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I went to dinner and movies with friends last night.  Dinner was Cava salad/grains mix with flafel.  Did a ton of walking between places.  However, after the movie we were all starving and the only close place open was Cheesecake Factory.  Ugh.  I caved.  I was only going to eat 1/2 my cheesecake, but nope... scarfed that whole thing down.   I couldn't believe my scale was still down today.  


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Today is day number three of no sugar and I’M SO HUNGRY!

Sorry to yell, but honestly I just want to eat. I have eaten a fair amount of food today, but I am still hungry. I’m trying to drink a lot of water too, but I am wanting to munch. Because I’ve done this before, I know it’s normal. But it’s just not fun. 

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Posting today for yesterday. I did well though I ate a handful (1 serving) of Raisinets. I bought them in a weak moment when my grocery store had them on a BOGO sale. Still, I kept within my calorie limit and everything else I ate was healthy. I had homemade chicken noodle soup made with homemade broth I had in the freezer. Dh was working so it was just ds 21 and me. He's had a cold this week so I made the soup for him and enjoyed some of it myself.

I don't beat myself up for anything I eat and I don't ban anything. I even eat my favorite treat - ice cream! What I've done instead is change how much and how often I eat those empty calories. I do eat fairly healthy but I eat too large portions. Even healthy food will add the pounds or keep me from losing them if I don't eat reasonable portions. That's where weighing/measuring my food and counting calories has really made a difference for me. I was surprised to learn just how much I was really eating when I first started doing this.

Today is kind of weird. We're going to a show tonight (Hamilton!) and have to leave at 5:30 so we'll eat a simple early dinner around 4 or 4:30. Dh wants to get soup from the deli of one of our local grocery stores. I'll skip the broccoli cheddar that's one of the choices and go for one of the healthier soups they have today. The food at the theater is expensive and surprisingly not very good so I won't feel tempted there. I might get a glass of wine but if I do it will still be within my calorie limit for the day.

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Hugs, @Just Kate! This is a safe place to yell, so you go on ahead! 😉

When I'm craving something sweet, sometimes it helps me to have something with protein and a little fat, like some cheese. Or, I might have an Altoid, Tic-Tac, or piece of gum or drink something sweet but calorie-free or near-calorie free (I like Vitamin Water Zero or Crystal Light Pure). 

Wheat is my nemesis. I love it, but if I eat it, it makes me so much hungrier later. 

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Awesome job yesterday, @Lady Florida.! I don't ban anything either (except meat, poultry, and fish). I do weigh many things on a kitchen scale to control my portions. I hope you enjoy your show tonight!!!

I weigh myself every morning because I need that daily motivation and just accept that sometimes the numbers won't budge quickly or may even go up. I've been happy to see them go down some this week. I think weekly weighing is probably wiser, though. :blush:


Edited by MercyA
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8 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Posting today for yesterday. I did well though I ate a handful (1 serving) of Raisinets. I bought them in a weak moment when my grocery store had them on a BOGO sale. Still, I kept within my calorie limit and everything else I ate was healthy. I had homemade chicken noodle soup made with homemade broth I had in the freezer. Dh was working so it was just ds 21 and me. He's had a cold this week so I made the soup for him and enjoyed some of it myself.

I don't beat myself up for anything I eat and I don't ban anything. I even eat my favorite treat - ice cream! What I've done instead is change how much and how often I eat those empty calories. I do eat fairly healthy but I eat too large portions. Even healthy food will add the pounds or keep me from losing them if I don't eat reasonable portions. That's where weighing/measuring my food and counting calories has really made a difference for me. I was surprised to learn just how much I was really eating when I first started doing this.

Today is kind of weird. We're going to a show tonight (Hamilton!) and have to leave at 5:30 so we'll eat a simple early dinner around 4 or 4:30. Dh wants to get soup from the deli of one of our local grocery stores. I'll skip the broccoli cheddar that's one of the choices and go for one of the healthier soups they have today. The food at the theater is expensive and surprisingly not very good so I won't feel tempted there. I might get a glass of wine but if I do it will still be within my calorie limit for the day.


The Lil' Drumstick ice cream cones are I think 100-110 calories each, and they feel decadent! I sometimes buy bags of snack-size candy bars - Paydays are 90 calories, and Hershey's milk chocolate and Three Musketeers ones are about 66 calories. I honestly don't sweat a little sugar. It's better to eat 90% healthy and 10% junk than to try for 100% healthy and fall into a bag of cookies.

I also weigh everything - well, I eyeball the super low things like spinach, cucumbers, and celery.

My day was not so good. I had terrible cravings, which I think was my body's attempt to make up for a low day yesterday. It might also be that I started the day with an intense workout which can drive up my hunger. Despite drinking a protein shake and eating a bit more to satisfy the cravings in a healthy way, I still fell into a bag of cookies. I was kind of mad at myself, but I tracked everything and went on a walk. When I average out yesterday's total and today's total, the math works out. And tomorrow I will be more mindful.

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I'm in.  It's been a couple of years that I've been slowly working on losing 20 pounds.  I have 5 left to go and have been here for about 6 months.  Grrrrrrr! I'm ready to be there already. Mostly I've been focusing on cleaning up my diet: nutrient rich options, far less sugar, no snacks, portion control;  intermittent fasting; and actual fasting.  

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9 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:


 Yeah, I would have eaten it too and felt guilty later. I have to keep reminding myself that the pleasure of eating it is temporary while the calories and fat aren't. 😞

6 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

How often do you all weigh yourselves? 

Once a week. Monday, so I can start the week either feeling motivated to lose the pounds or thrilled there were fewer of them.

I made it past a couple of hurdles today. I was at Joann and was having trouble getting my app to work and I wanted those coupons. Nothing I tried got me in so I tried to reset it but still nothing. Called their customer service and waited 20 minutes on hold to find out the trouble was on their end. Whew! All that for a 50% coupon. 🙄 Normally with that level of frustration I would grab a snack and drink from the aisle while waiting in line. Nope didn't do it today. Breaking my arm trying to pay myself on the back.

Another hurdle was shopping at Walmart. I don't know what it is about Walmart but it about kills me not to buy a soda there. Didn't do it again, Yay me! Only another 8 hours to get through and it will be a good day. 

ETA: maintained the good eating plan for the day. I've already brushed my teeth for the night to discourage after dinner eating. 

Edited by stephanier.1765
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2 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

For those waiting ice cream-  enlightened makes these wonderful hot cocoa ice cream bars that good for protein and not high in calories.  No grainy taste like Halo ( Sorry, It tastes grainy to me). 

Did pretty well yesterday and I have made today’s move goal already.


Good job on your goals!

Do you happen to know if the ice cream bars are vegan? I know ice cream and vegan don't normally go together but one can always hope.

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32 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

For those wanting ice cream-  enlightened makes these wonderful hot cocoa ice cream bars that good for protein and not high in calories.  No grainy taste like Halo ( Sorry, It tastes grainy to me). 


Thanks. I'll see if any of my stores carry it. I tried Halo a few months ago and didn't like it. I like Skinny Cow.

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Enlightened is so good but it's super expensive (IMO) and rarely goes on sale.  I think they make dairy-free varieties in pints but it might be hard to find stores that stock them.  

I weigh myself once a week.  I don't like weighing myself because the numbers mess with my head no matter what they are.  

Doing well with food today and did some light exercise (two days since my carpal tunnel surgery).  I need to figure out a good balance of exercise that won't make me ravenous.  



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6 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Enlightened is so good but it's super expensive (IMO) and rarely goes on sale.  I think they make dairy-free varieties in pints but it might be hard to find stores that stock them.  

I weigh myself once a week.  I don't like weighing myself because the numbers mess with my head no matter what they are.  

Doing well with food today and did some light exercise (two days since my carpal tunnel surgery).  I need to figure out a good balance of exercise that won't make me ravenous.  



They run about 3.99-5.00 here.  BJs carries the chocolate peanut butter pints ( 3 pints for 12).  

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2 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

How often do you all weigh yourselves? I try to keep it to once a week. Any more often can get discouraging because I do sometimes fluctuate from day to day. I prefer to see weekly progress because it gives me more motivation.

I rarely weigh myself ( maybe once a month).  I go by how my clothes fit.  The scale depresses me as I don’t see progress as well as I do with how my clothes fit.  

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I weigh everyday but I have chosen Friday as my official day to mark weekly progress. I do weigh and track everyday just to see trends but gosh it is so frustrating. I understand the reasons the scale fluctuates and water retention and all of that but seeing the number go up when I am doing everything right is just so annoying. I try to go more by how my clothes fit and I know I am doing better that way. They jeans I am wearing to day are one of my regular pairs and they are noticeably looser. So I just have to take that.

I did get my exercise in today and am on track to do well with calories. I am really trying to change my mindset about the exercise. I find it helps me so much with my mood and energy level. It is remarkable the difference in how I feel on days I exercise. BUT- I really have always only been motivated by the numbers on the scale and the pants size. So keeping up the exercise even when I don't see progress with the numbers is hard. I really need to continue to frame my exercise as beneficial independent of my weight. Because when I am in bed in the morning debating whether I should get up and work out or stay in bed it is a struggle, especially with no measurable results. 

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7 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

I "liked" your post as a show of support only.  I am so sorry you struggle too.  It's awful isn't it?   I have given up any hope of ever "overcoming" it and just work on keeping as in check as possible (sometimes far more successfully than other times).  It is the reason I won't post what I eat daily. 


Thank you!  Yes, it's sad and has stolen so much of my life.  I'm sorry you struggle, too.  I wouldn't wish ED on my worst enemy.  Like you, I don't see myself ever fully recovering but just keep trying to reduce it and lessen its impact on my life and relationships. I hesitated to even read this check-in (let alone post) because I worried about how it would make me feel. 

BTW, someone posted about the Red Rose dessert teas.  I love them, too!  I gave a bunch to my sons as Christmas gifts and they are really enjoying them.


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4 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:


That's where weighing/measuring my food and counting calories has really made a difference for me. I was surprised to learn just how much I was really eating when I first started doing this.



I just discovered this.  I was measuring but my TBS became heaping TBS and then overflowing heaping TBS and I didn't realize I was eating around three times what I thought I was eating!  Oops!  Hope you enjoy Hamilton!  



3 hours ago, ondreeuh said:



 It might also be that I started the day with an intense workout which can drive up my hunger. 


I really struggle with this.  I exercise a lot and then I'm starving all the time.  When I'm forced to take rest days or cut back on my workouts I find that I'm not nearly as hungry and weight loss is actually easier.  But I love exercising and want to do it for the physical/mental benefits so I have to figure out what I can do that won't increase my hunger so much.


1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:


I am really trying to change my mindset about the exercise. I find it helps me so much with my mood and energy level. It is remarkable the difference in how I feel on days I exercise. BUT- I really have always only been motivated by the numbers on the scale and the pants size. So keeping up the exercise even when I don't see progress with the numbers is hard. I really need to continue to frame my exercise as beneficial independent of my weight. Because when I am in bed in the morning debating whether I should get up and work out or stay in bed it is a struggle, especially with no measurable results. 


Can you just tell yourself you have to exercise for a minimum amount of time and can stop after that?  I've heard that works well for others and that they almost always keep going and are glad they started.  I just tell myself it has to be done - like brushing my teeth or showering.  It's just part of my daily routine.  



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3 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

It is nice to have someone understand (though I so wish you didn't understand....then you wouldn't be living it too).  Like you, it has stolen so much of my life.   Honestly, I couldn't even begin to tell you what a "normal" eating pattern would be.  I know "my normal" but I am positive that isn't considered normal in any sense of the word.   I have been all over the eating disorder map too, which just adds another layer to the misery.  It is simply a matter of which disorder is ruling the day, you know?   I'm glad you checked this thread and am truly glad you reached out and shared.   Luckily I have never been triggered by what I read so I am safe on these types of threads.  But I can easily see how someone else may not be okay.  We are roughly the same age, I admit that I thought I was way too darn old to STILL be dealing with eating disorders,  I guess when they take root when we are so young, they are harder to overcome.


I know exactly what you mean about it being comforting to have someone understand but you wish they didn't because that means they have the same awful issues.  Like you, I've been all over the eating disorder map - anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive overeating, and compulsive exercising.  I've been everywhere from underweight to obese.  I'm lucky that my DH has been incredibly supportive through it all but he really doesn't get it at all.  He is naturally thin and never ever thinks about what he's eating and how it's going to affect his body weight/size.  Eating disorders are so complex - on the surface it looks easy to stop but they are not.  I think of it as an addiction/obsession. 


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6 minutes ago, Kassia said:


I just discovered this.  I was measuring but my TBS became heaping TBS and then overflowing heaping TBS and I didn't realize I was eating around three times what I thought I was eating!  Oops!  Hope you enjoy Hamilton!  




I really struggle with this.  I exercise a lot and then I'm starving all the time.  When I'm forced to take rest days or cut back on my workouts I find that I'm not nearly as hungry and weight loss is actually easier.  But I love exercising and want to do it for the physical/mental benefits so I have to figure out what I can do that won't increase my hunger so much.



Can you just tell yourself you have to exercise for a minimum amount of time and can stop after that?  I've heard that works well for others and that they almost always keep going and are glad they started.  I just tell myself it has to be done - like brushing my teeth or showering.  It's just part of my daily routine.  



Yes! That does work. Actually once I am out of bed and have my workout clothes on I’m definitely going to work out. I used to get up and piddle around awhile before I got going but switching to putting on my workout stuff down to my shoes right after I got out of bed has made a big difference. I do tell myself I can quit after a certain time but I never do.

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Nightly check-in--I managed another day without snacking.  Down a couple pounds, which is nice, though my measurements don't seem to be that different.  I really only record on my official measure/weigh day, which is about once a month, day 10 of my cycle.  That seems to be when I have the least amount of hormonal poofiness, lol.  I had a good strength training workout, which made me hungry while making supper, but I distracted myself with a cup of herbal tea with honey.  By the way, I'm eating so much salad because I'm just absolutely craving my salad dressing right now, not because I'm super virtuous or anything.

Breakfast: salad with olives, cheese, hemp oil dressing, and pepitas (supposed to have bacon too, but I burned it, ugh!)

Lunch: Salad with leftover roasted veggies, homemade oven-fried popcorn chicken, hemp oil dressing, and a sprinkle of pistachios

Supper: Crispy baked pork chop with orzo primavera (orzo simmered with chicken broth, veggies, parm)

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I made it within my calorie range again today. I’ve done well this week. Tomorrow is my weigh in day so we’ll see. I’m not going to let it derail me though. The scale doesn’t really reflect my efforts or how I feel. Would be nice to not gain though!

I am tracking on MFP and finding I am eating very few carbs. I think that is helping with hunger and cravings. But I refuse to say I am low carb because that feels too restrictive. Haha. The games I play with myself. 

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@Kassia and @peacelovehomeschooling, thank you for sharing a little bit about your struggles. I haven't experienced what you have, but I do have severe OCD so I know how hard it is to overcome these things. Hugs to you both. If there's anything we need to be sensitive about posting here, please just let us know!

Welcome, @Homeschool Mom in AZ!!! So glad to have you. 

Well done today, all! I'm about 80 calories over my goal at 1480. I'm not thrilled about it, but not beating myself up either. My downfall today was gluten-free crackers. They weren't even that good! They were just salty and carb-y, you know? Also I felt a little panicky a couple times. I'm not sure if it was hunger or blood sugar or what. BUT--I am not eating as much in response to stress or just for pleasure and I feel good about that. I've actually been going to bed about an hour earlier since I'm not snacking as much!

As for my other goals, I finished the cleaning I wanted to do today (dusting) and also finished up yesterday's cleaning (last two bathrooms). Whoot!

See you tomorrow! ❤️

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My SIL and I are doing Jessica Smith's January challenge, in case any one wants to join us. Hey, punctuality isn't my strongest suit. http://jessicasmithtv.com/2019-january-challenge/

This 13-month weight/fitness/nutrition odyssey I've been on has been a trip (get it? LOL). I have never thought about food as much as I do now. It takes up a lot of my brain space. But to be honest, I always have to have a hobby that fills my thoughts in my down time. It used to be curriculum, so I'm spending a lot less money now. I can see how it can easily lead to disordered thinking. I scolded my husband for baking a ton of cookies (which I ate) when I have clearly told him several times to only bake a small amount because having a bunch of cookies in the house sets me up for failure (homemade cookies have a siren song, and I can't eat just one). My kids were like, "Wait, you're yelling at dad for something that you did?" Yes, yes I am. It's complicated. I also scolded him for buying 2% milk instead of skim when I clearly wrote skim on the list. To me, the line between being in control and being out of control is thin, at least when it comes to toll house cookies.

Anyone have some good books on food/health/nutrition? Last year I read Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss, and that helped motivate me to eat well. I'm not interested in following a restrictive diet like Keto, but I might still like a book about a specific diet as long as it's based on real science and doesn't tout a diet or schedule as the One True Way. I don't have any chronic health conditions or digestive issues I'm trying to fix; I'm more interested in getting re-energized to fuel my body well nutritionally.

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Hello all. I've been reading along and finally decided to sign back in. A book I just read that I liked washttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B074H9QLV1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_5o.uCbM62M3XT

It's very irreverent and a bit sweary, but she has a degree in biochemistry and a Master's from a very good university in nutrition.

I'm working on the post menopausal, still dealing with my mother kilos. I'm not counting calories, just doing vaguely South Beach: tons of less-starchy veg and a good amount of lean protein with healthy fats. I'll be adding in whole grains and pulses over time. I'm losing about half a kilo a week, with my goal being around three more kilos lost. I anticipate it being harder to lose the last bit of weight. I weigh most mornings but don't worry about fluctuations.


Breakfast veggie frittata

Snack small handful of peanuts and two cups of raw veg

Lunch left over lean pork with cumin, coriander and paprika in an eggplant and silken tofu sauce with roast cauliflower

Snack lettuce with yoghurt and mustard dip

Supper venison meatballs in bell pepper sauce with roast zucchini and steamed broccoli.

Plus lots of tea with milk.


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@teachermom2834, I had similar feelings this morning when I looked at my scale. Let's just keep at it.

I think it was Pawz4me who shared this Chinese proverb on another thread: "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still." We are moving forward by continuing to work at this, even if our weight changes slowly or holds steady.

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1 hour ago, MercyA said:

@teachermom2834, I had similar feelings this morning when I looked at my scale. Let's just keep at it.

I think it was Pawz4me who shared this Chinese proverb on another thread: "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still." We are moving forward by continuing to work at this, even if our weight changes slowly or holds steady.

Yes. And even at this snails pace I would be ten pounds lighter next year and feel in control of my food. But if I give up I can put on 50 pounds easily by this time next year and feel awful. So it isn’t really a 10 pound swing...because I would surely just keep gaining if I wasn’t working at it. 

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It was an okay day. I didn't have a salad for lunch like I should have but had leftovers instead. They looked too good to wait for dinner so I thought I'll just have a salad for dinner. By the time dinner rolled around, I felt too lazy to bother with it. Instead I had a peanut butter sandwich, strawberries, baby carrots and an apple. Eating like a 5 year old. LOL

So no major slips to affect my weight but no good moves to affect it either. I call the day a draw.


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Yesterday was a wash but I've done well today. I still have a little over 300 calories left in my daily allowance so I can still have a snack if I feel I just can't resist. I bought Girl Scout cookies from my great-niece and they keep taunting me. I was happy to see that a serving of thin mints is 4 cookies. I can easily be satisfied with 2 cookies and feel like I had a win by only having half a serving. 

I'm also glad dh will happily eat salad for dinner. We usually add hard boiled eggs or leftover meat to give it some protein. I make a basic salad and he adds a bunch more stuff to his. 

18 hours ago, ondreeuh said:

My SIL and I are doing Jessica Smith's January challenge, in case any one wants to join us. Hey, punctuality isn't my strongest suit. http://jessicasmithtv.com/2019-january-challenge/


I love Jessica Smith videos. 

18 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Hello all. I've been reading along and finally decided to sign back in. A book I just read that I liked washttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B074H9QLV1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_5o.uCbM62M3XT

It's very irreverent and a bit sweary, but she has a degree in biochemistry and a Master's from a very good university in nutrition.


Good to see you again @Laura Corin. That book looks good. I"m all about the science. My library doesn't have it in either print or ebook but it looks like something I might want to own. 


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I love Jessica Smith, too.  

Good day for me.  Feels weird to reduce my workouts so much but it's nice to not be starving all the time and I'm definitely eating a lot less.  Will have to be careful as I increase the intensity and duration of my workouts as I heal from surgery so I don't get out of control hungry.  I've been sitting around too much, though, and feel like I need to be moving more.  


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I broke my regular fast this morning with a small bowl of Greek yogurt, diced tart cherries, and a high protein, low sugar granola topping.
No snack between breakfast and lunch.
I knew I was going to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A, so I ordered a #2 meal and only ate half of the fries, half of the sandwich, and half of the soda, then I cleared all my lunch stuff and threw it in the trash, came back and chatted with youngest while she ate the rest of her meal.
No snack between lunch and dinner.
I had a chicken fajita and Mexican vegetable soup for dinner.
I had 3 girl scout cookies for dessert. (2 Lemonades and 1 chocolate peanut butter.)
I gave into temptation at 9pm and broke my intermittent fast (no eating after 7pm) but it was 2 tangerines, so it was small and nutritious.

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36 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Yesterday was a wash but I've done well today. I still have a little over 300 calories left in my daily allowance so I can still have a snack if I feel I just can't resist. I bought Girl Scout cookies from my great-niece and they keep taunting me. I was happy to see that a serving of thin mints is 4 cookies. I can easily be satisfied with 2 cookies and feel like I had a win by only having half a serving. 

 I like the way you think! 😂

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46 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

 I can easily be satisfied with 2 cookies and feel like I had a win by only having half a serving. 



Funny how people are so different.  Eating two cookies would set me off on a sugar binge.  I never feel satisfied after eating 2 cookies or 20.  

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5 minutes ago, Kassia said:


Funny how people are so different.  Eating two cookies would set me off on a sugar binge.  I never feel satisfied after eating 2 cookies or 20.  

Well that's because cookies are just okay to me. Ice cream is a different story. Most ice cream brands say a serving is 1/2 cup. Me trying to eat only 1/2 cup of ice cream would be like you trying to eat only 2 cookies.

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I hope it's okay if I jump in. 

My plan:

I am starting No Sugar today - Feb 1.  I'm going for 45 days sugar free and on plan eating, along with drinking more water.

I also am planning to walk outside 5 days a week. In the sunshine, even in the cold.  Mostly just for getting some air and starting a habit, not for weight loss. I'm thinking about bringing my walking shoes and walking when I get off of work (1pm week days).  My job is right near a nice walking path, but I'd probably need to change clothes and I'm not sure about doing that...

I can only access WTM on the computer, so I'll plan to check in here when I can!  

Today was a good start - no sugar and I stuck to my food plan! We ordered pizza, and I picked it up so I could also get a to-go salad from the salad bar!! I did not eat pizza!!  I also drank plenty of water.  Yay for a good start to February.

I'm using reminders on my phone and the "Strides" app to track my habits.

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@WendyLady, so happy to have you join us! Welcome! 

I love reading the updates from all of you. It makes my heart happy. And @stephanier.1765, your dinner sounds great to me! 

I did pretty well today, only 27 calories over my goal. And I did my vacuuming. The scale has been very steady the past couple days. I hope I see a little drop tomorrow!

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Hi, can I join in?

My work schedule doesn’t let me check in every day, but I do read along as best I can. I’ll try to post a couple of times a week.

I began my weight loss journey in Jan 2015 and lost 120 lbs over 2 years. Then I joined a very intensive internship as part of grad school along with academic employment for the tuition reimbursement and fell into poor eating habits due to stress and lack of time. I’ve gained about 20 lbs back.  Not terrible but definitely not ideal. 

So I’ve finally settled into my post grad school life and have lost about 6 lbs. I lose weight very slowly, sometimes around 1/2 lb a week. I’d like to finish losing that 20 I’ve gained plus a bonus 10. 

Low carb works for me. 

I weigh every day because I have a Fitbit Aria scale and I LOVE watching/analyzing/obsessing over the graph on my Fitbit dashboard. 

Jessica Smith and Peanut are my best friends. She can have all of money. Seriously! 

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On 1/31/2019 at 9:37 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

@ondreeuh.  What do you put in your protein balls? 

Like several of you,  I don't put any food off-limits (as long as it is vegan).  I have a very long history of disordered eating/eating disorders (starting at age 16...sigh) and I have learned that forbidding anything will just backfire on me.  

My daughter has been begging me to start making muffins from our new vegan muffin recipe book.   I finally made a batch of gingerbread (her request) ones today.  In the jumbo muffin tin (again, at her request).   I ate one....see previous paragraph about not forbidding anything.  I automatically went for one more.  However,  about 2 small bites into it, I knew I didn't like it enough for me to continue to eat it.   I gave it to my daughter and didn't eat anymore of it.   While I could be mad at myself for eating that huge calorie filled sugar bomb,  I am proud of the fact I didn't eat a second one, and I am not the least bit tempted to eat any of the rest of them.  In fact, I portioned them out for my husband and daughter.  I am done with them.   Maybe in my rapidly approaching old age I am finally learning how to eat?  Who knows, but today was a victory!

The rest of my eating today has been very good.   I lost some more this morning (yay, officially 10 pounds to go) and hope that the giant muffin doesn't hurt me too much tomorrow morning!



I made these https://hungryhobby.net/peanutbutter-protein-balls/ but I won’t make them again. For the calories (65) it wasn’t filling enough at all. I can get a protein One bar for 90 cal that tastes better and is more filling. 

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I tried the first video for the January challenge and bailed on it. I love the Walk In videos but for some reason hate hardcore strength training. They feel like punishment to my body. Do I switched to a HIIT mile workout  

I have been super dizzy lately (when I stand up). It has happened before and is probably related to electrolytes. So I did another 15 min workout in the afternoon but lounged around most of the evening. I drank a couple sports drinks and maybe that helped. Hopefully I feel perkier today. 

I made a super yummy veggie lasagna last night and made zucchini soup as a starter. We all loved it. I need to make starter soups more often. We’re not big salad fans, but soups are filling and tasty! I just cooked up zucchini, onions, and garlic in chicken broth, puréed it, and stirred in some fat-free yogurt and salt. Tonight I’m doing the same but with celery root. Tomorrow can be carrot. 

Yesterday I stuck to my calorie budget but felt like I snacked all day. I’ve pre-tracked today’s food, including a Whooper Jr. (310) if we go on base for lunch. I plan to bring Popchips (100) and skip the fries. 

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@Lady Florida.- that book's a quick, fun read. Don't spend lots on it. I got it for £1.99 on Kindle. @Big Buckin' Longhorn does your Aria scale work well? Is the percentage fat option worth using? My current Aldi scale is fine for weight but no longer does anything else. The reviews of the Aria are mixed online, with lots of connectivity complaints.

Yesterday went well. I'm now down this week's half kilo.

Edited by Laura Corin
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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

@Lady Florida.- that book's a quick, fun read. Don't spend lots on it. I got it for £1.99 on Kindle. @Big Buckin' Longhorn does your Aria scale work well? Is the percentage fat option worth using? My current Aldi scale is fine for weight but no longer does anything else. The reviews of the Aria are mixed online, with lots of connectivity complaints.

Yesterday went well. I'm now down this week's half kilo.

@Laura Corin  I’ve had my Aria for about 5 years without any trouble. I feel it’s accurate. It reads very close to other scales I get on.

I like that Spouse and I use the same scale and it recognizes us individually. My metrics show up in my dashboard and his metrics show up on his. We can’t see each other’s at all.  I haven’t upgraded to the newest model, because the darn things are expensive.

I have a love-hate relationship with Fitbit overall. I have had 3 separate trackers break being used exactly as designed. They have excellent customer service, but need to make more excellent products. I’m addicted to the data they provide.  

So here I am. 

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