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Do you have any plans for vacations in 2021?


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Well I think I may get some idea ov what we can do tomorrow at my first wound care appointment.  I hope I get some idea as to when I may expect to be healed or not.  First of all how long will I be tied to a tube?  Secondly, when can I swim?

We had been planning to go to Spring bird migration hot-spot but that won't be happening. 

I don't have to go to s Beach location but wanted too. 


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Since I first replied to this thread in January, things have opened up for the kids quite a bit. So, everyone has a few summer trips tentatively (and hopefully!) planned! Everyone in our house is vaccinated now and they are raring to go! It's so nice to see the kids making plans with their friends for some summer stuff. I have missed that!!!

(and I, secretly, am hoping to plan a week-long outdoorsy getaway that everyone in the family will be dying to do - and then stay home myself. A WEEK ALONE IN MY HOUSE ALL BY MYSELF WHATTTTTT???!!!!! It'll be my favorite vacation in a decade if I can pull it off. 😁 Pray for me.)

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9 hours ago, WildflowerMom said:

I thinking about renting a house on a river in north Georgia for me, dh, and the dogs.   We did go to my parents house recently at the beach for a long weekend (parents were off camping) and it was fantastic.  Relaxing and quiet, dogs had a blast, beach was fantastic.   But I'm ready to get in the water (beach was too cold).  

We just got back from our spring break trip to N GA. It’s only a 4 hour drive. I was very happy with the management company. Completely no contact check in/check out. Fenced yard for our dogs and right on the Ellijay River. This was a last minute thing. We don’t normally travel for spring break.

We have a beach trip planned for last week of May in Florida. Driving—not flying. I expect that DH and I will be vaccinated by then. The 2 kids who will be with us won’t be vaccinated. If Florida sees a surge, then I’ll do what I did last year to avoid public restrooms on the road. We made that trip with our camping porta potty and a pop up privacy tent. We had groceries delivered, ate all meals at the house. The beaches where we go are never so crowded that we couldn’t be really well distanced from people. I’m ready to get in the water, too! 

I have hopes of doing some tent camping this summer and definitely next fall. 

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Well, Dh and I will have 14 days (weekdays only) at home with no kids the first half of the summer, so we’ll probably do some staycation fun things. He’ll be vaccinated by then and I already am. Our kids have lots going this summer - jobs, camps etc. 

We may get a fall camping trip in or a visit to SIL’s cabin. 

We went to a friend’s beach house last summer, but won’t ask again this year. Super nice, super inexpensive, long drive.  

My kids don’t have the same school breaks, so week long fall or spring trips are hard. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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On 1/9/2021 at 2:53 PM, vonfirmath said:

I hope to go to Honduras this summer. I don't know how likely it is. It's really the only place I'd be willing to take the risk of flying right now.



Not going to Honduras.

Being without electricity for a week during the Ice-storm meant I used the vacation to get paid for that instead.

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16 hours ago, Spryte said:

Wow, these look really interesting!  Have you tried one before?  Will you review for us?

We have not tried any  of the trips. I have attended a couple of their one-hour lectures and enjoyed them. We opted not to do any of the multi-day trips, for the reasons I mentioned (just not being able to justify taking vacation time from work for a bunch of half-days of online activity).

I did just come back from a three-day solo camping/trail walking trip to a state park, which was lovely. Based on my enthusiastic verbal download, I got my husband  looking at camping equipment last night. Hoping that the lure of buying gadgets might entice him to consider planning another camping trip sometime soon.

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9 hours ago, popmom said:

We just got back from our spring break trip to N GA. It’s only a 4 hour drive. I was very happy with the management company. Completely no contact check in/check out. Fenced yard for our dogs and right on the Ellijay River. This was a last minute thing. We don’t normally travel for spring break.

We have a beach trip planned for last week of May in Florida. Driving—not flying. I expect that DH and I will be vaccinated by then. The 2 kids who will be with us won’t be vaccinated. If Florida sees a surge, then I’ll do what I did last year to avoid public restrooms on the road. We made that trip with our camping porta potty and a pop up privacy tent. We had groceries delivered, ate all meals at the house. The beaches where we go are never so crowded that we couldn’t be really well distanced from people. I’m ready to get in the water, too! 

I have hopes of doing some tent camping this summer and definitely next fall. 

Will you PM me the link to the house?  Pretty please!  I am looking for a house on the river with a fenced yard.   Did you have access to the river or was it just overlooking it?  I know my beagle will be in heaven if we can get her a house with river access. 

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We are going to wait.  Two 12-year-olds -- they will be vaccinated soon enough.  We aren't big travel people.

We had been planning a family vacation for last summer, but it will be fine to put it off one more summer.  

It is not a huge sacrifice for us -- there are other things we would rather do.  

I would want to go to an amusement park this year, but I don't think we will with my little kids not vaccinated.  But I think it's fine to wait a year.  We would not necessarily go every year anyways.  

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So far we've only been taking short camping trips but they are enough of a break to recharge our batteries. I'm more of a glamper than a camper nowadays so we usually sleep at campsites in our new Subey on comfy camping pads.

In July, my husband and I would like to drive out to Montana, where I am from. We will only do this if we are fully vaccinated and enough time has transpired to make sufficient antibodies. In Illinois, our group, phase 2, is supposed to open around April 12, and we plan to get vaccinated as soon as possible. I think the moons should align and we'll be able to make the trip. We'll be glamping the whole way and trying to minimize exposure to others regardless. And, we mask up religiously everywhere.

If Covid cases continue to drop, we would like to fly out to Hawaii in fall, however, we're going to hold off on making reservations until more is known about the effect of vaccinations.

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2 hours ago, WildflowerMom said:

Will you PM me the link to the house?  Pretty please!  I am looking for a house on the river with a fenced yard.   Did you have access to the river or was it just overlooking it?  I know my beagle will be in heaven if we can get her a house with river access. 

Sure! I will when I get home tonight. We did have river access.

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Nope.  Not in 2021 for sure.  DH and I are getting our 1st shots next week.  My boys will be 16 in late June and will get their 1st dose ASAP.  My goal is to get them back into swimming and get us all caught up on doctors and dental appts.

I would love to get my dad's cleaning person back in rotation so I can spend time enjoying him instead of cleaning his place while I am over there all masked up.  

My in-laws are not doing well and we will feel better about the care that is now coming in their home, as well as, the caregiver that will be there full time once we have our shots.

Maybe next year we will be able to take a vacation and we also hope to get some in person college visits in there too.

Other than when the boys are actually in the pool, we will all 4 continue to mask through the rest of this year and maybe beyond.  


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We’re still planning to go on our fall trip and since we will all be vaccinated earlier than expected we’ve added a summer trip. It’s just three hours away to visit family for a weekend but we’re really looking forward to it.

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14 hours ago, easypeasy said:

Everyone in our house is vaccinated now and they are raring to go! It's so nice to see the kids making plans with their friends for some summer stuff. I have missed that!!!


Not vacation related but ds 23 has been playing Dungeons and Dragons with the same group of people since he was in his mid-teens. The same family has always hosted. They went virtual last March early on. Now everyone involved is either fully or partially vaccinated (ds is fully vaxxed) so last Sunday they decided to meet in person for the first time in over a year. They met outside on the screen porch, seating was distanced and all were masked. I may have teared up a bit as he left the house carrying the D&D bag he has always used to use to carry his stuff. Something so nerdy and mundane a year ago was a big deal this year. ❤️ 

13 hours ago, popmom said:

We just got back from our spring break trip to N GA. It’s only a 4 hour drive. I was very happy with the management company. Completely no contact check in/check out. Fenced yard for our dogs and right on the Ellijay River. This was a last minute thing. We don’t normally travel for spring break.

Dss and family went to a N. Georgia cabin last July to celebrate middle grandson's 6th birthday. The kids were so wound up being home for months, not seeing friends, not doing anything fun, so even an isolated cabin with just their little family was a much needed thing. They found a bunch of nature trails to walk, played board games, watched movies, and cooked at the cabin. It seems for those within a decent driving distance, North Georgia is a good place to go when you need to get away but also need to stay away from others.

3 hours ago, Lecka said:

We are going to wait.  Two 12-year-olds -- they will be vaccinated soon enough. 

I saw a news story this morning about some promising Pfizer studies on kids 12 and up. 

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On 3/31/2021 at 3:09 PM, Lady Florida. said:

Not vacation related but ds 23 has been playing Dungeons and Dragons with the same group of people since he was in his mid-teens. The same family has always hosted. They went virtual last March early on. Now everyone involved is either fully or partially vaccinated (ds is fully vaxxed) so last Sunday they decided to meet in person for the first time in over a year. They met outside on the screen porch, seating was distanced and all were masked. I may have teared up a bit as he left the house carrying the D&D bag he has always used to use to carry his stuff. Something so nerdy and mundane a year ago was a big deal this year. ❤️ 


YES! That’s exactly what it feels like right now. Everyday, mundane things are so exciting!! I’m a homebody to the core, but seeing my kids and husband feel safe enough to start making plans with friends again just warms my cold heart! ❤️ 
This has all sucked for everybody for a whole host of reasons, but socially I think it’s been hardest on those late-teens / early adults. Their wing-spreading years just lost a LOT of traction. I’m just so happy they are starting to return to the start of normal life. 

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On 3/31/2021 at 11:53 AM, WildflowerMom said:

Will you PM me the link to the house?  Pretty please!  I am looking for a house on the river with a fenced yard.   Did you have access to the river or was it just overlooking it?  I know my beagle will be in heaven if we can get her a house with river access. 

Me too!


On 3/31/2021 at 2:17 AM, popmom said:

We just got back from our spring break trip to N GA. It’s only a 4 hour drive. I was very happy with the management company. Completely no contact check in/check out. Fenced yard for our dogs and right on the Ellijay River. This was a last minute thing. We don’t normally travel for spring break.

We have a beach trip planned for last week of May in Florida. Driving—not flying. I expect that DH and I will be vaccinated by then. The 2 kids who will be with us won’t be vaccinated. If Florida sees a surge, then I’ll do what I did last year to avoid public restrooms on the road. We made that trip with our camping porta potty and a pop up privacy tent. We had groceries delivered, ate all meals at the house. The beaches where we go are never so crowded that we couldn’t be really well distanced from people. I’m ready to get in the water, too! 

I have hopes of doing some tent camping this summer and definitely next fall. 

I would love a link to this house, too - sounds great!

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I got busy this weekend booking vacations! My dh and I  will be fully vaccinated mid May and my kids soon after. Starting simple with a house by the lake for Father's Day weekend. Then dh and I will spend a week in Maine with two nights in Boston. October we will go to the Grand Canyon! 

And we booked a trip to Greece for June 2022! 

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We’re planning on going to the Formula 1 race at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA) in Austin in October. It’s a whole weekend event. 

It’s not too far from where we live, but I’m still counting it as a vacation. 😊 Hopefully the race doesn’t get canceled. 🤞🏻

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Summer camps, jobs, extra curriculars, and kids on two different educational paths make scheduling vacation tricky. No one has the same fall or spring breaks. Our summer is already planned around kids’ activities and me working and much as possible.

We do have a completely free week in early August, just before school revs up and I am going to plan a short camping trip and rafting on the Ocoee! 

Contemplating a day or two at Dollywood in late May, as a surprise for my kids. Pricey for us, but fun.

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