a goal for me, too, so we can do this together. 

Also, don't beat your self up. It can seem overwhelming. Instead of saying "Why do I even try?" say "Why not?"

Let's set your small step for the Devotion this week. How about spending two hours researching publishing formats? Your goal is to look up how similar devotions are published and sold. Maybe on Etsy? 

Writing - spend 30 mins once this week on writing. No internet until after the 30 mins is up.

I have a bottle with a straw that holds 24 ounces. I have managed to drink one of them. Of course that means I have been in the bathroom 3 or 4 times, which I hate. I just typically don't drink a lot. Normally 2 cups of coffee and  maybe one glass of water is normal. Whenever I try to do this, I really hate it. I almost want to throw up drinking this much.  But I know I SHOULD and it is good for me. And I have never been successful at drinking that much. If I drink 48 ounces, I am having a really, really good day. But that isn't what everyone says I should be drinking to be healthy.

Why not? Because I will be a failure and I hate failing. 

I will look at Etsy in just a minute.

I wrote a little as I watched my church service, but I guess  Idon't see the point of writing about it when it doesn't fix anything. But I did some today because I know she will ask me about it. 

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4 hours ago, TexasProud said:

Yeah, have done nothing about my goals. Don't even know why I thought I should set some.

Isn't your mom having cancer ? So you are already stressed on top of having a stressful time because of COVID nonsense.

If I told you I am having a stressful time and unable to meet my goals would you beat me up with words or try to sympathize and talk me out of doing that.

So why not show the same grace to yourself. Goals are just that. Goals. Not one more thing to beat yourself up if you do not or simply cannot do it. I say this from experience. Ironically, one of my goals this year. Do not beat myself up if I do not meet goals.

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Week 2 Report

Crochet - I finished the ears and horns. Then we had two nice days (nice = temp over 25F) so I went outside instead. Then, once I was out of the habit, I stopped crocheting. Argh! I'm trying to get back in the rhythm of things.  

Spanish - Still coming along nicely, reading Harry Potter, gaming Duolingo, and creating some nice spreads in my bullet journal. I went ahead and bought the next HP book (I needed to pad my Amazon order!) My enthusiasm for this is high, so I'm not having a problem here, unlike crochet...

Week 3 Goals:

Spanish - Continue with HP, Duo, and bujo. 

Crochet - Bang out those flowers! Plan to complete one color per day. Six more colors, so I should finish the flowers this week!

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Here's my end of Week 2 update.


Another imperfect but gloriously productive week. I have had to adjust my outdoor, walking, and biking goals as I decided now is the time to paint the bathroom and the back entry way. So I have been spending the cold snowy days cleaning, sanding, and painting.  I realize these are choices I am making and I am okay with it. I also had to change up some things because I was accepted into a volunteer program that requires a lot of training and reading and I now have to dedicate time to that. Again, it is a conscious choice and I am okay with it. 

Here is my numerical data:

Outside - 7.25/15 hours for the month

Bike - 10/75 miles for the month

Walk - 16/30 km for the month

CEU- 2/4 for the month

Books - 4/10 for the month

Tennis - 8.25 hours of active play (I decided not to count lessons, just my play time)

I am well pleased because I am making progress. Honestly, working toward these goals is what inspired me to get up and paint. I have been listening to audiobooks (all non-fic) while I paint and that is helping my reading/listening goal. 

I have to travel a bit this week so will be in the car a lot. More audiobooks and not as much outdoor time but it's okay. I will do what I can and see how much progress I have made by next Sunday.

Let's do this!!

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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My end of Jan Week Two check in:

I met most of my goals this week. 
Watercolor: I did two paintings from my LMA subscription, a version of Raindrops and Salt Marsh. I feel “meh” about them both. The raindrops one was very difficult. The outcome was not that great. Oh well. 
Writing: I did not complete the story beats as I had planned. I did write a few exchanges and snippets and thought through some plot points; I just didn’t truly write down story beats. I did spend some time in the Save the Cat website. I plan to spend more time there. I joined Writers United on FB. 
Watering my own grass: watched two short documentaries with dh,”100 Humans” and “Focus.” Also was just watching Fantastic Beasts with him a few minutes ago but he fell asleep. 
House: I knocked this one out of the park. Not only did I buy paint for my college boy’s bedroom, I painted it all completely. His room looks SO much better. Before/After below. 

Considering this has been a difficult week for me emotionally, I did get a fair amount accomplished. I think next week will not be much better as far as people I care about suffering and dying. I am trying not to despair. 



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Well I didn't meet any of my goals this week because I threw out my back (in the most pathetic way possible — I sneezed too hard!) so I've been mostly confined to the sofa taking muscle relaxants. But I'm starting to feel a little better, so I will reset the same goals for next week:

1. Drink 64 oz of water or unsweetened herbal ice tea and no more than 1 thermos of chai per day
2. 45 minutes of cardio at least 3x week
3. At least an hour a day, or 7 hours total, purging and organizing
4. Stick within an 8 hr eating window (this has been really difficult since DD moved home and is on a totally different schedule from me)
5. I think I will also try to add 15 minutes of gentle stretching per day

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Week Two Mini goals


  • Clean van and get it ready for donation runs. .
  • Clear out kid clothes that are too small or will be too small for their next season, for donation.

Bank account

  • Pay all current bills, withdraw expected kid $$ for the year. House subscriptions (insurance, ~utilities) add to calendar and total up. .

Bonus goal: 300 days of logged workouts. January goal: 25 days. 😳


I recruited kid help to get the clothes done this week. The van has been cleaned out (mostly anyway) and the donations of clothes are in there and ready to go. DD13 started a "I want boy clothes, boy haircut, ew pink" stage so I am cringing at some of the nice/multifunctional/longlasting/has-used-forever clothes she's getting rid of, but oh well, and she kept one dress and one skirt for emergencies. The boys, most of their clothes are going to the trash because they are too worn to be recoverable. But thankfully everyone has enough that I don't need to purchase to fill any gaps. Except socks, but that is more of a space-time continuum requirement.

I also instituted a new laundry requirement in how to put clothes away that hopefully will make things more manageable. They do their own clothes but I've noticed a definite drop in quality control since I went to work, so this + less clothes to manage hopefully will get people back to standard.

House subscriptions have been totaled up. Instead of adding to a calendar, they are all just auto-pay now and I've set up a new sub-account at the bank that takes a monthly contribution to cover the annual total.

I have like 5 workouts done this month, lol. I'll try to get back into it and finish strong for the month. Even if I can't hit 25 days, any amount bigger than 5 will be considered a win going forward, lol.

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Hello!  Last night I finally laid out a plan for 2022 goals.

There are so many things I'd like to do.  The biggest challenge, I think, is knowing what is realistic.  Reading all of the above posts is so inspiring, but I need to be realistic.

The first half of January, I didn't have any real goals in this sense.  I traveled back from my international trip, unpacked and settled in, celebrated my kid's birthday, dealt with Covid, got my kids through their midterms, and completed one of our biggest annual work projects.  Kept up with the day-to-day stuff, completed a couple minor house projects.  Slept a lot.  Enough said.

To lay out my goals, after recording and reviewing my posts on Granny Weatherwax's November and December threads, I created an Excel spreadsheet.  I listed all the hope-to's in chronological order, then charted them based on type of goal (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, other) vs. who they were for (me, kids, pup, job, house, community).  I went back over the chart and translated almost all of the items into measurable goals.  Then I created a second sheet for daily tracking of each goal.  The tracking sheet has 48 columns; some are overlapping, but most are not.  There are logical groupings, color coding, and extra rows at the end of each month for summing up progress vs. targets.

I am not thrilled with my product so far, but I can tweak it over time.  Although 48 columns may sound intimidating, it's actually easier to check off a bunch of smaller items vs. a few comprehensive goals.  But I don't want to lose track of the bigger picture either.

A few important things are not "quantifiable."  I need to not lose track of those either.  Like stay organized, be proactive, be straightforward and honest.  I should figure out a way to keep those as infrastructure underlying the rest.

One goal that will be interesting for me is positive self-talk daily.  I must counter the impulse to attack myself all the time.  I worked on this today - it was awkward, but hopefully it will get less awkward over time.

Many of my goals are similar to others'.  I was surprised how many others included drinking 64oz of water, because I did too.  😛  Eating better, moving more, cleaning house, reading, cultivating talents, serving others ....  The usual suspects.  I didn't set a weight loss goal, because those never work out for me, but I hope to end up in better shape, physically and mentally, and no worse shape otherwise.  😛

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My goals for January 17-22:

  • Daily
    • Reading; finish one spiritual book and one international/nonfiction book this week.
    • Yoga etc., pedaling, drink 64oz water, eat fruits/veggies, sleep well.
    • Pup training, walk or play with the pup outside.
    • Review all my inboxes daily; file and keep them trimmed as much as possible.
    • Positive self-talk.
    • Listen to good music.
    • Talk/listen to the kids about important things.
    • Keep bedroom & kitchen clean.
  • 3x this week
    • Play music.
    • Practice foreign languages.
    • Practice TKD at home.
  • At least once this week
    • Cook with Kid2.
    • Research and choose driving school for kids.
    • Work with kids to map our fuse box switches.
    • Watch online church with the kids.
    • Read something spiritual together with the kids.
    • Meditate.
    • Spend time in nature.
    • Sign up for and maybe complete some CPE credits.
    • Catch up laundry, clean bathrooms and laundry room.
    • Purge and donate clothes / household items.
    • Schedule next blood donation.

Of course we have other things on our calendar too, but these are the ones that are considered "goals" vs. just doing things we need or want to do.

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8 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

am well pleased because I am making progress. Honestly, working toward these goals is what inspired me to get up and paint. I have been listening to audiobooks (all non-fic) while I paint and that is helping my reading/listening goal. 

I have been doing that too, since I spent the better part of this past weekend painting. I listened to several hours of The Firm while I painted. 

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Here's the plan for this week:


- Health/Fitness:  track food and stay in calorie budget range,  drink more water,  and find my dang Fitbit charger

- House:  Finish home school room major reorganization and clean.  

- Finance:  No spend except groceries.

- Business:  Get Office cleaned and organized.  If my new phone comes in this week, list 10 items.

- Personal:  Finish book. Write for 20 minutes each day.

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Week 2 Update:
Early last week was tough.  The divisive Covid world saddens me.    Things got better as the week progressed.  Having goals made me more productive.


January Plans:

-         Incorporate fasting This is the hardest to get going.  For now I am settling on skipping breakfast and no eating after six. p.m.   

-         Start None-to-Run program Still on schedule (all packed in the last three days of the week)

-         Lose 8 lbs Progress from last week has disappeared.  Celebrating two birthdays, feeling blah did not help.   Need to do full day fasting for a change; but I find it hard to do.

-         Continue morning and afternoon walks Score!  They always make me feel better.

-         Decide on kitchen cabinet doors Not yet.

-         Sell/donate existing boxes of unwanted items  Some done; others in progress

-         30 minutes per day focused area cleaning/purging Not done daily, but time covered in bigger chunks.

-         Create a clear spreadsheet of current investment situation  Done.

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i don't want to do anything today!  Math with my 9 year old turn into a shit show (pardon the language) so now I have zero motivation to do anything.  It has been almost 2 hours since working with him and he is still giving me an attitude about everything but he doesn't seem to want to be anywhere but right next to me!

I will at least stick to my eating plan and get school done for the rest of the kids.  Anything above that is a major plus.

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4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

i don't want to do anything today!  Math with my 9 year old turn into a shit show (pardon the language) so now I have zero motivation to do anything.  It has been almost 2 hours since working with him and he is still giving me an attitude about everything but he doesn't seem to want to be anywhere but right next to me!

I will at least stick to my eating plan and get school done for the rest of the kids.  Anything above that is a major plus.

Those days are hard!  My 9 year old is very challenging lately.  Sigh.  Hope you can find some good moments in the day.

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3 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Those days are hard!  My 9 year old is very challenging lately.  Sigh.  Hope you can find some good moments in the day.

Thanks. It got better enough. Finished school with everyone, including the 9 year old who eventually came to me and asked me to help him to finish math.

We had an early dinner because I have book group later so that is done too. So, really I could just decide to be done for the day and just work on mental health so we'll see. Right now I still feel blah and I'm ok if it stays that way. I'm not gonna push myself to struggle through other tasks.

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10 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Thanks. It got better enough. Finished school with everyone, including the 9 year old who eventually came to me and asked me to help him to finish math.

We had an early dinner because I have book group later so that is done too. So, really I could just decide to be done for the day and just work on mental health so we'll see. Right now I still feel blah and I'm ok if it stays that way. I'm not gonna push myself to struggle through other tasks.

Blah day here too.  I am joining you on not pushing through anything else.  

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I'v realized where my wobble is: doing my projects for me.  Everything else is holding steady or improving, but when I get to the point in the day when everything is done, time to do my projects....I don't.  I'm unsure why.  Lack of dedicated space and lack of collaboration are the most likely reasons.

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I didn't reset any goals for this week. I need to reassess. We are in a challenging car situation right now - 4 people sharing 2 cars - so I have reverted somewhat to my mom role of chauffeuring people to work and fitting my stuff in between. We're working on it but as you may have heard, used cars are in short supply right now. (No one is in a position to buy a new car right now, but those are also not easy to obtain.)

I'm moving along slowly but rather haphazardly. And falling back on fluffy fiction at bedtime because it's an easy way to check out of my rather inconvenient life right now! 

@Eos I totally get you! My personal stuff always falls away. Lack of space is one reason. Having my parents' mindset of "no play till work is done" is another. If there is a chore to be done, I can't relax. And as anyone who lives in a house knows, there is always some work to be done! 


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My first craft goal of the year was to complete the "Covid Crochet Project". It is done!  

Many hours of Zoom meetings put to productive use practicing my new skill.  We go back to the office tomorrow and I will have to revert back to doodling during meetings!

Covid granny squares.jpg

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13 minutes ago, Hannah said:

My first craft goal of the year was to complete the "Covid Crochet Project". It is done!  

Many hours of Zoom meetings put to productive use practicing my new skill.  We go back to the office tomorrow and I will have to revert back to doodling during meetings!

Covid granny squares.jpg

Gorgeous!!  Thank you for sharing.

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My monthly goals have not been reached this week. I still had lingering Covid symptoms and the weather has been around -25C everyday. My healthy eating also declined, and I didn't play piano at all.

I'm hoping that things will improve this coming week. I'm feeling physically stronger, which will hopefully translate to more energy overall. My eating is already improving.

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