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Bathing in mustard


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I'm not a huge baths person, but I go on spurts where I'll take them for awhile.  But it's not like I'm buying bath bombs or anything on the regular that would make me a logical target for this advertisement, but for months, I've been getting ads for Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00016WU6A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

And, really, I'm kind of intrigued.  Like, what would this even be like?  I've heard of mustard plasters and such in old timey novels and stuff, but a bath?  What would that even be like?  So I googled, and apparently this stuff has a cult like following.  There are a LOT of very positive reviews.  So, I'm like, "What the heck?  I will give this a try."  And I bought the smallest bottle of the stuff.  (Thank God.)

9:24 pm:  Huh.  How the heck do I open this bottle?  

9:30 pm:  I feel like an idiot.  Why the heck can't I open this?  It's more hermetically sealed than Fort Knox.  What is the secret???  I'm going to feel like an idiot if I go ask my husband to open this for me.  

9:37 pm:  Oh.  Duh.  You just pull on top.  Okay.  That was weirdly hard.

9:40 pm:  Run bath water.  Ask self, "How much IS two ounces anyway?  Maybe I should have thought about this before I took off my clothes.  Eh, I'll eyeball it."

9:41 pm:  Open plastic container with the fingernail scissors in the bathroom.  Pour out approximately two ounces of the stuff into the tub, erring on the "probably less than two ounces" amount of my guesstimation.

9:42 pm:  Oh, dear God.  What have I done????  The bath tub now looks like it is full of dijon mustard.  Like, really, really opaque and mustardy.  Is this going to stain the tub?  My husband is going to kill me.  

9:43 pm:  Get in tub full of mustard.  Huh.  Wow.  It smells like wintergreen.  But also like mustard.  It's kind of like if your grandmother cleaned her dentures and ate a hot dog dripping in mustard, that's what this bath would smell like.  

9:46 pm:  Huh.  That's kinda tingly.  Actually, that feels kind of good.  I wish our tub was big enough that I could cover all of myself up in this weird mustard denture water.  

9:50 pm: Um, okay, this feels....increasingly weird.  Maybe I should read the instructions.  Actually, I probably should have read the instructions before I committed to this process, but that felt like cheating.  "Soak for 20 minutes in hot water, then finish with a cold shower and dry off with a rough towel."  Wait, I have to take a cold shower afterwards?  This is supposed to be relaxing, and it's January, and I'm supposed to take a COLD SHOWER, and it's supposed to relax me before bed?  Why am I such a rule follower?

9:52 pm:  Um, yeah.  Okay.  This is....I'm not sure I like this.  Sweat is pouring off my face. It's definitely warm.  How much longer do I have to stay in the tub?  Thank God I can't submerge my entire body at once.  

9:56 pm:  I'm going to die.  This is insane.  I am SO HOT and I smell like mustard and dentures.  I do not think I like this smell.  

10 pm:  I'm calling it good enough.  Close enough to 20 minutes.  Pull plug.  Stand up.  Turn on ice cold shower.  Wash hair.  Realize I smell like mustard and dentures, and so, in my freezing cold shower, I wash myself.  With my Dr. Bronner's lavender soap.  So now I smell like I ate hot dogs while wearing dentures and then rolled in a field of lavender.  These smells are not exactly compatible.  

10:05 pm:  Do I own a rough towel?  I mean, how do we define rough anyway?  I'm cheap and some of my towels are literally hand me downs from my parents.  I don't think I own a towel younger than 20 years old.  I'm going to call that rough enough.  

10: 10 pm:  Huh.  That actually was.....invigorating.  It certainly took my breath away.  

Honestly, it did really soften my skin.  And just like the reviewers described, I did sleep very well.  I'm not eager to repeat the experience, however.  

Edited by Terabith
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2 hours ago, YaelAldrich said:

Darn it! I never buy stuff from you guys and your recommendations but I literally just got out of a hot, hot bath with epsom salt and tomorrow is my birthday.. So I bought the salts. Happy birthday to me!

Um, did you READ my review?  It wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement......

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I love saunas, but I haven't been to the gym in nearly a year at this point, so I'm intrigued by this idea of mustard baths. But I hate wintergreen and I'm a little weirded out by the washing soda in Dr. Singha's mix, so I went looking for DIY recipes. This one, from Mountain Rose Herbs, replaces the washing soda with baking soda, adds epsom salts, and you can customize the essential oils. I just need to figure out if black mustard seeds (which I have on hand) work just as well for this, or if I need to buy yellow seeds.

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 7.37.58 PM.png

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17 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I love saunas, but I haven't been to the gym in nearly a year at this point, so I'm intrigued by this idea of mustard baths. But I hate wintergreen and I'm a little weirded out by the washing soda in Dr. Singha's mix, so I went looking for DIY recipes. This one, from Mountain Rose Herbs, replaces the washing soda with baking soda, adds epsom salts, and you can customize the essential oils. I just need to figure out if black mustard seeds (which I have on hand) work just as well for this, or if I need to buy yellow seeds.

Since black mustard seeds are hotter than yellow, I reckon you could compensate by having a shorter bath. 🤣

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wow. I don't think I'd like this....the one time I used the trader joes tingly tea tree/peppermint shower gel and didn't realize it shouldn't be used on "sensitive areas" I about died. I have a feeling soaking my lady bits in mustard and ginger would not be pleasant. I'll stick with hot water and epsom salts, lol. 

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

wow. I don't think I'd like this....the one time I used the trader joes tingly tea tree/peppermint shower gel and didn't realize it shouldn't be used on "sensitive areas" I about died. I have a feeling soaking my lady bits in mustard and ginger would not be pleasant. I'll stick with hot water and epsom salts, lol. 

I had a similar experience with Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap the time I tried it as bubble bath.  But I figured that one of the umpteen million reviews I read would have mentioned the issue with the mustard on sensitive areas.  And indeed, that was not an issue.  It just made me sweat like a pig/ feel like I was roasting alive.  It made my legs tingle a bit, but no issues with sensitive areas.  

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12 hours ago, ktgrok said:

wow. I don't think I'd like this....the one time I used the trader joes tingly tea tree/peppermint shower gel and didn't realize it shouldn't be used on "sensitive areas" I about died. I have a feeling soaking my lady bits in mustard and ginger would not be pleasant. I'll stick with hot water and epsom salts, lol. 

Admittedly, I'm worried about that. 

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