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Need DVD/series suggestions, please!

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In January my ds is going in for delicate spine surgery and it will be a full year before he will be back to doing most of his normal activites. I'd like to buy a few DVDs for us to watch when he gets home from the hospital.


Things our family has enjoyed in the past are:


Star Trek

Bourne Movies


Lord of the Rings...


We like SciFi. We prefer not to go overboard on gore (24 was fun but too gross) or s*x (Battlestar Gallactica would have been fun to watch, but we couldn't get past those scenes...). Just lately we've watched a little NCIS.


We've enjoyed the goofy movies like Johnny English and Galaxie Quest in the past.


I'd like to find a TV series we could watch so that there would be plenty of viewing fun on those days that my son doesn't feel up to much but is bored. It would be expecially nice if there was some good humor and not just all action (even if he is a 15yo boy, he needs more than action, right?)




Thank you!


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Have you watched the Firefly series? It's kind of a space western. Lots of fun with great characters.


BBC's Robin Hood is also fun. A little cheesy in places, but a nice diversion. :) There are two seasons of that out now.


Also, maybe some non-fiction series like "Dirty Jobs" from the Discovery Channel. Or "Mythbusters".

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The Avengers is really fun. We like Hogan's Heroes--sort of a guilty pleasure.

Lost is great fun, esp the beginning seasons, before some of the weirder things happen (that said, I can't wait for this January!).

Could you stand Monty Python? It's not for everyone.

Sherlock Holmes (there are several) provides hours of entertainment here.


Also, how about the different "houses" in history on PBS--Frontier House was my favorite.

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Jean, how about the show Eureka. We are sci fi fans too and have enjoyed that show. Have you watched Star Gate Atlantis as well as the original? How about all of the Star Trek movies. Also, there was a good show called Andromeda that might be available on DVD. Has he seen Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? Then there are many reincarnations of Doctor Who.


Good luck with your sci fi quest :D

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This doesn't fit in at all with the other suggestions - but my 16 yods (and the rest of us) have spent the past couple of weeks watching The Cosby Show on DVD and my ds just laughs and laughs at the situations the teens get into. I'd forgotten how much "teenage" stuff was in that show and how squeaky clean it really is.

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We got our ds the first season of McGyver last year. He loves it! He now saves foil gum wrappers "cuz you never know when you'll need one, and you can do anything with these!" He loves the science bethind it all. The acting is a little corny, but watching Richard Dean Anderson is the icing on my cake, so who cares about acting!


Dh got the first season of Heroes last year. Very intense! Not alot of gore, but very, very intense. I even got hooked. HTH

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Magnum PI


Remington Steele


Firefly (as mentioned, definitely!)


Gomer Pyle USMC - these are black and white and hysterical


Also look into some Japanese anime. There are some really good series and just movies. Like:


Last Exile


Laputa: Castle in the Sky


Hikaru no Go


Full Metal Panic

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a couple of miniseries, as well:


Taipan (brief partial male nudity in one scene, if I recall correctly)

Ivanhoe (nothing objectionable)

Horatio Hornblower (guessing you've already seen these)


Also, ds was about fifteen when he became totally absorbed in West Wing. (He is not at all interested in politics, but for some reason he liked the wit in the show)



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You can also look at the older Dr. Who series---Tom Baker was my favorite Dr., but John Pertwee and Peter Davison were good too (I liked most of them, though). *Don't* go to the new spin-off "Torchwood," btw. I enjoy it, but really, I'm not sure they even used to show that much "interaction" on late night Cinemax when I was younger, and it's between *all* the characters--not something for a teen.


We're enjoying watching the Munsters and Addams Family at the moment, if you like goofy humor. Young Indiana Jones is a fabulous series.


Have you considered Netflix? They have recently gone to unlimited watch instantly with almost any level of dvd subscription (the 1 dvd at a time and unlimited watch instantly is $8.99 a month). You can get a box for $99 that wirelessly takes the signal to your tv if you don't want to watch them on the computer.


They've got older TV series in the watch instantly category like the Hulk, Hercules, Knight Rider, Airwolf, A-Team, older Dr. Who, the old Battlestar Galactica, SeaQuest, Quantum Leap, Kolchak Nightstalker, Forever Knight (Canadian vampire series), etc. I don't remember any of these having things I wouldn't have been allowed to watch as a teen. They were all on primetime tv at the time (which actually meant at least a little something back then), with the possible exception of Forever Knight, and I don't remember anything terribly egregious with that one. We own it and I haven't let my 8yo watch it yet, but your son is much older.

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In January my ds is going in for delicate spine surgery and it will be a full year before he will be back to doing most of his normal activites. I'd like to buy a few DVDs for us to watch when he gets home from the hospital.


Things our family has enjoyed in the past are:


Star Trek

Bourne Movies


Lord of the Rings...


We like SciFi. We prefer not to go overboard on gore (24 was fun but too gross) or s*x (Battlestar Gallactica would have been fun to watch, but we couldn't get past those scenes...). Just lately we've watched a little NCIS.


We've enjoyed the goofy movies like Johnny English and Galaxie Quest in the past.


I'd like to find a TV series we could watch so that there would be plenty of viewing fun on those days that my son doesn't feel up to much but is bored. It would be expecially nice if there was some good humor and not just all action (even if he is a 15yo boy, he needs more than action, right?)




Thank you!



LOSt!! Hands down, looooove it! The only thing (IMO) it gets better after the first 2 episodes. Push through it is worth it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Have you watched the Firefly series? It's kind of a space western. Lots of fun with great characters.


BBC's Robin Hood is also fun. A little cheesy in places, but a nice diversion. :) There are two seasons of that out now.


Also, maybe some non-fiction series like "Dirty Jobs" from the Discovery Channel. Or "Mythbusters".


You mentioned not liking gory, so I thought I would chip in that Firefly had some pretty gory scenes, much as I loved the rest of it.


I LOVE the Robin Hood series. There 2 seasons out and a 3rd on tv now, I believe?


I haven't seen this, but the Children of Dune looked pretty good. Of course, I like nearly anything with James McAvoy in it.

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Firefly rules but there is a character who is a "companion" (wink wink nod nod) so I don't watch it with my dc yet. Space cowboys, it doesn't get any better than this.


What about Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Again, sorry Joss Whedon is my master now. :)

Campy, witty, funny, intelligent, occasionally hilarious, good clean fun. Sadly, mine are not 15 yet, and I still don't go there with them. I can't wait though.


The Stargate SG-1 series is one of our family favorites, we have plowed through all 11 seasons and still watch favorite episodes. BJ's has them for $17 a season. Season one, episode one has a very brief nude scene from the back. There has never been another moment in the whole series that bothered me though.

We also like Stargte Atlantis but not as much.


The Old cheesy Battlestar Galactica is a ball.


I loved V the series when it was on and I think it is available on dvd now.


Sorry, I am sure I can think of more but I am outta here this morning!

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I loved V the series when it was on and I think it is available on dvd now.



I grew up watching that as a kid! My cousins and I played the characters in my grandpa's fields all summer long. I've never heard of anyone else who even knew what I was talking about when I mentioned the show! High five!

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Monk is a hilarious series on USA with Tony Shaloub. He's a nuerotic detective. We love it and it's okay for the whole family. We miss it since we turned the dish off. Most of the espisodes are funny and light hearted.


My 15yo son loves Monk and Psych. They are both pretty clean. Seems like the first season of Monk had a few things I didn't like but the rest are great.

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Monk is a hilarious series on USA with Tony Shaloub. He's a nuerotic detective. We love it and it's okay for the whole family. We miss it since we turned the dish off. Most of the espisodes are funny and light hearted.


Monk is supposed to be on NBC on Sunday nights.

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Another vote for Dr. Who. My kids love watching it with their Dad.


I'm not a TV/Movie person, but I would recommend subscribing to Netflix if you are going to watch a lot of DVDs. It has been a much cheaper option than the local Blockbuster. I'm not sure what type of internet service you have (DSL here) but if it is fast enough, it is nice to be able to watch "instant play" movies and shows.

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