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My newest grandbaby has arrived!!


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Last Tuesday, May 22nd, my youngest daughter gave birth to my newest (#6) grandbaby! His presentation was asynclitic, and she just would not progress past about 5. Pitocin was negatively affecting him, so she had to have a c-section. She was 11 days past her due date. We knew he was posterior, but did not know he was asynclitic. Had she known ahead of time, there may have been additional things she could do to get him to engage, but we are grateful he is here and he (and she) are both healthy!

He weighed in at 7-11, dropped to 6-15 by Friday, and today, at his first weigh-in since leaving the hospital, was back to 7-10! We knew he was nursing plenty, and getting enough based on the volumes of wet/poo diapers, but my daughter felt very relieved and thankful he had such a good gain. All weights were done completely naked, so we know they were accurate.

This is my daughter that has had multiple early losses, and a lot of ladies on this forum prayed for her early in this pregnancy. I’m beyond thrilled for her that he is here safe and sound (and he is oh so beautiful)!!

Just wanted to share!

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1 hour ago, Arctic Mama said:

My first baby was asynclitic and they didn’t realize it before they broke my water (after a bunch of failed inductions and failure to progress) and that was also a c section for me (though I had a bunch of VBACs afterward ? ) .  It’s no fun but only preventable if they can reposition baby before they’re engaged, which a lot of OBs don’t even seem to check for. Hugs and solidarity from me to her on that one!


That’s great rebound on the weight gain, what a good little nurser!  Congratulations to her and the entire family!

Same story here, except they knew the baby was asyncltic but the idiot I had attending me had no idea what to do about it other than try to force the baby through harder, which caused issues as it did with your daughter. Sigh. I had another asynclitic one but we knew to try to reposition, etc, and I had a successful VBAC. 

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Thank you all. So good to hear about successful VBACs afterward. I mean I had a c-section and VBACs, including a homebirth, but my c-section was for different reasons.

Knowing what we know, we will definitely be on top of that in any subsequent pregnancies so she could work with the positioning changes ahead of time.

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