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How to keep kitty from


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Could you cover the screen with packing tape temporarily? Cats don't like the feel of tape on their paws, so if you tape it so that the sticky side is toward where kitty usually digs his/her claws in, maybe she will find it icky and give up. If you use clear packing tape, perhaps kitty won't be able to tell when the tape has been removed and won't go back to doing it.

Although I have not tried this on a screen door, I did get one of my cats to stop jumping up on my dresser by putting a piece of cardboard covered with sticky tape on the dresser. He used to jump up there and run his paws on my wicker framed mirror to wake me up too early in the morning, and I had to stop that!

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The screen door is on the sliders from our 3 season porch, a favorite “room” of the kitties because it’s mostly glass and they like to watch the squirrels and it’s almost like being outside but still safe and cozy. Kitty has never climbed the screens (scratched just a little, but tentatively) but the kitten just races right up without a care. She’s the exploratory daredevil of the two. 

I guess I could get a water gun,, but the kitten loves water so I’m not sure it would be a deterrent. She likes to hang out in the sinks, bathtub, and dishwasher and thinks nothing of getting wet. I have to use grates to cover my kitchen sink or she would spend all her time there sampling from the dirty dishes and licking the faucet. 

Maybe sticky tape. I tried using it to keep her from leaping from counter to counter, but of course it didn’t work. The kitties are very good teachers. Lol. We still laugh when we actually thought we could prevent a Kitty from hanging out on the kitchen island. It didn’t take her long to teach us who’s boss. 😂😻

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4 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I guess I could get a water gun,, but the kitten loves water so I’m not sure it would be a deterrent. She likes to hang out in the sinks, bathtub, and dishwasher and thinks nothing of getting wet. I have to use grates to cover my kitchen sink or she would spend all her time there sampling from the dirty dishes and licking the faucet. 

A jet stream of water is not the same as hanging out in sinks and bathtub.

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When we were training a house-kitty we bought a bunch of spray bottles at the dollar store.  She is pretty well trained now.  If she ever does something naughty at this point (which is rare), all we have to do is point one at her and she'll cringe and run away. 

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When my little stray first came to us, I was ironing by the living room window.  She jump up on the screen..,window was open.  I tossed a full glass of water on her. I had it handy because I was ironing. I then went and refilled it because I correctly anticipated a repeat., Sure enough in about 5 minutes she tried again.  Again I tossed the full glass of water on her.  She has never done it again.

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Zero useful advice from me.

We had some success reducing certain behaviors with spray bottles, but it only stopped our cats from doing things in front of us.  They did what they wanted when we weren’t looking. Our remaining 13yo cat no longer cares if we’re watching. In fact, I think it’s part of his shtick now.  Especially with us home all day!

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